Miami Morning, a Contemporary Novel – Guest Post…

Mary Clark guest posts on The Story Reading Ape and tells us a little about her book, Miami Morning. “Teaching is, as Mary Clark clearly informs us in her novel, not simply a job but a vocation, a calling that requires a special awareness of society and of the community that is required to raise a child. Here is a well-deserved paean to those who make a difference.”

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog


I began writing Miami Morning after a visit to the city, and to Miami Beach, in 2006. The rhythms and pace of life captivated me. It seemed to me to be a good place to set my story of modern urban life. The wide range of income levels and education, the issues of technology and the environment, and mix of cultures and gender identities, are among the current issues in our society. How could this be handled with dignity and fairness? I believe that each of us is seeking the good. My main character, Leila Payson, is a compassionate, thinking woman who takes on these issues. She doesn’t see the world through rose-colored glasses, but she also refuses to give up hope for the good in people.

In her twenties she works as a teacher in South Africa for a year. There she meets the amazing Baruti, an occupational therapist…

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