War: What Are We Doing to Our Children?

War has no conscience. War has no identifiable face. War is a vast money machine conceived of a lust for power and control, birthing fear and fostering ignorance of its clandestine motives.

War garners lucrative profits for the world’s handful of multi-billionaires who sit behind their exotic-wooden desks in their predominant international banks. War wreaks death and devastation upon the other 7+ billion of the world’s population.

War is never a necessity. Bred of fear and propaganda, war is shoved down our throats as the only available alternative. And many of us accept this without question. We need to wake up and look at who is doing the force-feeding  → the money mongers who grow fat and wealthy on our fear and ignorance; the greedy who keep us fighting each other in order to divert our attention away from their heinous intentions and deeds.

Out of fear, many of us turn a blind eye to the consequences of war. But the children who live through war are unable to indulge such a luxury. What legacy are we leaving them? Do we even care? Do we care about our planet and our children seven generations from now? Do we care about our sisters and brothers across the globe, or are we so busy and stressed that all we can see and focus on is our immediate environment?

My experience has taught me that the immediate becomes the extended becomes the global. Whether we choose to accept or not accept it, all that we do or do not do has a global effect. Like electricity, the energy of thought and deed shoots across the globe at lightning speed. And nonaction has the same pervasive effect.

If we find that we can’t bring ourselves to watch these videos, perhaps we need to ask ourselves what causes us to turn away. If we find these videos disturbing, perhaps we need to find a way to take positive action toward resolving the unchecked fear and hatred in the world.

One thing is certain: If we do nothing to counteract and transmute the fear and hatred devastating our planet and consuming our inherent goodness, we will find ourselves teetering on the fringes of existence, wishing we had not been so self-absorbed.

If you are as fed up as I am with the war propaganda rife in our global society, here are two places to begin looking for how you can become an agent of change:

List of anti-war organizations   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_anti-war_organizations

Amnesty International   https://www.amnesty.org/en/who-we-are/

May we all realize that we have been controlled far too long by a misguided and narcissistic power elite. May we all resolve to take action against this global bulldozer, be it on any scale, no matter how seemingly small; for any action we take will ripple across the collective unconscious and touch all of humanity. May we accept collective responsibility for the condition of our global society. May we begin to think and act as a global sisterhood from a global perspective, daring to stand tall and looking beyond the horizon. May we open our hearts to the suffering our fear and ignorance have permitted to fester and grow. And may we keep our heats open, no matter how painful, so that we may provide a sustainable and nurturing future for our children and for our Mother Earth.

Until the next time, my friends…  Namaste

© Tina Frisco 2016

28 thoughts on “War: What Are We Doing to Our Children?”

  1. Our children and grandchildren deserve a future. Those to come don’t deserve a life of trying to clean up our mistakes and trying to heal a world they can’t enjoy.
    We need to start voting in politicians prepared to reach out to help other Countries, especially those where we have been responsible for creating conflict. We must no longer allow the oligarchs to seek out and control another Country’s resources using our men and women to invade using any excuse. Any military action must have the full agreement of the United Nations and we must have the right to dismiss any politician found to be fomenting violence against the will of the people.
    It would be good of in future we could limit the amount spent on electioneering so that it’s not only wealthy candidates who can put themselves forward. The voice of reason needs a chance to reach power too.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Very well said, David. People are waking up but it seems slow in coming. The western world is as poor as many 3rd world countries in that we’ve become sorely deficient in conscience and compassion. I don’t know what’s worse: lacking water to drink or lacking a heart to care.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on mira prabhu and commented:
    “War is never a necessity. Bred of fear and propaganda, war is shoved down our throats as the only available alternative. And many of us accept this without question. We need to wake up and look at who is doing the force-feeding → the money mongers who grow fat and wealthy on our fear and ignorance; the greedy who keep us fighting each other in order to divert our attention away from their heinous intentions and deeds.” Read Tina Frisco’s powerful share here…

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Agreed, Tori, and thanks for stopping by. Since “amen” means “so be it,” its usage can be universal and closely resembles “so mote it be” in the pagan tradition. Thus, you haven’t strayed at all 🙂


  3. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    A very powerful post from Tina Frisco to begin the week. Our lifetimes are set in stone.. with the best will in the world we will not live beyond 120 maximum. The average lifespan is 80ish in our countries. We may not be mega rich or powerful but we can still leave behind a legacy. This post is one… Tina has used her voice and if we all do likewise by sharing and supporting peace initiatives then we too can use ours. Well said Tina. Please head over and read and watch the videos… thanks Sally

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Tina, this is such an important and emotionally heart-tugging post. We need to keep spreading these words in hopes that people will unite and stand up for all the wrong in the world instead of hoping it will go away. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You make a good point, Debby, in that a lot of people see war and its consequences as a problem they simply hope would go away. But while they bury their heads in the sand, children are starving and dying. If we all would develop a daily practice of figuratively walking a mile in the shoes of one less fortunate, we would no longer be capable of turning away ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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