Rejection: the Ultimate Teacher – Guest Post by author Tina Frisco…

Thank you to Chris Graham, The Story Reading Ape, for hosting me on his blog and for his steadfast support of authors 💖

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog


Image courtesy of Lucie Stastkova

LuSt 4 ART

Rejection comes in many forms, from many places, and is very painful. What makes rejection so devastating? What causes us to react in a particular way? How can we use rejection to our advantage?

On a purely instinctual level, rejection threatens to extinguish our life force by depriving us of vital nourishment. No being can truly thrive without some measure of love and acceptance.

Rejection devastates when we attach our personal worth to someone or something outside of ourselves. Feeling worthy only when liked and accepted by those with whom we engage sets the stage for rejection.

When feeling disliked or ignored by another, it’s wise to step back and view that person’s behavior as a mirror our own subconscious. Often the things we don’t like in ourselves are reflected back to us by others, giving us an opportunity to examine what…

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4 thoughts on “Rejection: the Ultimate Teacher – Guest Post by author Tina Frisco…”

    1. I thought I was following you, Noelle, until I last visited your blog and noticed I wasn’t. But several people I’m sure I was following have disappeared from my reader at various times, and I’ve had to re-follow. There’s no telling what that WP Grinch will do! At least now we know we’re connected, and hopefully it will stay that way. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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