Pendulum Type Action – Guest Post…

A delightful guest post on The Story Reading Ape’s blog by Craig Boyack on writing short-form fiction…

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

Thanks to The Story Reading Ape for this incredible opportunity to run four monthly articles on his website. The big question is what exactly to use this space for. Quite honestly, I do want people to buy my books, but I am the brand and will stick with that for a few paragraphs.

One of my great loves is short form fiction. These can be micro-fiction, short stories, even novellas. I grew up reading these, and was saddened when they nearly died out.

In hindsight it’s easy to see. Short form was the preference of magazines and newspapers. If you look back far enough some of our classic fiction came from those media, and not what we call novels. Sherlock Holmes came to light this way.

When the Internet took control of our lives, most of the paper media faded away. We get our news online, or on television. Magazines…

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