Basics Every Indie Author Needs Before Publishing a Book – Guest Post…

Yecheilyah Ysrayl is The Story Reading Ape’s guest today, discussing the difference between a writer and an author, as well as outlining the 3 basics every aspiring author should do before publishing a book: Investment, Author Platform, Social Media. As most of us know who have been at it a while, these are 3 staples for the published author as well. Are you a writer or an author?

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

Blog Post 2

When I published my first book, I didn’t see my writing as a business. It was just me doing what I’ve always wanted to do. However, as I began to learn and as I continue to learn, I quickly discovered why Self-Publishing requires so much work: It’s a business.

That doesn’t take away from the fun of it, but the realization did help me to become more organized. I quickly learned why no one was buying: I wasn’t working! Writing is working, technically, and I was doing plenty of that. However, I was not working on the skill of writing, researching my industry, understanding tips to help me to write better books, promoting, marketing, and everything in-between. I was writing, sure. But the business of writing? I didn’t even know it existed. I was a writer and that was all. When I got into the business of writing however, that’s…

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