Plateau: Beyond the Trees by Tina Frisco

#BookRelease – Plateau: Beyond the Trees

I am pleased to announce the release of the 2nd edition of my first novel, PLATEAU.
Plateau: Beyond the Trees by Tina FriscoAvailable in both eBook and paper.

They will show in the Amazon store within 3-5 business days but are available now through the Kindle and CreateSpace stores. The old version is still showing on Amazon but will be removed.

To celebrate, the eBook will be free to download from the 15th through the 19th.
Download it HERE.

I’m so grateful to have this task behind me! It took quite a bit longer than I expected, largely due to how poorly I wrote five years ago compared with now. I decided to give the book a quick overhaul, forgetting it was not a vehicle that merely needed an oil change. And once I started, there was no turning back. I did all the formatting, which can be a nightmare. But I learned a lot when I published my book Vampyrie last December, and fortunately I remembered most of it.

I also needed to make a cover. On the front I wanted to use the same image, which was created by a friend of mine and was easy to upload. I used GIMP  to apply the text. Since CreateSpace’s cover design choices are limited, the back cover was more of a challenge. How to get the color I wanted? I was blessed with a light-bulb moment. I scanned a sheet of white paper into my computer, uploaded the image into GIMP, applied color, and added the text. This project was a full day’s work. When I uploaded it to CreateSpace, it looked fine. But CS said the text went too far to the border (even though it was within the border shown), so I had to redo the text, which took another half day. (I need to go to GIMP school.)

During all of this, my mum became seriously ill and had to be hospitalized. I thought I might have to hop a train and travel cross country. Thankfully she recovered and is doing well.

Now that the dreaded book business is completed (I need to go to formatting school), I can resume writing posts and visiting blogs. I can tackle that collapsing pile of books on my TBR. I can open the stack of mail on my desk.  Maybe I’ll get around to cleaning and doing the laundry. My neglected little car needs a bath, and I really should jump in the shower. Wash my hair? Yes, I need to do that as well. I even hope to go out to dinner or the movies before the end of the year. An author’s work is never done.

Plateau: Beyond the Trees by Tina FriscoI wrote and first published PLATEAU: Beyond the Trees in 2012, because I wanted to put a message of hope into the world. December 21st of that year was the end of the Mayan long count calendar. This inspired the making of documentaries that aired over several months. Most of them evoked fear by focusing on the doomsday aspect of apocalyptic prophecies. Many of us wondered if love could prevail in an atmosphere of dread and panic.

PLATEAU offers hope with its underlying message: We must keep our hearts open and act from love instead of reacting from fear; we must practice gratitude and compassion within every moment and with every breath, so that we might help elevate the human species to a higher consciousness and facilitate personal and global peace. Within this vision – this practice – the human species will continue into the Golden Age of Enlightenment.

Novel reading can increase our understanding of who we are. I hope PLATEAU will advance this understanding. I hope it will encourage empathy, compassion, and tolerance for diversity. I hope …

I will leave you with this quote by one of the indigenous shaman women of the Sisterhood of the Shields:

You have the choice to nourish or you have the choice to destroy with your power. –Ruby Plenty Chiefs quoted in Spirit Woman,     The Teachings of the Shields by Lynn V. Andrews

Until the next time, my friends …  Namaste ❤ 

87 thoughts on “#BookRelease – Plateau: Beyond the Trees”

  1. Congratulations, Tina!! Wow! You are like Wonder Woman! Will you hang out your shingle for book covers and formatting? 🙂 Just kidding. I loved the first edition (that’s how we actually first connected, remember?) and I’m sure this edition is amazing! Best of luck and my hat is off to you, sweet friend.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Zoe and Emily. Em, your heartfelt introduction is humbling. I am so grateful. And Zoe, shamanism welcomes all beings, regardless of species. Start by listening to your inner shaman … Much love to you, my wonderful friends ❤❤


  2. Congratulations upon the re-release of your book, Tina. Editing can be a painful process, but worth it in the end. I hope PLATEAU does well for you.

    My new book, Beguiling Delilah, just released today. You can sample it on Amazon if you wish. Have a good weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Lyn, and congratulations to you as well. I must say, I don’t find editing as painful as formatting 🙂 I’ve shared your book on my pages and wish you all the best. Happy weekend, my friend ❤


  3. I’m so proud of you girlfriend!!!! I’m probably the only one who knows all the grueling crap you’ve been through, lol. Wishing you much success with your fresh start. I shall reblog this for you tomorrow! Huge hugs. ❤ xo

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Hi Tina, huge congratulations to you in getting this accomplished! I wish I had your persistence and diligence as I write my fitness book (I’m distracted even at this moment…aaahhhh!). But it’s a great distraction. Debby shared this on FB, but I thought I had instant e-mail notifications for your blog! I haven’t finished your first edition yet (i’m ashamed to admit), should I download the new version and start over (ish)? Will be sharing, too!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Terri! It has been a wild ride this past month, and I did throw in the towel a few times. A distraction here and there is good for the soul, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Glad the current one is great, though. Yes, do download the free new version. I’ve edited to make it easier to read ~ added more dialogue and exchanged penny words for $10 dollar ones 🙂 I appreciate the shares and reblog tomorrow. I appreciate YOU, my lovely friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations, Tina, and thank you so much for the free download. I know I’ll enjoy your work and allow pause for reflection. Thank you again.
    And welcome back! You were missed for sure. I hope your mom’s health continues to improve. Enjoy a lovely celebration for all you’ve accomplished! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Congratulations, Tina! I’m sorry you had to go through so much to regain possession of your first book but I’m so glad you have it now and that you’re sharing it kindly with all of us ❤ I wish you all the best and it's going on my to-read list ~ I'll go pick up my copy now! PLUS I'm happy you're back in blog-land xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Christy! The whole process was challenging, but I learned a lot about formatting as well as about myself. Well worth the effort. Hope you enjoy the book. Thanks for the welcome back! 🙂 ❤


  7. much to celebrate. I remember the Y2K dread and the Mayan calendar dread. Humans seem to like the drama and find ways to create it. The book sounds lovely, Tina, and its reminders needed more than ever. Just picked up my copy. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Congratulations on the re-release! Sounds like quite an ordeal and like, after all that, you’re happy with the outcome. 🙂 The concept is a lovely one. I’m going to pick up a copy. Thank you!

    Glad to hear your mother is feeling better.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I was glad to read that your mom’s health turned around, and I pray that it continues to improve. I know that is as big a relief to you as having all the book work behind you. Congrats on getting your rights back from the original publisher (and gratitude to Deb for being such a great support there).

    The description of the book is most intriguing – I love the idea of lifting the vibration of the entire planet by holding positive thoughts. I am so looking forward to reading it – JUST as soon as I figure out how to work my dratted Kindle – lol. Thanks so much for the free download.

    I wish you every success with this “new” edition.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
    ADD/EFD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
    “It takes a village to transform a world!”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Madelyn, for your good wishes for my mum as well as myself, and for pinning Plateau to your “Our TBR Lists” Board. Lifting the planetary vibration “takes a village”! I do hope you enjoy the book and appreciate your downloading it. Hugs, my friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, sweet friend Adele, both for reblogging and downloading my book. I’m so appreciative of your continued support. Sending many hugs across the pond ❤❤


  10. Oh, Tina–I know the feeling. I’ve had a light past couple of months because I simply had to get my real life under control. Certain things can only be put off for so long. And I hate formatting. But cheers! It’s all done now. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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