Andrew Joyce

Creation Myth

Andrew Joyce shares his Creation Myth. I like Andrew’s take on the genesis of creation, because it posits that each piece of creation is “a part of the entity we call God, not apart from It.” In other words: Together, we constitute The Divine; and if any one part is diminished, so is the whole of us …

Andrew Joyce

godEvery culture has a creation myth. Ours is that the world was created in six days and the first humans were Adam and Eve. The Apache Indians have Changing Woman who was impregnated by the sun and gave birth to Nayé Nazghane, Slayer Of Monsters. The Norse people have Odin and Ymir … the Ancient Greeks, Gaia. But I would like to tell you guys how we really got here, and why. If you like, you may call this Andrew’s creation myth.

Long, long ago, in a place of no time and no space, existed an entity. As far as The Entity knew, It just was, and always had been. Before the universe we inhabit existed, before time existed, before space existed, It was. Within The Entity were the powers of creativity and It knew of their existence, but the ways to produce them were unknown to It. The entity…

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9 thoughts on “Creation Myth”

  1. Thank you Tina for this reblog.. I went along to Andrews post and left him a message..
    I hope you are feeling better my friend.. I know my aches have returned this past couple of weeks.. My energy batteries have felt depleted.. Plus co-incidentally, batteries in my home have gone flat.. and are not retaining their charges for long..

    Wishing you a Happy Full Moon.. ❤

    The energies at the moment are changing rapidly.. Something is changing.. The heart-beat of our Earth Mother speeded up for a time.. And those Pods of Whales beaching themselves in NZ.. The inside of the pyramids heating up..
    Signs we should all be paying attention to.. As well as our inner guidance..

    Much love Tina…<3 take care of you..
    Sue xxx

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    1. You’re welcome, Sue. I, too, noticed the energy shift. How validating that the batteries in your home have gone flat. The beaching of whales is always an omen. But this time, I have great hope for humankind. Our global consciousness is now elevated to a point where we not only recognize the need for positive change, but also are taking action to that end. The worldwide women’s marches have stirred the cauldron, and our energy is matching that of the pyramids. I’m so glad you mentioned the pyramids; they are ancient batteries erected by our cosmic ancestors to help ignite and sustain our growing awareness.

      The impending death of the patriarchy has certainly stirred things up! Fortunate for us that we’ve reached a level of consciousness where we can meet its last stand for survival with nonviolent resistance. I think many are paying attention, Sue, to both the internal and external conscience. Even if some are not fully aware of the significance of the Earth and cosmic changes, we’re uniting under the banner of love and tolerance for diversity.

      I’m so grateful we’ve met in this lifetime, dear friend. Sending love and hugs 💛💚

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      1. Yes.. I believe we are seeing now a coming together of energies Tina.. and like you I have Great Hope for Mankind as more are awakening to what is happening and to her/his inner guidance.. More compassion is being generated and Unity.. Mass Consciousness only needs to tip slightly in one favour and I See how LOVE and Tolerance is held high .. The Woman’s March a great turning point across the world showing Unity and Oneness..

        I am happy, and Know my own energies are only an adjustment as I align within the flow.. And today the morning after the Full Moon, it is alike a weight lifted… I hope you also feel this..
        Sending Much love your way Tina..
        Love and warm hugs xx ❤

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        1. I’m so glad you mentioned the weight lifting, Sue. The world outside looked different today ~ the energy looked different. I’d only seen this once before, and I remember it well. It was 1989. Something shifted then as it is shifting now. Your comment is so validating. Thank you, sweet friend. Love and hugs 💕

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          1. Yes it was in those early days too for me, I was well into my Spiritual Path that opened up in the 90’s to then take me to another place in 94 as my energy collapsed in a breakdown to then begin another new path of discovering who I was.. When I think about my own major shifts.. They come around every 7 yrs.. 🙂
            This time I really feel as if we are on the Cusp of real Changes.. As I see so many now embracing truth.. And being true to themselves.. ❤ xxx Much Love back.. xx ❤

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