Meet Guest Author Natasha Sayles…

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

Natasha SaylesMy name is Natasha Sayles and my book Father, Daddy, Dad is based on my life experiences.

I was born in Cleveland Ohio and later my family relocated to Los Angeles Ca. were I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

As a young girl I watched my mother suffer abuse at hands of the men she chose to be with.

Eventually she found herself in a relationship where both she and I were both being verbally and physically abused.

At the age of18 I moved out of my parents’ house and I found myself struggling with adulthood.

I suffered from low self-esteem and wanted to badly to be loved and excepted that I allowed myself to be mistreated and taken advantage of.

Eventually I started looking for a way away from it all.

I found myself in church were I begin to take a real interest in God and what…

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