Addiction and The Power of Letting Go – Guest Post…

A heartfelt “Thank You” to Chris The Story Reading Ape for guesting me on his blog. You’re the bees knees, Chris; the cat’s meow. Or perhaps I should say, the ape’s bananas. Not quite an analogy, but much more delicious 🙂 Chris has hosted many authors over the past 4 months, giving us exposure for our books leading up to the holidays. Aside from being an ape of the highest quality (King of the Jungle ~ the lion has nothing on him), he is an honorable man with a big heart. I know he’s probably blushing under his fur right now, but his praises can’t be sung high enough. Thank you, Chris, for all you do, all you give, and all you are 

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog


Image is courtesy of Lucie Stastkova

LuSt 4 ART

You’re extremely disgusted with an old habit. You’re ranting. You’re pacing. You’re regurgitating. You’re spent. You pick yourself up from the floor, dry your tears, and swear on your life that this is the last time. You throw away all accouterments, all paraphernalia, all reminders of the loathed and dreaded addiction. You make it through the day with firm resolve. Then you awaken the following morning with an insatiable craving. You recall your commitment and fight doggedly not to give in. You argue with yourself. You become frustrated. The stress grows into a pressing mass in your belly. Then suddenly… a comforting thought: One more day won’t hurt! You acquiesce. You give in. And the roller coaster ride begins…

A teacher once told me that the masters, the avatars, often carry an addiction in order to stay in form — to…

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