“I Love You” . . . Why Are We So Afraid to Say It? – Guest Post…

The Story Reading Ape has kindly granted me a guest post on his magnificent and magnanimous blog. Thank you, Chris. You’re a gem in the blogosphere. Would it embarrass you very much if I told you that I love you? ❤

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog


Image is courtesy of Lucie Stastkova

LuSt 4 ART

My sisters and most of my friends and I regularly tell each other “I love you.”  I usually speak the phrase freely and easily but have noticed over my life that many have difficulty receiving as well as speaking the sentiment.  I wonder why that is . . .

I think many of us are afraid of what “I Love You” might imply.  Certainly it depends on who is saying it and in what context.  A lot of us have received salacious messages from people we’ve friended on social networks, and that is never comfortable — nor is it appropriate.  And it most definitely isn’t love.  But lust is an entirely different subject and not fodder for this post.

Among true friends, why are we so afraid to speak our hearts?  Do we think the sentiment might be misconstrued?  Instead of…

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