Meet Guest Author Gem Stone…

Gem Stone is a guest on The Story Reading Ape, and she tells us she’s an author who never dreamed of being a writer. I call that a first! She’s brutally honest about this and almost everything else in her life ~ including her husband. What a sense of humor! I loved this post. You might not have dreamed of being a writer, Gem, but a writer you are! And as a sideline, might I suggest stand-up comedy? 😊

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

You know that woman in the supermarket who sits behind the till smiling? She always remembers your name and knows what you buy every week?

That’s me.


I’m always happy and look like I really enjoy my job and on those three days a year where I don’t have to serve a single idiot all day, I actually do.

Now, I know you’re expecting me to say. “But I always dreamed of being an author.”

Well, that’s not correct. I didn’t dream of being an author. But I did have ideas, lots and lots of them, I just didn’t think about writing them down until last year.

I remember it clearly. I was lying in bed with my husband; he was talking about… something. I can’t remember what. He tends to drone on so I just zone out after a while. But at some point I said, “I have all…

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