Marion On My Mind – Guest Post by, Emily Gmitter…

Emily Gmitter shares her memories of and love for her elder sister, Marion, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge a short while ago. Losing a loved one can be devastating and makes us consider our own mortality; but Emily lightens this weighty subject with humor and beauty. #Recommended

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

Sing it out … sing it out!” My sister Marion would encourage me as I practiced a song I’d hoped to perform at karaoke some night. “That was beautiful! You should absolutely sing that one!” she continued, scrunching up her face and pumping her arm in the air with earnest enthusiasm.

Then came the day when I realized she was tone deaf. How did I learn that? Well, we had another sister, Lena, who, age-wise, fell between Marion, the oldest of eight children, and me, the middle child. Lena encouraged me just as Marion did, but Lena loved to sing, too, although we’d never heard her do so.

One day, Lena decided she would take singing lessons. Marion and I were then routinely treated to Lena’s practice sessions which consisted of repeated—and memorable—renditions of You Light Up My Life.“Sing it out … sing it out! That’s beautiful!” Marion…

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15 thoughts on “Marion On My Mind – Guest Post by, Emily Gmitter…”

  1. Thank you for sharing this gem. Headed over and it was a beautiful read. I hope you’ve been well. Thank you, thank you for all your incredible comments and encouraging words. Happy Spring to you and sending you lots of light, healing, love, and hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

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