Tina Frisco - Author

About Me

Tina Frisco
Hello and welcome to my blog!


I created my website after publishing my début novel, PLATEAU: Beyond the Trees. So much that had been televised about the end of the Mayan Long Count calendar on 12/21/2012 left me wondering if we’d be alive when the sun rose on December 22nd! A large percentage of the programs focused on an impending apocalypse. I found this disheartening and felt compelled to write a novel of hope.

Plateau: Beyond the Trees by Tina Frisco

I’m a Registered Nurse and have worked in the areas of psychiatry, medical-surgical, hemodialysis, subacute, clinics, clinical trials, and health-facilities evaluation with the California State Department of Health Services. Between jobs in nursing I worked with Amnesty International, the American Red Cross, and Friends of the Earth; held several secretarial positions with colleges and universities; and assisted in managing a bookstore.

I’m also a singer-songwriter, have performed publicly in many different venues, and have been an animal rights advocate all of my life, founding and co-founding two organizations.

In my late forties I became seriously ill with a chronic illness and was forced to quit working. After many years of battling flareups and searching for a diagnosis, I finally got my life back.

In 1984 I became apprenticed to a medicine woman and have consciously walked a spiritual path since that time. The way out is the way in. My own experience has taught me that all we seek lies within, as we are microcosms of the vast All Knowing.

My publishing history includes book reviews; essays; articles in the fields of medicine and spirituality; short stories; inspirational articles; my children’s book, Gabby and the Quads; and my novels, Plateau and Vampyrie.

Vampyrie by Tina Frisco

I’ve always been fascinated by the myth of the vampire and often have wondered if the phenomenon actually could exist. My background in medicine led me to speculate about how this might have a basis in reality. If rooted in science, how might this myth come to life? The most likely answer would be as a physical disorder or disease.

One day during my morning walk, the word Valkyrie came to mind. In Norse mythology, Valkyries are female helping spirits of the god Odin. They decide who lives and who dies in battle, and they assist Odin in transporting his favorites among the slain to Valhalla, the hall where he houses the dead whom he deems worthy of dwelling with him. In my novel, VAMPYRIE: Origin of the Vampire, Valkyrie becomes Vampyrie and Valhalla becomes the Haven.

Gabby and the Quads by Tina Frisco

When my niece gave birth to quadruplets in November 2012, I was inspired to write a children’s book. A child’s moral compass develops early, and I wanted to write a book that was ethically as well as traditionally educational. Although based on a true story, GABBY AND THE QUADS is a work of fiction.

Nature is my go-to tonic. Aside from writing, music, and animals, I love dancing, arts and crafts, exploring nature, and crossword puzzles.

Find all of my books HERE

Tina Frisco - Author

Connect with me on social networks:   Facebook       Twitter     LinkedIn     Google+     Goodreads     
Radio Interviews:
The Magic Happens – Tell Me a Story       
Avant Garde                


I invite you to share your thoughts and feelings on my blog posts. My hope is that we affirmatively broaden our perspective on what lies ahead for our species and planet. I look forward to meeting, sharing, and dialoguing with you.

Thanks so much for stopping by. Namaste, my friends


Countess Lucie Stastkova

I want to thank Countess Lucie Stastkova for allowing me to use her lovely photos on my website. She is a loving and generous person, as well as a gifted and multi-talented artist. Learn more about her and give her Facebook pages a like.

Website    YouTube    LuSt 4 ART    Countess Lucie Luxury  

73 thoughts on “About Me”

    1. Joanne, believe it or not, but I’m still learning the ins and outs of my website! This reply is long overdue, and I want to thank you for featuring me on your blog way back when. Hope all is going well for you 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Beautiful blog! Your book about Gabby reminds me of one I had bought for my daughter about 25 years ago. Best wishes for your writing!

    And thanks again for sharing my “chat” during the “party” at Chris The Story Reading Ape’s blog. I’ve been under the weather continually since then, so my replies have been slow, but my gratitude is sincere!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words and best wishes, Christine. I wish the same for you. And it was my pleasure to share your post on Chris’ blog. Hope you feel better soon 🙂


    1. Thank you, Terri, for your sweet compliment and for buying my book. It’s a real pleasure to meet you. Sally and her blog have a way of bringing people together. I’ve met several new friends through her. I think she’s an angel but she’ll never admit it. So glad she brought us together ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  2. What a beautiful heart, soul and spirit you are dear Tina, your compassion and love for all positively oozes from your deligthful blog. And the artwork on your header is exquisite. I am so thankful to dear Debby for bringing us together 🙂 Love and light to you dear one… Sherri ❤ xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Teagan. We have a lot to learn from the ancients. Good to see you popping in here and there. Hope the break is both relaxing and energizing. Hugs ❤ ❤ ❤


  3. Hi Tina, I’ve spent the morning on your website going back and forth between yours and mine. I am featuring /publishing your interview with Andrew Joyce on Friday, Feb. 10th. I’ll email you the copy so you can see how it looks before it goes out with my additions. You are such a great writer, and Andrew sounds like a gem. I’ve got a lot of reading to do! 🙂 Marsha 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. What a nice surprise, Marsha. Andrew is an outstanding writer. I’ve read and reviewed his first 3 books and look forward to reading his latest when it tops my TBR. Like you, I have a lot of reading to do! But then, so do most authors. It’s one of the many things that rounds us out as writers. Thank you for the compliment and for featuring my interview with Andrew. I’m looking forward to it 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 2 people

    1. How sweet of you to visit, Ka! You are most welcome, as it was a pleasure to read your interview with Shey and the dudes. And it’s a delight to meet you, my friend ❤


  4. Hi Tina.
    I wanted to let you know, that I now have a new website, and the old site will be deleted very soon. So that you don’t miss out, I have popped you onto the Follow Me subscription so that you can continue receiving notifications of my blog posts. Could I ask you to confirm the subscription by press the “Follow” button and please put your email in? Thank you so much. That is all you have to do.

    I look forward to being able to keep in touch with you on my new website.

    Follow you as well

    Thank you very much

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hi there!

    I am emailing you today because I am interested in reviewing your work on my blog RedheadedBooklover. My blog has amassed a large amount of followers and a loyal readership in a short amount of time and I would love so much to feature your work there. I am always on the lookout for great books I can feature for my readers; that is why I was so thrilled when I just now came across your work because your work looks incredible and you look like a really talented writer.
    I would really love if I was able to review your work for you on my blog; my blog address is: https://redheadedbookloverblog.wordpress.com/ , please feel free to have a look and see whether you would want your book to be featured there! Your work looks wonderful and I am excited at the possibility of us potentially working together.
    Please feel free to email me at: redheadedbookloverblog@gmail.com whenever you can and we can discuss me reviewing your book in more detail; I can also send you my WordPress statistics as well as my Amazon selling statistics which I think you will be pleased with! Thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing back from you.

    All best,
    Aimee Ann

    P.S. I want to assure you that this is not an automated message or a message that has been copied and pasted; I am genuinely interested in your work and look forward to your reply, thank you again!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you so much for reaching out to me, Aimee. I’ve been on a blogging break for the past 6 weeks, helping care for my mum. I would be delighted to be featured on your wonderful blog and will email you. Wishing you and your family all the best ❤


  6. We have much in common, Tina. I am a registered nurse,too, and a big literature/music fan. I almost pursued music instead of nursing when I went to college. When I was 49 years old I started singing lessons and discovered a love and passion for choral music. I’ve sung in several different choral groups, my favorite was an acapella group focusing on modern choral music. At age 60 I started writing, mostly humor, though I reserve the right to be serious on occasion. I just published my first book. I look forward to getting to know you better through our mutual love of writing.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. This is wonderful, Molly! A real pleasure to meet another author-singer-nurse. I had the same aspirations and wanted to go Juilliard, but finances precluded it. I’d known since age 6 that I wanted to be a nurse, so that was a satisfying alternative. You and I are living proof that one is never too old to follow one’s passion. Congratulations on publishing your first book! If you’d like to be interviewed on my blog, message me on FB (https://www.facebook.com/TinaFrisco.Author) with your email address, and I’ll send you the guidelines. Looking forward to a lovely friendship, Molly ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  7. So happy Tina, to meet you! Thank you for your visit and comment on my blog, Before Sundown. I read your About Me and of course knew there was a connection from way back. I knew I wanted to be a nurse at age 5, and became one in 1960. Fast forward many years. At age 60 I made it to a board certified nurse practitioner. I worked in psychiatry until 2013 (age 74), then retired to write full time! I’ve coauthored two books, still WIPs (one writer died last year, and the other is 89). I started writing my own book last year, and it’s half finished. I’m so impressed with your background in the arts, helping fields, and with vampires. Look forward to more news. I’m following back! 📚 Christine

    Liked by 2 people

    1. A pleasure meeting you as well, Christine! We have so much in common. It’s amazing how easily connections can be made via the Internet. Oh, I wish you so much success with your books. Just focus your intention on the goal while enjoying the process, and you’ll get there. I didn’t publish my first book until age 61. We’re never too old, my friend ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello, Naching. Apologies for the late reply, but life got in the way for several months. Be back in touch with me in late January, and I’ll let you know how to become a guest on my blog. Thanks so much for stopping by 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, Sis, I really needed that. I’m feeling better and need to remember to pace myself and stay in the moment. Please let me know if I’ve missed anything important so I can catch up. I’m so far behind in reading and visiting blogs, and I don’t trust I’ll catch everything I need to see. You are a blessing in my life ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, thank you so much, Natalie. I’ve been off line for several months due to illness but am beginning to rally. I so appreciate your kind words and warm hugs. Love and blessings, my sweet friend ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

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