Patrick A. Roland

Meet Guest Author, Patrick A. Roland…

Patrick A. Roland had been the victim of pranks, slurs, beatings, and deadly games all of his life. His self-esteem was nonexistent, and he increasingly yearned to die. At the age of 40, he nearly realized this desire, but providence intervened. Visit The Story Reading Ape‘s blog and read about Patrick’s excruciating journey through darkness and emergence into light…

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

My name is Patrick A. Roland. I am a bi-polar, alcoholic, drug addict widow who is sober happy and healthy.

I use these powerful, stigma-filled words and identify myself in the brave and powerful way I do because I am taking my life back. If I own who I am, I can no longer be undone and broken by others in the way that I have been all my life before I boldly and loudly proclaimed my truth. I am no longer a victim of my past. I am now a survivor, dancing swiftly and joyfully into a future filled with possibility.

I’m doing what I do to save myself and others like me from the pain and hurt caused by name calling and abuse. I am beautifully broken and perfectly imperfect and I don’t care if you know it. I am not afraid of who I am, and it…

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