Category Archives: Authors

#NewBook: Fairies, Myths, & Magic ~ A Summer Solstice Celebration!

My Sister of the Fey Colleen Chesebro has just released her new book, Fairies, Myths, & Magic, and I’m thrilled to have her as a guest on my blog.
Colleen is the author of The Heart Stone Chronicles: The Swamp Fairy, the story of fourteen-year-old Abigale Forester, who discovers her true destiny is to protect the nymphs from evil in an ever-changing modern world.

The Heart Stone Chronicles by Colleen Chesebro

Buy the book HERE

Colleen is the founder of The Sisters of the Fey, the blogging collaboration of nine women whose “magic is inspired by a secret order of fairies that existed hundreds of years ago [and] which has been reborn in our spirits.” She offers weekly poetry and Tanka challenges on her blog, and is an avid reader who book reviews are outstanding.
Please join me in welcoming Colleen ❤️ 



I’ve planned this day out in my mind for over a year… Today, as a tribute to the Summer Solstice, my first book of poetry and short stories has become a reality. Fairies, Myths, & Magic ~ A Summer Celebration is now available on Amazon.


From June 21st through June 27th, this book will be featured at the introductory price of $.99! Grab your copy today!


Here is the Country Tagged Universal Book Link:


Step into a world where fairies, dragons, and other magical beings converge in a collection of poetry and short stories inspired by the celebration of Litha, the Summer Solstice.

Meet Drac, a dragon cursed by his own poisonous deeds, and two pixies who help an old man remember a lost love. You’ll meet a pair of fairies with a sense of humor, and a young girl who fulfills her destiny after being struck by lightning. Learn what happens when a modern witch’s spell goes terribly wrong. Meet the Sisters of the Fey, a group of Slavic Witches who sign a pact with the Rusalki Fey to preserve their magic for the good of all.

Atmospheric and haunting, the prose and poetry, will rewrite the mythologies of the past bringing them into the future.

What’s Litha ~ the Summer Solstice?

Litha is the celebration of the Summer Solstice—June in the Northern Hemisphere, and December in the Southern Hemisphere. Here in North America, the Litha Sabbat honors the longest day of the year with the most hours of sunlight.

Pagans celebrated Litha by observing and honoring the power of the sun. The sun’s influence reminded the people that the summer months represented fertility, ensuring the survival of the species.

During midsummer, magnificent fruit burst forth from the flowers, shrubs, and trees, providing ample food for all. Summer was also the most favorable time for the birthing and survival of animals, birds, and insects. This also included humans where the most births occurred during the months of July through October, which still continues today.

For the ancients, nothing represented the power of the sun more than fire. On the Solstice Eve, huge bonfires were erected on hilltops celebrating the link between the earth and heavens. Festivities lasted for days before and after the main event.


Yet, the primitive people recognized the need for balance between fire and water. Some celebrations included setting a wheel on fire, then rolling it downhill into a body of water, signaling the power of the sun at it’s mightiest, and also the day the sun’s power begins to diminish.

For me, a Summer Solstice celebration was the perfect day to share my collection of poetry and short stories inspired by the magic of the ancient pagans. I hope you’ll enjoy this collection. ❤️

Colleen Turquoise

Colleen M. Chesebro is an American Novelist writing YA fantasy and magical realism, cross-genre fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. She loves all things magical which may mean that she could be experiencing her second childhood—or not. That part of her life hasn’t been fully decided yet.

A few years ago, a mystical experience led her to renew her passion for writing and storytelling. These days she resides in the fantasy realm of the Fairy Whisperer where she writes the magical poetry and stories that the fairy nymphs whisper to her in her dreams.

Colleen won the Little and Laugh Flash Fiction Contest sponsored by the CarrotRanch Literary in November 2017 for her piece, called “The Bus Stop.” Her debut novel, The Heart Stone Chronicles: The Swamp Fairy won gold in the 2017 cover contest.

Colleen lives in Colorado with her husband, Ron. When she is not writing, Colleen enjoys spending time with her husband and friends. She also loves gardening, reading, and crocheting old-fashioned doilies into works of art. You can learn more about Colleen at


You can find Colleen in all the usual places. Drop by anytime. Author Blog     Amazon Author Page

Facebook          Twitter          Facebook Author Page

Sisters of the Fey Group Blog

Pinterest         Google+         Instagram         LinkedIn   


I hope you enjoyed learning more about Colleen, her writing, and the Summer Solstice. Thanks so much for stopping by ❤️

#NewBook: The Contract by John Howell and Gwen Plano

It is with great pleasure that I’m hosting authors John Howell and Gwen Plano on the blog tour for their new book. Please join me in welcoming them ❤️


The CONTRACT between heaven and earth

By John W. Howell & Gwen M. Plano

Thank you, Tina, for inviting us to join you today. We are so grateful to be featured on your lovely blog and have this opportunity to share a bit about our new book. You are an inspiration to all who know you. All the best to you!


The Contract by John Howell and Gwen Plano

Available on Kindle and in Paperback

Kindle priced at $0.99 for the introduction.


The CONTRACT is a different story for writers John W. Howell and Gwen M. Plano. For either of them, it is their first attempt at co-authorship. After a year of Hurricane Harvey and other challenges, they have created, what they have termed, an inspirational thriller that bridges heaven and earth.


The earth is threatened with a catastrophic political event which could result in international warfare and destroy all life on the planet. In heaven, a divine council decides that extraordinary measures are essential. They call for an intervention that involves two souls returning to earth. The chosen two sign a contract that they will work to avert the disaster.

Brad Channing, a Navy SEAL, and Sarah O’Brien, a teacher, become heaven’s representatives on earth. The story follows them as they individually and then together face overwhelming obstacles and eventually end up on a strategic Air Force base in California. It is there that they discover a conspiracy to assassinate the President of the United States. The terrorists have a plan for global dominance, and they are determined to complete their mission. Although military leadership appearsto have the President’s best interests at heart, it is not clear who can be trusted and who should be feared. The action is rough and tumbleas Brad and Sarah try to figure out the culprits for the plot that will turn into a worldwide conflagration unless stopped.

If you enjoy thrillers, this is one with enough twists and adventure to keep you riveted and guessing. If you like your thriller along with a good romance, Brad and Sarah’s initial attraction and eventual love will sustain you as they live out their heavenly and earthly desires.



“I’m leading a private group up Half Dome in a few minutes. I’m the poster boy for getting paid to do what I love to do, and along the way, help harried folks discover what’s important in life.” John flashed a broad smile.

“I wish I could join your group; I’d like to hear what you have to say.”

“I don’t say much; the mountain does the talkin’. When hikers stand on its crest and look out over the wilderness, most become speechless. That’s when they start to wonder about their lives and the choices they make. They see for themselves that everything is interconnected.”

“I get what you mean, but some things are beyond our control. Look at the earthquake that hit San Diego and collapsed the grammar school. So many little ones died in that tragedy.”

“And you don’t think human choices had anything to do with that calamity? Most folks live without a thought to our environment. But, on top of that, I believe collective anger manifests. I don’t even watch the news anymore; it’s too toxic for me.”

“Well, I agree with you on that point. And, it makes sense that strong emotions manifest. Now I really want to join your group, but I’ve got to get back on the road, and find a bicycle.” Sarah stood and extended her hand for a shake.

“Enjoy the experience, Sarah. No matter what hurdles lay ahead, pursue joy; she will guide you to the happiness you seek. Life’s too precious to lose even a moment.”


Author Bios


John Howell Head shotJohn began his writing as a full-time occupation after an extensive business career. His specialty is thriller fiction novels, but John also writes poetry and short stories. His first book, My GRL, introduces the exciting adventures of the book’s central character, John J. Cannon. The second Cannon novel, His Revenge, continues the adventure, while the final book in the trilogy, Our Justice, launched in September 2016. The last Circumstances of Childhood is a family life story and launched October 2017. All books are available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle editions.

John lives in Port Aransas, Texas with his wife and their spoiled rescue pets.

John’s books are available on Amazon at


Author Gwen PlanoGwen had a lengthy career in higher education, and it was there that she published her first book, Beyond Boundaries, for students interested in volunteer work in developing countries. After she retired, she wrote her award-winning memoir, Letting Go into Perfect Love.

Gwen lives in Branson, Missouri with her husband.

Gwen’s books are available on Amazon at


Thank you, Gwen and John, for your kind words and being guests on my blog. Wishing you all the best ❤️


I hope you enjoyed reading about John and Gwen’s new book. Pick up a copy today!
Thanks so much for stopping by ❤️


Vampyrie Wins @AUTHORSdb 2018 First Lines Contest

I’m thrilled to announce that my book, Vampyrie, won the gold in the AUTHORSdb 2018 First Lines Contest!


Vampyrie by Tina Frisco


I was up against some pretty tough competition and was honored to be among so many talented writers.



The 2019 contest is now open. ENTER HERE


Winning this award has once again shown me the importance of reworking those first lines until they jump off the page and grab the reader.

For those of you interested in my work, all of my books can be purchased on Amazon.



Tina Frisco - Author


My thanks to everyone who took the time to log in to AUTHORSdb and vote for my book. I’m very grateful to all of you.
Thanks so much for stopping by ❤️

#Author Interview: Billy Ray Chitwood

Author Billy Ray ChitwoodI’m delighted to help promote the relaunch of Billy Ray Chitwood‘s novel, Mama’s Madness, to be released June 21st. Billy Ray is the author of 14 books, in the genres of fiction and nonfiction memoir. Many of his novels were inspired by true events. He describes himself as a dreamer, a wanderlust, a stereotype of many in his generation, and a young man in an old man’s body who is trying to catch up with himself and find the pieces he left behind in a disconnected youth and early years of manhood.


Mama's Madness by Billy Ray Chitwood

Pre-order HERE



A story inspired by a northern California news account a few years ago … Some of the details in this fictional penning are true. Some of the details are exaggerated and are simply the work of the author’s imagination. What is clearly evidenced in this novel is the coldness of a mother’s heart and the madness of her cruelty. The mind cannot comprehend lives the children depicted here were forced to endure: from black punishment closets of hell (for days, not hours!), kitchen tables used for crudely performed operations, to a high sierra execution by fire. The terror is real. The pain is vicariously felt. Unbelievable? Yes, it is unbelievable that such depravity, such MAMA’S MADNESS exists in our world. Accept the embellishments with the truth. Know your environment and be safe!


Review by  on July 8, 2012
Mama’s Madness: Excellent writing about a depraved subject

“Mama’s Madness” by Billy Ray Chitwood is an excellently written story about an abused protagonist (Tammie Jo), her sociopathic mama, and the senseless crimes that Mama and her accomplices commit and are eventually held accountable for. As unsettling as the characters and their behavior may be, Chitwood manages to almost balance their menace with the goodness and dedication of law enforcement and Tammie Jo’s struggle to reconcile her environment with her possible future (or her lack of a future if Mama is left unrestrained). Chitwood’s ability to interweave the profile of a monster, the coming of age and redemption of a girl, and a fascinating multiple-murder investigation is masterful. I highly recommend “Mama’s Madness” for lovers of gritty murder investigations that include the perpetrator’s, victim’s, and detectives’ point-of-views. I will certainly continue reading Mr. Chitwood’s body of work.


Please join me in welcoming Billy Ray to my blog.


Tell us a little about yourself.  Born in Appalachia during the aftermath of the Great Depression, I somehow survived those tumultuous years of poverty, mobility and family disconnect. I’m a romantic, a wanderlust with too much ‘Past’ in my awareness…reconciled to the fact those parts of me will never change: those parts have been with me all the way and live with me now in ‘Twilight’ – always looking for the ‘White Buffalo’.

In what genre is Mama’s Madness and who published it? This novel is inspired by true events in the genres of Crime, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Child Abuse. Self-published through CreateSpace (Amazon).

The storyline?  Meet a mother from hell! I ran across the California newspaper clippings from years ago about a Northern California mother who tortured her six kids – the three girls most specifically – with beatings, dark-closet punishments that could last for days, eating lard and their own retch, standing erect or on their knees for hours at a time. She kills two of the girls by fire, leaving one girl to fear for her life…an amazing story, fictionalized with lots of true elements!

What inspired you to write it?  Thinking of my own kids, reading the clippings about these California crimes made me angry, made me cry, plus the ‘junk in my mind’s attic,’ conspired and inspired me to write a fictionalized account of this evil ‘woman from hell!’ It was a tough book to write and it’s a tough book to read! My hope is the book will serve as a silent siren for parents and children to be aware that evil exists in our world, to be aware of their environments, the stranger in the park, the offer of a ride home, et al.

Mama's Madness by Billy Ray Chitwood

What inspires you to write in general?  Hope this is not too corny or trite, but something magical happens for me when my fingers touch the laptop keys…it’s like invisible fingers are tapping those keys, creating what I believe to be good, sometimes great writing! The ‘business’ (marketing, the internet) of writing stymies me, but the writing itself satisfies a need within me. I can say truthfully that Writing is my therapy!

In what sub-genres do you write?  Cross-Genres…The whole spectrum actually: mystery, suspense, thriller, romance, memoir, time travel, history. My romance books get very little attention from the reading public, but that’s because, frankly, I don’t know what I’m doing in marketing them.

When and what did you first start writing?  As a kid I wrote poetry – at least, my Mom called it poetry. I thought about becoming a singer but my shyness was a major factor in not following that course. I wrote off and on through the work years, and really got serious about it around the 1980s.

What authors have most influenced you? How and why?  John D. MacDonald hooked me with his Travis McGee Novels. I read all twenty-one: each title contained a color: The Deep Blue Good-by;  Nightmare in Pink; A Purple Place for Dying; The Quick Red Fox. These books were all written in 1964. Tall good-looking Travis lived aboard a boat in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and each book is action-packed as Travis helps a friend or someone get out of trouble. John D. sold over 70 million copies of his books over his 70-year life span. It broke my heart when I lost those 21 books in one of my moves… The English Romantic poets rang my bell in college, as did the Naturalist Writers: Stephen Crane, Frank Norris, Jack London, Theodore Dreiser (Sister Carrie), and others. Today, I like Nelson DeMille’s smooth-flowing style.

How do you write – outline or free flow?  Most of my writing is free flow. I’ve also done outlines, but, for me, I like to let my characters take my laptop tapping wherever it is they go and whatever they do.

What genres do you like to read?  Mystery, suspense, memoirs.


I’d like to thank Billy Ray for being my guest and wish him all the best with his relaunch.


Mama's Madness by Billy Ray Chitwood

Pre-order HERE


Other books by Billy Ray

Books by Billy Ray Chitwood

The Bailey Crane Mystery Series

The Bailey Crane Mystery Series Billy Ray Chitwood Bailey Crane Mystery Series by Billy Ray Chitwood

Find all of Billy Ray’s books HERE


Connect with Billy Ray:  Website   Blog   Twitter   Facebook   Goodreads   LinkedIn   Google+   Amazon
I hope you enjoyed learning more about Billy Ray. Please visit his blog, comment and share.
Thanks so much for stopping by ❤️

Danny and Andrew

Danny the Dog is back, regaling us with his highly entertaining stories. Rock on, Danny! You are the eternal muse ❤️

danny the dog

I found Andrew about thirteen years ago down in Miami. Nowadays we live on a boat in Fort Lauderdale, but I’m originally from Miami. Andrew, as far as I know, has always lived in Fort Lauderdale.

I was six months old and I wanted to go out and see the world. I wasn’t getting any younger and the lure of the road was calling to me. So, one day when no one was looking, I just took off. At first, I had a grand time. I’d sniff my way up one street and then down the next. I met up with a few other dogs, chased a few cars, and thought to myself, This is the life. But after a day or so, I started to get hungry and, unlike the home I had left, the humans I ran into had no desire to feed me. I did get…

View original post 546 more words

Reblog: #ShareAReviewDay – Vampyrie by Tina Frisco | The Write Stuff

I’m a guest of Marcia Meara today, on her #ShareAReviewDay series. Marcia’s blog is an eclectic mix of supportive, informative, and entertaining posts. If you’re not familiar with Marcia (and even if you are!), you’re in for a treat. Please visit her blog to comment, and share from there. My thanks to Marcia for hosting me, and to you for stopping by ❤️


#ShareAReviewDay – Vampyrie by Tina Frisco

This morning, I’d like to welcome Tina Frisco, who is sharing a review of her book, Vampyrie. I hope you enjoy checking out the review, and sharing on social media. Thanks so much!

on January 14, 2018

I never participated in the vampire reading craze that took over the fantasy genre after the successes of the famous books, “Twilight” or “Interview with the Vampire.” There was always too much blood and lust for my taste. Now upon deeper reflection, I may have missed out on some fascinating stories.

I also never considered the intriguing literary possibilities behind the disease of vampirism. Yet, that is exactly what attracted me to Tina Frisco’s hit novel, Vampyrie.

The protagonist, Phoebe Angelina Delaney is portrayed as a strong compassionate woman with a reputation for facing peril head-on. She is a fierce defender of her friends and loved ones. I immediately connected with Phoebe’s character and loved that she was written like a real person, filled with flaws and fears just like the rest of us.

Why did Phoebe’s father keep their family history a secret? Why did her mother disappear when Phoebe was a child? The story unravels, bit by bit, guiding the reader along on Phoebe’s journey where she must confront the secrets of her past and come to grips with the reality of her true identity. It’s not easy to face the real world when it turns upside down, but Phoebe shows us what’s she made of.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the character, W’Hyani, from one of the author’s prior novels, “Plateau, Beyond the Trees,” play an important role in this novel. The tie-in of characters was a brilliant addition by the author. What W’Hyani brings to this novel is the same thing she brought to the first novel – a sense of hope for the future of humanity; even though the characters find themselves embroiled in the midst of a war that must be won.

“Vampyrie” stands out from other supernatural tales because the vampire theory we have all come to expect has been rewritten with a twist where medical science skillfully revises the history of vampirism. This hypothesis holds a credibility that lends a sense of realism to the story I didn’t expect. It was a great divergence that kept me totally engaged in the mystery.

Yes, there was blood, and fangs, and some gore; but it wouldn’t be a vampire novel without those elements. I can only say I found myself pleasantly surprised when I discovered the fundamental theme of the book bestowed a philosophical message of growth, strength, and change.

If you think you know vampire novels, think again. “Vampyrie” rewrites the stereotypes and character archetypes you’ve come to expect into something fresh and new. I bet even the vampires approve!


What if vampires were not the undead, but rather the dying? What if there were two factions among vampires: the sustained and the unsustainable? And what if those factions were at war with one another over the life of a young woman who promised them a future? Vampyrie brings the myth of the vampire into the realm of possibility.

Phoebe Angelina Delaney is a reluctant genius and compassionate hothead. She finds herself in a pitch-dark underground and doesn’t remember how she got there. Did she drink too much alcohol and wander off in a stupor, or was she kidnapped by a malicious element determined to make her life a living hell?

Sir Michael Alan David is a vampire – an enigma, charismatic and mysterious, who weaves in and out of Phoebe’s life. Does he intend to use his title as a ruse to draw her closer to an unearthly fate, or is he a cloak-and-dagger knight in shining armor?

Too many secrets have been kept for too long. Phoebe must unravel the mystery in order to survive. Two major characters from the author’s first novel, Plateau, join forces with Phoebe to battle the demons in Vampyrie.

Continue reading…

#Author Interview: Jacqui Murray

Jacqui Murray, AuthorJacqui Murray has just released her latest novel, Born in a Treacherous Time, and I’m so pleased to help her promote it. She’s doing a blog hop beginning today and running through June 21st. Jacqui has been teaching K-8 technology for 15 years. She is editor/author of over 100 tech ed resources, including a K-8 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, and K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, CSG Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice book reviewer, CAEP reviewer, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, and a weekly contributor to TeachHUB. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.


Born in a Treacherous Time by Jacqui Murray
Cover by: Damonza

Buy Jacqui’s book HERE



Born in the harsh world of East Africa 1.8 million years ago, where hunger, death, and predation are a normal part of daily life, Lucy and her band of early humans struggle to survive. It is a time in history when man was relentlessly annihilated by predators, nature, his own people, and the next iteration of the species. To make it worse, Lucy’s band hates her. She may be their leader’s new mate but they don’t understand her odd actions, don’t like her strange looks, and don’t trust her past. To survive, she cobbles together an unusual alliance with an orphaned child, a beleaguered protodog who’s lost his pack, and a man who was supposed to be dead.

Kirkus Review:

Murray’s lean prose is steeped in the characters’ brutal worldview, which lends a delightful otherness to the narration …The book’s plot is similar in key ways to other works in the genre, particularly Jean M. Auel’s The Clan of the Cave Bear. However, Murray weaves a taut, compelling narrative, building her story on timeless human concerns of survival, acceptance, and fear of the unknown. Even if readers have a general sense of where the plot is going, they’ll still find the specific twists and revelations to be highly entertaining throughout.

A well-executed tale of early man.


Please join me in welcoming Jacqui to my blog. Let’s learn more about her and her work.

Before I start, Tina, I’d like to thank you for hosting me on your wonderful blog and for the opportunity to get to know your community. This is quite an honor!

You’re most welcome, Jacqui. I’m delighted to host you! Tell us something personal about yourself.  I adore my husband and my dog (not necessarily in that order). I have two amazing children, one a SGT in the Army and the other a LT CMDR (Select) in the Navy. I am blessed with my family!

Tell us a little about your new book.  My latest novel is prehistoric fiction, Born in a Treacherous Time, to be released June 2018. It is Book 1 of my Man vs. Nature series, planned for four books covering man’s rise from helpless prey to apex predator. I’m excited to get this story out there and hope it will inspire the main character to stop nagging me!

Born in a Treacherous Time is Lucy’s story, how she and her band of early humans struggle to survive in the harsh reality of a world where nature rules, survival is a daily challenge, and a violent band threatens to destroy everything Lucy thinks she understands.

If you like Bear Grylls’ Man vs. Wild, you’ll love this book. If you ever wondered how earliest man survived but couldn’t get through the ten-syllable academic explanations, this book is for you. It will bring that world to life in a way never seen before.

What inspired you to write it?  I started writing to understand historic events better. Nothing unravels history better than seeing people in real-life situations. I like to throw my characters off a ledge and see if they learn to fly. There is no high as great as solving the unsolvable.


Born in a Treacherous Time by Jacqui Murray
Cover by: Damonza


How do you write – outline or free flow?  I write from an outline. I put everything into a spreadsheet first, add details, shake everything up, move rows around, and then convert it to Word where I flesh the story out. I know it’s a bit odd but it works well for me!

What subjects do write about on your blog?  I have several blogs (thank you for the opportunity to share them!):

Jacqui Murray - Structured Learning


What is your current writing project?  Currently, I am working on Book 2 in the Man vs. Nature series. This one will explore early man’s migration from Africa to all parts of Asia, the Levant, and Europe. It’s tentatively called Crossroads (for obvious reasons) and should be out Summer 2019.

What advice would you give a new writer?  The best I can offer—besides the de rigeur of ‘write well’–is write a lot. Making money at writing is as much a numbers game as anything else—the more books you have out, the more you sell. People are more likely to buy your first book if they see you’ve written a series.

What do you hope will be the everlasting thoughts for readers who finish your book?  I hope readers of Born in a Treacherous Time are blown away with the majesty and nobility of early man. He was the first animal who didn’t rely on instinct to ensure his survival. Instead, he evaluated his surroundings and came up with new solutions to old problems. I am in awe of his tenacity and brilliance.

What is a fun fact about you?  Few people know I used to be a professional ballroom dancer. I competed around the country and owned a dance studio. My favorite dances were tango, Paso Doble, and the venerable fox trot. I haven’t danced since I got married. My husband isn’t a fan and nothing I could do would change his mind!

Perhaps Jacqui could hold a dance-a-thon on her blog. It would be great fun and could very well go viral 🙂

I’d like to thank Jacqui for being my guest. I’m sure we all wish her every success with her writing and her new book.


Jacqui Murray BooksFind all of Jacqui’s books Here


Connect with Jacqui:  Blog   Twitter   Facebook   LinkedIn   Pinterest   Nonfiction technology-in-ed books
Amazon Author Page  
I hope you enjoyed learning more about Jacqui. Please visit her blogs, comment and share.
Thanks so much for stopping by ❤️

Reblog: The 2018 Author Interview Series Featuring Tina Frisco | Author Don Massenzio

Don Massenzio is an avid supporter of fellow authors, and I’m honored to be among his guests on his 2018 Author Interview Series. He has interviewed nearly 200 authors since 2016, and you will find them listed in his Author Directory.
Don is a prolific author with many books to his name.

Find all of his books HERE

Frank Immersed by Don Massenzio
My thanks to Don for a lovely interview and for his ongoing support of fellow authors. Thanks so much for stopping by ❤️



The 2018 Author Interview Series Featuring Tina Frisco

It’s time for the next subject for my 2018 author interview series. Author interviews are posted every Friday throughout the year.I am honored to continue this series with California author and blogger Tina Frisco.

You can catch up with all of my past author interviews (nearly 200) on my Author Directory page.

If you’re an author interested in being interviewed in this series, I still have limited spots available for 2018. You can email me at

Now, please enjoy this interview with Tina Frisco:

Tina 4a

Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

I aim to do both, because both are needed for books to sell. But I won’t compromise originality, so at times it becomes a bit of a juggling act. I write because I enjoy it and am compelled to so. Writing is my life’s blood. And like most writers, I want to engage and communicate with others. In order to reach people, my writing must be both original and magnetic.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

Pay attention. Observe what moves people and learn how to reach them where they are. Take your passion for writing and gingerly weave its message through the prevailing consciousness. People will turn a deaf ear to shouting, but they will strain to hear a whisper.

What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel?

woman chief

Woman Chief by Rose Sobol. It’s the true story of a woman who became chief of the Crow Indians by refusing the traditional duties of women and by outperforming her male counterparts.

Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones?

Continue reading . . .

Vote for My Book in Authorsdb #firstlines Semi-Finals Contest

I’ve entered my book, Vampyrie, in the AUTHORSdb First Lines Contest and would very much appreciate your vote.

Vampyrie by Tina Frisco

Go to AUTHORSdb and scroll down to Submit your Vote/ Review. Voting ends May 28, 2018.


Judging is based on three questions:

Do these first lines pull you into the story?
As a reader are you invested in reading more?
Do you feel involved in the story quickly?


These are the first lines in Vampyrie:

“Where in the blazes am I?” Phoebe mumbled under her breath, afraid someone might be listening. “And how in the world did I get here?” She crept along the cold stone wall, carefully placing one foot in front of the other.


AUTHORSdb is a wonderful place to meet fellow authors and showcase our work.

I usually don’t enter contests and don’t quite remember why I entered this one! But now that I’m invested, I might as well promote it and enjoy the ride 🙂

Thank you so much! ❤️

Reblog ~ 49 Days In 1988: Week 16 – Closing Doors

I was thrilled to be Hugh Roberts‘ guest last month on his 49 Days In 1988 series. He shares snippets from his 1988 diary and takes us on a trip in his Music Time machine, featuring songs from the 1980s chosen by his guests.

Glimpses by Hugh Roberts

Buy Hugh’s book HERE

I enjoyed being a part of this series and thank Hugh for inviting me. Now over to Hugh 🙂




49 Days In 1988: Week 16 – Closing Doors

Click here to read the first week of this feature, and follow the links at the end of each post.


London – April 13th, 1988

Well, I certainly will not rush into things as far as Dean is concerned. A phone call from him this evening meant another long conversation and a dinner date tomorrow evening. We both get on well, and I hope it lasts. It may all be happening far too quickly, after Stewart, and I may be on the rebound, but the waters around Dean seem calm and steady. I wonder if he sees the same in me? Afterall, Stewart is still on my mind and we’ve that upcoming meetup we promised each other.

It looks as if I could be moving again soon. We were told tonight that the house is on the market. It came as quite a shock to all of us. I do enjoy living here with the other guys. However, after a long talk with Stephen, we’ve decided to look for a flat together. Afterall, we get on so well, and I’m sure it’s not a bad idea, so as from tomorrow we start looking at the rental market. 

There’s no panic on finding a new place just yet, though. It could take up to six months to sell the house, so at least we have plenty of time on our hands. On the other hand, we could be out by July or August. Hopefully, by then, Stephen and I will be well-settled somewhere new! Fingers crossed.     

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Welcome to this new feature for 2018 on Hugh’s Views and News. In this feature, I’ll be sharing snippets from my diary of 1988. We’ll also take a trip in Hugh’s Music Time machine to hear some songs from the 1980s which have been chosen by some specially invited guests.

#author #authors #books
Author, writer and blogger, Tina Frisco

This week, my guest is the author, writer and blogger, Tina Frisco. Not only is Tina a published author, but she’s also a singer and songwriter. She has performed publicly in many different venues. Born in Pennsylvania USA, she attended nursing school in New York and now lives in sunny California.

Tina has published three books, one of which – Vampyrie: Origin Of The Vampire, we’re going to feature today. Released in December 2016, if you like stories about creatures that have a blood addiction, then add this book to your ‘must-read list.’ Here’s the blurb about the book.

What if vampires were not the undead, but rather the dying? What if there were two factions among vampires: the sustained and the unsustainable? And what if those factions were at war with one another over the life of a young woman who promised them a future? Vampyrie brings the myth of the vampire into the realm of possibility. 

Phoebe Angelina Delaney is a reluctant genius and compassionate hothead. She finds herself in a pitch-dark underground and doesn’t remember how she got there. Did she drink too much alcohol and wander off in a stupor, or was she kidnapped by a malicious element determined to make her life a living hell? 

Sir Michael Alan David is a vampire – an enigma, charismatic and mysterious, who weaves in and out of Phoebe’s life. Does he intend to use his title as a ruse to draw her closer to an unearthly fate, or is he a cloak-and-dagger knight in shining armor

Too many secrets have been kept for too long. Phoebe must unravel the mystery in order to survive. Two major characters from the author’s first novel, Plateau, join forces with Phoebe to battle the demons in Vampyrie.

Vampyrie by Tina Frisco

Continue reading to see which song I chose 🙂
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