Tag Archives: Mystery Suspense

Vampyrie Wins @AUTHORSdb 2018 First Lines Contest

I’m thrilled to announce that my book, Vampyrie, won the gold in the AUTHORSdb 2018 First Lines Contest!


Vampyrie by Tina Frisco


I was up against some pretty tough competition and was honored to be among so many talented writers.



The 2019 contest is now open. ENTER HERE


Winning this award has once again shown me the importance of reworking those first lines until they jump off the page and grab the reader.

For those of you interested in my work, all of my books can be purchased on Amazon.



Tina Frisco - Author


My thanks to everyone who took the time to log in to AUTHORSdb and vote for my book. I’m very grateful to all of you.
Thanks so much for stopping by ❤️

Reblog: #ShareAReviewDay – Vampyrie by Tina Frisco | The Write Stuff

I’m a guest of Marcia Meara today, on her #ShareAReviewDay series. Marcia’s blog is an eclectic mix of supportive, informative, and entertaining posts. If you’re not familiar with Marcia (and even if you are!), you’re in for a treat. Please visit her blog to comment, and share from there. My thanks to Marcia for hosting me, and to you for stopping by ❤️


#ShareAReviewDay – Vampyrie by Tina Frisco

This morning, I’d like to welcome Tina Frisco, who is sharing a review of her book, Vampyrie. I hope you enjoy checking out the review, and sharing on social media. Thanks so much!

on January 14, 2018

I never participated in the vampire reading craze that took over the fantasy genre after the successes of the famous books, “Twilight” or “Interview with the Vampire.” There was always too much blood and lust for my taste. Now upon deeper reflection, I may have missed out on some fascinating stories.

I also never considered the intriguing literary possibilities behind the disease of vampirism. Yet, that is exactly what attracted me to Tina Frisco’s hit novel, Vampyrie.

The protagonist, Phoebe Angelina Delaney is portrayed as a strong compassionate woman with a reputation for facing peril head-on. She is a fierce defender of her friends and loved ones. I immediately connected with Phoebe’s character and loved that she was written like a real person, filled with flaws and fears just like the rest of us.

Why did Phoebe’s father keep their family history a secret? Why did her mother disappear when Phoebe was a child? The story unravels, bit by bit, guiding the reader along on Phoebe’s journey where she must confront the secrets of her past and come to grips with the reality of her true identity. It’s not easy to face the real world when it turns upside down, but Phoebe shows us what’s she made of.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the character, W’Hyani, from one of the author’s prior novels, “Plateau, Beyond the Trees,” play an important role in this novel. The tie-in of characters was a brilliant addition by the author. What W’Hyani brings to this novel is the same thing she brought to the first novel – a sense of hope for the future of humanity; even though the characters find themselves embroiled in the midst of a war that must be won.

“Vampyrie” stands out from other supernatural tales because the vampire theory we have all come to expect has been rewritten with a twist where medical science skillfully revises the history of vampirism. This hypothesis holds a credibility that lends a sense of realism to the story I didn’t expect. It was a great divergence that kept me totally engaged in the mystery.

Yes, there was blood, and fangs, and some gore; but it wouldn’t be a vampire novel without those elements. I can only say I found myself pleasantly surprised when I discovered the fundamental theme of the book bestowed a philosophical message of growth, strength, and change.

If you think you know vampire novels, think again. “Vampyrie” rewrites the stereotypes and character archetypes you’ve come to expect into something fresh and new. I bet even the vampires approve!


What if vampires were not the undead, but rather the dying? What if there were two factions among vampires: the sustained and the unsustainable? And what if those factions were at war with one another over the life of a young woman who promised them a future? Vampyrie brings the myth of the vampire into the realm of possibility.

Phoebe Angelina Delaney is a reluctant genius and compassionate hothead. She finds herself in a pitch-dark underground and doesn’t remember how she got there. Did she drink too much alcohol and wander off in a stupor, or was she kidnapped by a malicious element determined to make her life a living hell?

Sir Michael Alan David is a vampire – an enigma, charismatic and mysterious, who weaves in and out of Phoebe’s life. Does he intend to use his title as a ruse to draw her closer to an unearthly fate, or is he a cloak-and-dagger knight in shining armor?

Too many secrets have been kept for too long. Phoebe must unravel the mystery in order to survive. Two major characters from the author’s first novel, Plateau, join forces with Phoebe to battle the demons in Vampyrie.

Continue reading…

Vote for My Book in Authorsdb #firstlines Semi-Finals Contest

I’ve entered my book, Vampyrie, in the AUTHORSdb First Lines Contest and would very much appreciate your vote.

Vampyrie by Tina Frisco

Go to AUTHORSdb and scroll down to Submit your Vote/ Review. Voting ends May 28, 2018.


Judging is based on three questions:

Do these first lines pull you into the story?
As a reader are you invested in reading more?
Do you feel involved in the story quickly?


These are the first lines in Vampyrie:

“Where in the blazes am I?” Phoebe mumbled under her breath, afraid someone might be listening. “And how in the world did I get here?” She crept along the cold stone wall, carefully placing one foot in front of the other.


AUTHORSdb is a wonderful place to meet fellow authors and showcase our work.

I usually don’t enter contests and don’t quite remember why I entered this one! But now that I’m invested, I might as well promote it and enjoy the ride 🙂

Thank you so much! ❤️

Reblog ~ 49 Days In 1988: Week 16 – Closing Doors

I was thrilled to be Hugh Roberts‘ guest last month on his 49 Days In 1988 series. He shares snippets from his 1988 diary and takes us on a trip in his Music Time machine, featuring songs from the 1980s chosen by his guests.

Glimpses by Hugh Roberts

Buy Hugh’s book HERE

I enjoyed being a part of this series and thank Hugh for inviting me. Now over to Hugh 🙂




49 Days In 1988: Week 16 – Closing Doors

Click here to read the first week of this feature, and follow the links at the end of each post.


London – April 13th, 1988

Well, I certainly will not rush into things as far as Dean is concerned. A phone call from him this evening meant another long conversation and a dinner date tomorrow evening. We both get on well, and I hope it lasts. It may all be happening far too quickly, after Stewart, and I may be on the rebound, but the waters around Dean seem calm and steady. I wonder if he sees the same in me? Afterall, Stewart is still on my mind and we’ve that upcoming meetup we promised each other.

It looks as if I could be moving again soon. We were told tonight that the house is on the market. It came as quite a shock to all of us. I do enjoy living here with the other guys. However, after a long talk with Stephen, we’ve decided to look for a flat together. Afterall, we get on so well, and I’m sure it’s not a bad idea, so as from tomorrow we start looking at the rental market. 

There’s no panic on finding a new place just yet, though. It could take up to six months to sell the house, so at least we have plenty of time on our hands. On the other hand, we could be out by July or August. Hopefully, by then, Stephen and I will be well-settled somewhere new! Fingers crossed.     

#London #music #bloggers #city #LGBTQI #LGBT


Welcome to this new feature for 2018 on Hugh’s Views and News. In this feature, I’ll be sharing snippets from my diary of 1988. We’ll also take a trip in Hugh’s Music Time machine to hear some songs from the 1980s which have been chosen by some specially invited guests.

#author #authors #books
Author, writer and blogger, Tina Frisco

This week, my guest is the author, writer and blogger, Tina Frisco. Not only is Tina a published author, but she’s also a singer and songwriter. She has performed publicly in many different venues. Born in Pennsylvania USA, she attended nursing school in New York and now lives in sunny California.

Tina has published three books, one of which – Vampyrie: Origin Of The Vampire, we’re going to feature today. Released in December 2016, if you like stories about creatures that have a blood addiction, then add this book to your ‘must-read list.’ Here’s the blurb about the book.

What if vampires were not the undead, but rather the dying? What if there were two factions among vampires: the sustained and the unsustainable? And what if those factions were at war with one another over the life of a young woman who promised them a future? Vampyrie brings the myth of the vampire into the realm of possibility. 

Phoebe Angelina Delaney is a reluctant genius and compassionate hothead. She finds herself in a pitch-dark underground and doesn’t remember how she got there. Did she drink too much alcohol and wander off in a stupor, or was she kidnapped by a malicious element determined to make her life a living hell? 

Sir Michael Alan David is a vampire – an enigma, charismatic and mysterious, who weaves in and out of Phoebe’s life. Does he intend to use his title as a ruse to draw her closer to an unearthly fate, or is he a cloak-and-dagger knight in shining armor

Too many secrets have been kept for too long. Phoebe must unravel the mystery in order to survive. Two major characters from the author’s first novel, Plateau, join forces with Phoebe to battle the demons in Vampyrie.

Vampyrie by Tina Frisco

Continue reading to see which song I chose 🙂
Thanks so much for stopping by ❤️

New #Reviews for My Books

Receiving reviews for our books is thrilling. As many of you know, writing a book is a labor of love that can be grueling. When someone takes the time not only to read our books, but also to review them, we see the value of our writing and reap its benefits.
Over the past few months, two of my books received 5-star reviews. I’d like to share them with you and spotlight the kind folks who wrote them.

Vampyrie: Origin of the Vampire

Vampyrie by Tina Frisco

A different kind of vampire story  5 Stars
By DGKaye on August 16, 2017

A brilliant theory that Frisco brings to this story – good vs. bad (rogue) vampires and a story that takes us through fast-paced action with the protagonist, the impetuous Phoebe who finds herself abducted by a vampire in the beginning of this curious tale.

Although the story revolves around the theme of vampires, the story is a twist on the vampire theory, bringing unpredictable action with the characters who find themselves entangled in this alternative world of secret vampires.

Throughout the story we’ll find ourselves wondering why Phoebe’s father kept their vampire history secret, and why did her mother mysteriously disappear out of her life when Phoebe was a young child. But the events that follow the story keep us engaged and waiting to find out about – The Origin of the Vampyrie and how all the characters involved came to be part of the Vampyrie circle. Through this journey Phoebe discovers who she really is as we watch her grow through the learning process.

This book is far from the average vampire story containing blood and gore, but a delight to read with Frisco’s quick witted writing and her uncanny knack to be able to insert love and compassion even in a story about vampire lore. A recommended read.

D.G. Kaye Writer

Debby Gies aka D.G. Kaye just released her latest memoir, Twenty Years: After “I Do.” I recently featured Debby’s book launch on my blog. You can read it HERE.

Twenty Years: After "I Do" by D.G. Kaye

Connect with Debby on her Website and social networks:
Website  Facebook   Twitter   Goodreads  LinkedIn  Google+   Pinterest   StumbleUpon   Instagram  About.Me 
Find Debby’s books on Amazon US and Amazon UK  

Plateau: Beyond the Trees
PLATEAU by Tina Frisco

Colleen Chesebro and Madelyn Griffith-Hayne wrote fabulous reviews for Plateau that I featured in October. You can read them HERE.
The most recent review for Plateau is by Diana Peach. Diana is an outstanding writer, and I’m so appreciative of this lovely holiday gift.
Illuminating Read  5 Stars

This is an unusual and gentle book geared toward readers looking for a story that illuminates ancient and universal wisdom about love, kindness, generosity, peace, courage, life, and death. The story follows W’Hyani, a young woman who resides with her tribe on a plateau beyond the trees, separated from modern society. The youth of the tribe learn from their elders, and their lessons are derived from life close to the Earth.

Each chapter starts with a reading from Lynn V. Andrews Power Deck, a 45-card deck offering affirmations and meditations geared toward reclaiming one’s personal power. The reading sets the tone as well as indicates the lesson the character learns in the chapter’s action. In this way, each chapter is a parable in addition to part of the larger story.

Frisco provides lovely detail into the characters themselves, as well as their way of life, the nature of their relationships, their challenges, and the tribe’s rituals. The content by nature is spiritual and uplifting without being heavy-handed or religious, and the lessons along the way feel completely natural in the context, while relatable to everyday modern life.

The story is told in an omniscient point of view, pacing is steady, and the characters are well-drawn. This isn’t a long book and can easily be read in one sitting, but I savored it over a week. Either way, an enjoyable journey.

D. Wallace Peach

Connect with Diana on her Website and social networks:  Website   Facebook   Twitter   Goodreads  LinkedIn   Google+
Find Diana’s books on Amazon US and Amazon UK  
Myths of the Mirror by D. Wallace Peach
I’m so grateful for these wonderful reviews.
Thank you for reading and sharing in my good news!
Namaste, my friends 

#TinaFrisco ~ Free Books for the Holidays

I love giving gifts. I enjoy watching the sparkle in someone’s eyes as they unwrap an anticipated treasure. 
The Winter holidays embody love, compassion, and sharing. I hold great hope for humankind and envision these virtues imbuing our lives all year round. If each of us did one small thing for someone we did not know, imagine the light that would fill the world!


Pixabay CCO
Image courtesy of Pixabay CCO
This Holiday Season I would like to show my appreciation for all of you who regularly visit and share my blog, and who freely offer your love and support.
Thank you so muc♥
On the following dates, each of my books will be free for download on Amazon: 

Vampyrie: Origin of the Vampire ~  Dec. 11th
Download HERE
VAMPYRIE: Origin of the Vampire by Tina Frisco

What if vampires were not the undead, but rather the dying? What if there were two factions among vampires: the sustained and the unsustainable? And what if those factions were at war with one another over the life of a young woman who promised them a future? Vampyrie brings the myth of the vampire into the realm of possibility. 

Plateau: Beyond the Trees ~ Dec. 12th
PLATEAU: Beyond the Trees by Tina Frisco

Is there any hope for humankind? Will love prevail over fear? A young tribal female is unaware she holds the answers to these questions. W’Hyani was born strong and willful and the Keeper of the Crystal Heart. Her mettle is tested by the cosmic forces that shaped her destiny. She comes face-to-face with fear in a battle that would shrink the will of the most daring warrior. The fate of all beings in the Universe depends on her defeating the bloodthirsty gondrah and unlocking the mystery of the Great Mosaic of Life.

Gabby and the Quads ~ Dec. 13th
Gabby and the Quads by Tina Frisco

Gabby is an only child who is about to become big sister to quadruplets! How will she handle this? Her parents decide on a unique approach to introduce her to and help her accept this awesome experience. Follow Gabby as she learns all about babies and the joy of loving.

Wishing all of you a wonderful Holiday Season
My heart to your heart 
Pixabay CCO
Image courtesy of Pixabay CCO

Featured image courtesy of Pixabay CCO

#Author Allan Hudson Releases His New Book: Wall of War

Join me in congratulating Allan Hudson on the release of his new book, Wall of War (Drake Alexander Adventures Book 2). To celebrate and help promote his work, I invited Allan to share an excerpt from his thrilling new mystery. You can learn how to connect with him at the end of this post.

Wall of War by Allan Hudson

Buy the book HERE



Deep in the wilderness of the Peruvian Andes lies a monument hidden for centuries. Who were the builders? Why was it abandoned? What secrets does it reveal?

In 1953, an amateur rock climber makes a startling discovery. Overwhelmed by the choices he must make, the mountaineer completes his ascent deciding he will document his findings and present them to his superiors as soon as possible. It will take another fifty years before anyone reads what he wrote.

In 2004 news of the strange revelation reaches Drake Alexander. He will become involved whether he likes it or not. People very dear to him are plunged into a nightmare of avarice, impairment and death. Using all his skills as an ex-soldier, with accomplices he can trust, can he save his tormented friends from the raiders that thirst for the secret that lies within the mountains?

from Chapter 1

He picks himself up, brushes away some of the dust and retrieves his tool. When he bends down to pick it up, he disturbs a dusty blue rag that was rolled into the insulation. He picks it up.

“What have we here, Miguel?”

Miguel is braced upon the ladder. He watches Teodoro reach for the rag, noticing that there is something rolled up inside where the edge of the flap is open.

“It’s very heavy, whatever it is.”

Teodoro unravels the cloth to reveal a roll of paper.  The shiny edge of something gleams from within. He drops the rag to the floor, holding the items in his hand. The paper has an unfamiliar feel and thickness. As Teodoro unrolls the paper, the golden object slips out, falling to the floor. Miguel has alit from the ladder, curious as to what Teodoro has. He is standing beside the younger man when the object falls. He picks it up. Holding it in both hands, the men are speechless as it is obviously made of gold. After several moments, Miguel says, “This is an ancient dagger, Teodoro; it is similar to one on display I saw at the University in Cuzco. Archeologists have suggested knives like this were used in what was referred to as capacocha ceremonies, human sacrifice, often children. The squat figure of the haft might be a depiction of one of their gods. This one reminds me of Supai, the god of death, but I’m only guessing.”

Teodoro remains spellbound, not so much by Miguel’s interpretation, but at what such a relic might be worth. He has forgotten about the paper he holds in his hand until Miguel hands the golden object out to him and says, “Hold this Teodoro and let me see the paper. Handle the scroll carefully for it seems quite old.”

The men trade objects; the younger man’s eyes are glazed by greed, unnoticed by Miguel. Teodoro handles the dagger with caution, turning it over while inspecting the details of the carved figure. Miguel studies the paper roll, surprised at how white the paper is. It hasn’t yellowed like most paper, adding to the mystery. The texture is much different than normal paper; it almost feels like a banknote. It is then that he realizes that it is likely rag paper, paper made from fibres of the cotton plant. That would explain why it is not brittle.

Dark Side of Promise by Allan Hudson


About Allan Hudson

I live by Cocagne Bay in Eastern Canada where the summers are hot by the seaside and the snow is deep in the winter. I married the greatest gal on earth, Gloria, and have a wonderful son Adam, two great stepsons Mark (Nathalie) and Chris (Mireille)Young. Three grandchildren Matthieu, Natasha and Damian.

I love reading. My mother was my school teacher and taught me to read and write when I was young. I’m thankful for that.
I’m a carpenter, woodworker, aspiring author and I sell jewellery for a living at Peoples Jewellers.

I love jazz music and am a HUGE fan of JJ Cale.

I have a wonderful life. I hope that you will read my novels – Wall of War and Dark Side of a Promise . I trust you will enjoy them and if so please tell someone.

I can be reached at allan.f.hudson@gmail.com. Please visit my website if you like short stories, guest writers and interviews.


Connect with Allan:  Blog   Amazon US   Amazon UK   Facebook   Twitter 

My thanks to Allan for being my guest and sharing his new book with us. Learn more about Allan and connect with him by visiting his sites below.

Thanks so much for stopping by ❤ 

Negative Self-Judgment – Guest post by, Tina Frisco… | Chris The Story Reading Ape’s Blog

Christopher Graham, The Story Reading Ape, is a generous soul who regularly hosts other bloggers. If you’re not familiar with our big-hearted Ape, treat yourself to a plethora of terrific posts by visiting his superb BLOG. I want to thank Chris for his generosity and for featuring my post, which I’d like to share with you now ❤ 
Photo by Ningren
Image courtesy of Ningren

The people we tend to be hardest on are ourselves. Some folks are an exception to this, but it seems to be true for most of us.

While I was in Pennsylvania helping care for my mother, I fell into judging myself… harshly… a lot.

I should be doing more. I should move back to Pennsylvania in order to help my sisters meet my mother’s needs. I should not feel guilty that my nephew gave up his bed for me and is sleeping on the couch for five weeks. I should not be afraid to drive a (huge) van for the first time in my life, down unfamiliar winding roads, and over freeways and across bridges under construction. I should be able to stick with my dietary regimen and exercise program, even though I am constantly on the go and thoroughly exhausted.

How often do we hear ourselves say, ‘I should’? Have we not been ‘should’ on enough in our lives? What coding is embedded in the human psyche that prompts us to judge our actions, or lack thereof, so harshly?

I think we all know the answer to that question: Guilt.

But from where does guilt derive? How does it become embedded? Is it innate or learned? Unless it is a defensive mechanism all babies are born with, it is learned. So how do we unlearn it? How do we unlearn anything that has become a bad habit? We need to look at what caused the habit to develop in the first place.

Negative messages received in childhood imprint on our psyches. We play these messages over and over in our minds until they are embedded as core beliefs that become self-fulfilling. Thus, our life experiences generally result from what we believe to be true.

Energy follows thought.

It is also important to be cognizant of the pitfalls of perpetuating negative self-judgment. Those pitfalls are the tradeoffs garnered through self-denigration. One example is the ‘poor me’ attitude. This may elicit the treasured attention that was absent in childhood, but it is merely Band-Aid treatment for a fractured psyche.

Once we discover the origin of guilt, we need to recognize it as a mental process conceived of the emotion, fear.

All emotion stems from either LOVE or FEAR.

We might feel guilty, but the truth is we feel afraid – afraid of being disliked, shunned, rejected. As this primordial broth simmers, the subconscious mind attempts to make sense of it and accommodate what it perceives to be our needs.

The subconscious is a servant that takes all we feel at face value.

Photo by Ningren
Image courtesy of Ningren

If we are afraid of something, it infers we must want to defend against it and does all in its power to make this so. In the case of negative self-judgment, it armors us with guilt. However, we oftentimes are not aware of the underlying feeling(s) driving our behavior. Yet guilt will not be denied.

This is a good thing, because . . .

Continue reading … 

Source: Negative Self-Judgment – Guest post by, Tina Frisco… | Chris The Story Reading Ape’s Blog

#5-Star #Review for #Plateau

While I was on break helping my sisters with my mother, my book PLATEAU received two new reviews. Since I haven’t developed the habit of checking my books for reviews (I know! What kind of author am I?), I stumbled upon these at different times.

I reblogged Colleen Chesebro‘s review on 10/5/17. You can read it HERE. I just learned of Madelyn Griffith-Hayne‘s review, and would like to share it with you now. 

Madelyn is a practicing ADD Coach who trains, mentors, and coaches ADD professionals. She refers to herself as The ADD Poster Girl and describes herself in this way: “Mentalist and empath, visionary and myopic, the sanest person I’ve ever met with the craziest life: a self-aware, self-assured stuttering wonder of more-than-a-mess.” That alone should kindle your little grey cells 🙂 If you’re not familiar with Madelyn, please visit her BLOG, comment, and share. 

Madelyn has captured the essence of PLATEAU. Thank you, my friend, for this heartfelt and moving review ❤ PLATEAU by Tina Frisco

Spiritually Moving and Uplifting

FIRST I must say that I loved this gentle little book. I devoured it in a single evening, so entranced by the story that I didn’t want to stop to read the inspiring quotes from Lynn V. Andrew’s Power Deck that began each chapter. Once I reached the end of the book I had to go back for the quotes, skimming each following chapter a second time.

NOW I must say that I have struggled with how I could possibly write a review — I’ve never read another book quite like it.

Other reviewers here have given you as much as you need to become familiar with the book’s “environment” – if I can call it that, introducing you to a few of the characters – so I won’t repeat similar content. But they can’t convey the deeply spiritual, uplifting essence of the book that, to me, is what makes it remarkable. Plateau never pontificates, but rather seduces the reader to come to his or her own spiritual realizations as the story unfolds.

I suppose the most impactful thing I can say is that I was infused with a sense of well-being when I finally put down my Kindle and turned off the light. I was in such a calm and totally relaxed positive state of mind that I transitioned easily and almost immediately into a deep sleep – a rare experience in my life.
(Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
ADD/EFD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
“It takes a village to transform a world!”

Colleen’s #Book #Reviews ~ 5 Stars for Plateau

Colleen Chesebro gave me the most wonderful ‘welcome home’ gift by featuring her review of my book, PLATEAU, on her blog. It’s always a thrill when our books receive positive reviews, especially when they touch our hearts.

If you’re not familiar with Colleen, do visit and follow her wonderful blogs ~ The Fairy Whisperer and A Mindful JourneyI’m sure you’ll be delighted.

Thank you, Colleen. You are a sister and a friend. My heart to your heart ❤❤


PLATEAU by Tina Frisco

  • Title:  Plateau: Beyond the Trees
  • Amazon Author Profile: Tina Frisco
  • File Size: 1474 KB
  • Print Length: 176 Pages
  • Publisher: Tina Frisco, 2nd Edition
  • Publication Date: July 11, 2017
  • Sold By: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B073W789GB
  • ISBN-10: 1548771783
  • ISBN-13: 978-1548771782
  • Formats: Paperback and Kindle
  • Goodreads
  • Genres: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Metaphysical, Visionary


Is there any hope for humankind? Will love prevail over fear? A young tribal female is unaware she holds the answers to these questions. W’Hyani was born strong and willful and the Keeper of the Crystal Heart. Her mettle is tested by the cosmic forces that shaped her destiny. She comes face-to-face with fear in a battle that would shrink the will of the most daring warrior. The fate of all beings in the Universe depends on her defeating the bloodthirsty gondrah and unlocking the mystery of the Great Mosaic of Life.


At the first turn of page one in the Plateau: Beyond the Trees, the reader steps back into time, or possibly the future, to meet the E’Ghali tribe and the young, W’Hyani. The story is told through her experiences and life journey as W’Hyani embarks on a hero’s journey fraught with all the hardships and heartbreaks that life can bring. Yet, somehow the lessons she learns come across as fresh and new leading her on the path to illumination.

At the core of the story is the legend of the sacred cave of the E’Ghali where the Great Mosaic represents the Great One. W’hyani and her parents hold the key to this mystery as they grapple with their destinies. Each family member holds a special place in the fulfillment of W’Hyani’s destiny.

At times, travelers from “the city” ventured onto E’Ghali land and relationships were established. When this happened, I couldn’t quite tell if we were in the future or the past. It didn’t really matter because the tribal legends spoke of a time when humans would be able to exist in peace and love which left me with the feeling that this event would soon take place. When this event occurs is not the point. Instead, it is the fact that it will happen that captures your spirit.

Such is W’Hyani’s destiny as the Keeper of the Crystal Heart. She represents hope and the future of all mankind.

At the beginning of each chapter, the author shares a quote from Lynn V. Andrew’s, The Power Deck. Each of these quotes drove home a powerful message that was highlighted by W’Hyani’s particular journey in that chapter. I was deeply moved by many of these passages which were a great addition to the story.

Plateau was an emotional read for me. I took my time and tried to experience through my reading, the life lessons that W’Hyani and her friends undertook. Their experiences caused me to reflect upon my own life and spiritual journey. This is the kind of book that transports you to a higher plane of existence where what you thought was the ending is really only the beginning.

Tina Frisco wrote this book as an outreach of hope to the doomsday messages that swirled in the media around December 21, 2012. In reality, the book is timeless. The message of love, understanding, and compassion resonate today or any day. Respect for our mother Earth reverberates lovingly through each page.

I’ve added this book to my Me Time Category for Spirituality because of the emotional impact this book left on my heart. I’ve never read another story like it and found it to be a hidden gem in the literary world.


Character Believability: 5
Flow and Pace: 5
Reader Engagement: 5
Reader Enrichment: 5
Reader Enjoyment: 5
Overall Rate:  5 out of 5 Fairies

Continue reading…