The Militant Negro

IF The Militant Negro™ Reblogs Your Post

Mr. MN, The Militant Negro, shares his thoughts on people who do not understand the finer points of blogging. He is candid. He pulls no punches. He is also generous and compassionate. One has only to read a post such as Fighting ALL Injustice to recognize his open heart ❤ #Recommended


I thought the time is right to inform those bloggers NOT familiar with my blogs mission statement, to issues one. Seems to be some confusion as to why I reblog other bloggers content. So I’ll be brief and then go into much detail. 

Me being brief……… Because I want to reblog other bloggers content. And WORSTPRESS agrees with me, it’s a right of other WORSTPRESS clients to reblog.

Me going into detail……… I have learned over the years that The Arts may well be the only thing that keeps humanity from becoming extinct. Our current world leaders are all insane, every last one of them. Planning nuclear annihilation, allowing mass murder by well armed insane civilians, and just being greedy dickheads.

The Militant Negro

My way to help society and humanity survive the likes of Dumbass Trump and his buddies on Capital Hill, is to support and market all things connected to The Arts. My way of accomplishing this is to share, reblog and Press This of all content by “worthy” WORSTPRESS bloggers. Now oddly enough, WORSTPRESS agrees with me by allowing me to reblog, share and Press This of any bloggers content I choose.

If you happen to be in the minority of bloggers who do not comprehend what share, reblog or Press This actually is or how that all works…pull up a chair, get a cup of flavored coffee or get a drink and come on back…..I’ll attempt to explain, in my own way.

About 5 years ago WORSTPRESS did the only thing, in my opinion, right in the 7 years I have been using their platform to host my blog. Why am I still here if I hate WORSTPRESS so? Because the plethora of bloggers, whom I love and respect, are here at WORSTPRESS and my leaving removes them from my bloggersphere.

Back to the purpose of this post……. WORSTPRESS started allowing bloggers to reblog other bloggers who were a part of the WORSTPRESS community. It was and is a brilliant concept to help blogs get visitors and followers. Brilliant. The idea is if a blogger likes the published content of another fellow blogger, that blogger can share that content of that other blogger. Confused? Don’t be. If YOU like something a WORSTPRESS blog/blogger publishes on his/her blog, you can share it on YOUR blog.

It’s pretty simple. You just click a sharing button found on your blog and the reblogging, sharing is done for you. You don’t have to do a thing but click the “Reblog” button that is on the very blog you use everytime you publish a blog post. Can it be any simpler?

Continue reading . . . 

Source: IF The Militant Negro™ Reblogs Your Post….. – The Militant Negro™

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