What’s Your Story? – Guest Post…

I am fortunate to be a guest on The Story Reading Ape‘s blog today. Chris is a generous and indefatigable supporter of authors who is much loved by the blogging community. Thanks so much, Chris! ❤

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog


Image is courtesy of Lucie Stastkova

LuSt 4 ART

Our life is the story we tell ourselves.  As we think, so our life unfolds.  Energy follows thought.

Consider the laws of physics.  Physics is the science of matter and motion.  One of its foremost premises is that all matter converts to energy.  Therefore, that which is not matter is energy.  But what is energy?  We can’t see it, yet we know it’s there.  This is displayed when we flip a switch and the light goes on; when we accidently get shocked by an electrical current; when we sense someone is watching or following us; when we feel drawn to a stranger without explanation.

We react to this energy physically when we put our body – matter — in motion.  We react to it mentally when we develop an opinion – thoughts — of a situation.  And we react to it…

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10 thoughts on “What’s Your Story? – Guest Post…”

      1. I’ve got my running shoes on this week Tina, lol! Last week, I was set to get caught up with blog visits (if I had a dollar for every time I’ve said that, I would be very rich indeed, ha!) and then the spam monster swallowed me up whole. Got that sorted, but of course, I ran out of time… Geared up now though, on all fronts – *she says optimistically* 😉 Have a wonderful day my dear friend and big hugs back to you 🙂 ❤ ❤ ❤

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          1. Thanks so much dear Tina…Ha love that expression: ‘pain in the patootie’…haven’t heard that in a while! Summarizes it pefectly though! Love & hugs my friend, I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend 🙂 >3 ❤ ❤

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