The Story Reading Ape

#BLOGGER INTERVIEW – Christopher Graham, The Story Reading Ape

The Story Reading ApeChris Graham  is much admired, respected, and appreciated in the blogging world. His indefatigable support of authors and bloggers is rivaled by few others. The Story Reading Ape‘s 4th blog anniversary is April 4th, and I can think of no better way to show my appreciation than by featuring him on my blog. Here’s to you, Mr. Ape! May you live long and prosper. I’m also putting energy out there for you to win the lottery 😊

Follow Chris’ blog  HERE 

When did you start blogging and what prompted you to do so?  

I started blogging on April 4th 2013 after reading authors’ pleas (on Goodreads) for promotional opportunities on blogs. 

What moved you to choose an ape as your gravatar and online presence? 

My Most favourite author was (and still is) Terry Pratchett, who once stated, “The anthropologists got it wrong when they named our species Homo sapiens (‘wise man’). In any case it’s an arrogant and bigheaded thing to say, wisdom being one of our least evident features. In reality, we are Pan Narrans, the storytelling chimpanzee.” 

From this I extrapolated that since I didn’t TELL stories, but listened to, or READ them, I must be a Story READING ape (Pan Audiencia – as near as I can get). 

What motivated you to make author promotion and support the focus of your blog? 

I’ve always enjoyed reading, either to learn or be entertained, and owe a debt of gratitude to authors, so when I saw their pleas on Goodreads, I decided to focus on authors, rather than the stories they wrote. 

After all, there are LOTS of book review blogs, but very few that give authors the opportunity to talk about themselves (as well as getting a plug in about their books). 

You also add a weekly dose of humor to your blog. Does humor play an important role in your daily life as well? 

Yes, it does. 

Like everyone else in the world, I have my bad times, as well as good, but was raised not to dwell on, or agonise over, the bad things. It’s better to learn from them and get on with those aspects of life I DO have control over. 

Laughter and the ability to see humour (or the stupidity) in bad situations helps me get over, or overcome, the depths of despair that others seem to slip into easily. 

It may well be an Irish trait, an example being after a funeral, where humour, song and celebration are an important part of remembering the deceased (and overcome grief). 

This could be summed up in the old joke about friends putting a crate of drinks on top of the coffin and saying, “He left instructions that the drinks were to be on him.” 

How much time each day do you spend blogging? 

Too long I suspect; I often pop in and out of the blog to respond to comments and thank those who share the posts, while I’m reading emails, other peoples’ posts and searching around for articles that might be of interest to my blog readers (and myself). 

Who are some of your favorite authors and what are some of your favorite books? 

Apart from Terry Pratchett, I enjoy books by the old masters like Dickens, et al, but there are quite a few modern (and self-published) authors I enjoy as well – however, I’m not going to say who – they already know who they are 😊 

You and your sister recently published a book of your mother’s My Vibrating Vertebraepoetry. Tell us a little about your Mum, her poetry, and the book. 

It was my sister Lorna who collected the poems and Jo Robinson who edited and formatted the book – all I did was upload and publish it. 

Poetry was a side of Mum that I never knew about until Lorna sent them to me. So I was both surprised and humbled when I read them. 

What most inspires you in life? 

Nature in all its diverse forms, from the variety and tenacity of life, to the wonder and immensity of the Universe. 

Any parting words for your followers? 

Read, learn and experience as much as you can about everything. 

If Reincarnation exists, it will help you progress. 

If it doesn’t, you will have enriched your time while alive. 

I hope you enjoyed learning more about our very own blogging Ape. I’m sure I speak for all of us in thanking Chris for his abiding support of authors and in wishing him a



Please visit and follow Chris’  BLOG, and take a peek inside his book,  My Vibrating Vertebrae

My Vibrating Vertebrae

Thanks so much for stopping by ❤

199 thoughts on “#BLOGGER INTERVIEW – Christopher Graham, The Story Reading Ape”

  1. Thank you, Tina, for this interview with Chris, who has made such an impact in the reading, writing, blogging and publishing world. I not only read My Vibrating Vertebrae, I also love it and have shared it with friends who also do.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. What a fantastic interview with Chris and you T! I love how Chris adapted the name of The Story Reading Ape from Terry Pratchett’s statement, now I know where it came from. Nice to see Chris getting his due kudos for all he does for others. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Reblogged this on Toni Pike and commented:
    Wishing Chris Graham, The Story Reading Ape, a very happy 4th blog birthday. Here is a rare chance to find out more about Chris in an interview with writer Tina Frisco. Chris’s blog is dedicated to author promotion and is also packed with useful information.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    Tina Frisco has persuaded the normally shy Story Reading Ape to come out of his enclosure for an interview on his 4th Blog Anniversary. For those of you yet to experience his legendary generosity.. please head over to Tina’s and onwards to Christopher Graham’s blog and find out what he has to offer you..and give him an anniversary kiss while you are there I hear he rather likes those.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Oh marvelous! I really enjoyed this unique interview with Chris. I’m stunned that he has not been blogging longer than that, because he has developed such a huge number of views. Makes it even more impressive.
    Happy blogiversary Chris. Mega hugs all around.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Great to see this interview of Chris as he is always spotlighting others 🙂 I’m so glad his site is the big hit it is, and I enjoyed finding out where the “ape” name originated too

    Liked by 3 people

  7. tina, thanks so much for this interview with Chris. He is always so generous in his support of authors and other bloggers, I’m glad to see you put him in the spotlight. Love and hugs to you and to Chris.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. So lovely to learn more about you, Chris. I also adore Terry Pratchett and Dickens. They couldn’t be less alike in writing but both had a way of looking at the world and commenting on it. Tina, thanks so much for doing this!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Shey. I know what you mean about trying not to laugh. I have 13 great nieces and nephews! They’re all different, but one thing they have in common is taking themselves seriously. I’ve been whacked a few times if I didn’t behave myself. Hope you can avoid that one 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Hey Tina,

    Having just come away rom Chris’s site, I was delighted to read the interview here and be able to add dimensions more to the gentleman I felt penning the words on his Blog. Perhaps it is that I feel an affinity, a connection in some way to him: shared common denominators and deep thoughts on life (the Celtic way perhaps?) that I find his acquaintance lined with warmth and friendship. Yes indeed, a gentleman.

    Congatulations Chris! A four year marker to celebrate and look back on when you complete the next 4 years 🙂

    Thank you for a fun and revealing interview. Perhaps it is your warming way with people Tina that encourages the best to emerge from others. Thank you for sharing that gift to provide enjoyment here.

    I hope you are well, and that in all ways all is well for you in the well always swelling with the swell of Love.

    Take care always.

    Namaste 🙂


    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re welcome, Dewin. Thank you for such a lovely comment and for your kind words. You are a bright light in the world, as are all of those at GallyBloggers. Sending love and blessings ❤

      Liked by 2 people

      1. As are you Tina 🙂 That’s why Raven’s 12, and I, warmed to your company…like moths to a candle flame.

        Thank you for comments on Gallbloggers. I know I have a couple of replies to pen. Apologies for the delay, a long week has set me back a couple of days.

        Thoroughly enjoyed the interview, thank you.

        Have a wonderful afternoon and evening. Take care.

        Namaste ❤


        Liked by 2 people

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