Tag Archives: Spiritual

#5-Star #Review for #Plateau

While I was on break helping my sisters with my mother, my book PLATEAU received two new reviews. Since I haven’t developed the habit of checking my books for reviews (I know! What kind of author am I?), I stumbled upon these at different times.

I reblogged Colleen Chesebro‘s review on 10/5/17. You can read it HERE. I just learned of Madelyn Griffith-Hayne‘s review, and would like to share it with you now. 

Madelyn is a practicing ADD Coach who trains, mentors, and coaches ADD professionals. She refers to herself as The ADD Poster Girl and describes herself in this way: “Mentalist and empath, visionary and myopic, the sanest person I’ve ever met with the craziest life: a self-aware, self-assured stuttering wonder of more-than-a-mess.” That alone should kindle your little grey cells 🙂 If you’re not familiar with Madelyn, please visit her BLOG, comment, and share. 

Madelyn has captured the essence of PLATEAU. Thank you, my friend, for this heartfelt and moving review ❤ PLATEAU by Tina Frisco

Spiritually Moving and Uplifting

FIRST I must say that I loved this gentle little book. I devoured it in a single evening, so entranced by the story that I didn’t want to stop to read the inspiring quotes from Lynn V. Andrew’s Power Deck that began each chapter. Once I reached the end of the book I had to go back for the quotes, skimming each following chapter a second time.

NOW I must say that I have struggled with how I could possibly write a review — I’ve never read another book quite like it.

Other reviewers here have given you as much as you need to become familiar with the book’s “environment” – if I can call it that, introducing you to a few of the characters – so I won’t repeat similar content. But they can’t convey the deeply spiritual, uplifting essence of the book that, to me, is what makes it remarkable. Plateau never pontificates, but rather seduces the reader to come to his or her own spiritual realizations as the story unfolds.

I suppose the most impactful thing I can say is that I was infused with a sense of well-being when I finally put down my Kindle and turned off the light. I was in such a calm and totally relaxed positive state of mind that I transitioned easily and almost immediately into a deep sleep – a rare experience in my life.
(Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
ADD/EFD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
“It takes a village to transform a world!”

Creation Myth

Andrew Joyce shares his Creation Myth. I like Andrew’s take on the genesis of creation, because it posits that each piece of creation is “a part of the entity we call God, not apart from It.” In other words: Together, we constitute The Divine; and if any one part is diminished, so is the whole of us …

Andrew Joyce

godEvery culture has a creation myth. Ours is that the world was created in six days and the first humans were Adam and Eve. The Apache Indians have Changing Woman who was impregnated by the sun and gave birth to Nayé Nazghane, Slayer Of Monsters. The Norse people have Odin and Ymir … the Ancient Greeks, Gaia. But I would like to tell you guys how we really got here, and why. If you like, you may call this Andrew’s creation myth.

Long, long ago, in a place of no time and no space, existed an entity. As far as The Entity knew, It just was, and always had been. Before the universe we inhabit existed, before time existed, before space existed, It was. Within The Entity were the powers of creativity and It knew of their existence, but the ways to produce them were unknown to It. The entity…

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Two Great Truths of Absolute and Relative Reality

What is real and what is unreal? What is reality and what is illusion? So many of us think the daily life we lead is reality. And relatively speaking ~ Mother Earth being a schoolhouse and our reason for incarnating ~ this is true. But what gives the body life? The spirit? The soul? The Divine Absolute? Mira Prabhu discusses Relative and Absolute Reality within the metaphor of two birds perched on the branch of a tree: one eats the fruit while the other watches. Which is Relative and which is Absolute? Could it be that The Great Dream is reality and the wakeful state is an illusion?

mira prabhu


In my volatile teens, I was struck by the poignant beauty of an ancient metaphor (contained within the Mundaka Upanishad) that speaks of two birds perched on the branch of a tree: one bird eats the fruit of the tree while the other watches.

The first bird represents the individual self/soul; distracted by the fruits (signifying sensual pleasures), she forgets her lord and lover and tries to enjoy the fruit independent of him. (This separating amnesia is known in Sanskrit as maha-maya or enthrallment; it results in the plunge of the individual into the ephemeral realm of birth and death.) As for the second bird, it is an aspect of the Divine/Self that rests in every heart—and which remains forever constant even as the individual soul is bedazzled by the material world.

This teaching implies that it is ignorance of our true nature that creates a vicious cycle: the individual, being blinded by the illusion of existing as a separate…

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Serpent Ring And The Magic of Acceptance

Mira Prabhu beautifully exemplifies the magic of acceptance in this compelling post, which I hope you will do yourself the favor of reading. Acceptance of anything negative in our lives is something most of us rail against. Many of us even have difficulty accepting the positive ~ such as a gift ~ feeling we are unworthy. Yet acceptance truly is Divine magic, because in accepting, we acknowledge our role in creating. Then and only then can we let go and move on…

mira prabhu

Kiri 16GB sd card 5294I met a wild looking sadhu on the way up to Skand Ashram many moons ago, and noticed that he wore incredible jewelry, all in the shape of serpents, and fashioned of copper and gold.

He told me a jeweler in a town far away had made it for him. I asked if he could make me a ring, and he agreed. I gave him an advance and the ring came as promised—a golden serpent coiled like the kundalini with a small ruby for an eye.

I have grown to love this ring for it represents my passion for the serpent fire (Kundalini)—which is nothing less than the energy of primal mind that fuels the process of enlightenment. Nothing but this fiery energy can halt the power of my chaotic mind, and I use a kundalini practice as a base for Atma-Vichara, Self-Investigation or the Direct Path, as taught by Ramana Maharshi.

Anyway, my friend James recently…

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20 Questions with Mira Prabhu

Don Massenzio interviews Mira Prabhu, a brilliant writer and loving friend. Please enjoy learning more about Mira, her life, and her books… ❤

mira prabhu

Don Massenzio’s interview with yours truly…


Today we sit down with fascinating author Mira Prabhu. She is joining us to tell us about her work, her inspiration and a bit about herself. Please enjoy this edition of 20 Questions: Q1) When did …

Read more here: 20 Questions with Mira Prabhu

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Smorgasbord Autumn Reading – Krishna’s Counsel by Mira Prabhu

I like to think of Mira Prabhu as a spunky visionary wielding ruthless compassion. Her books delight, mesmerize, enthrall, and encourage the soul to grow, if even a little. Catch this delightful interview on Sally Cronin’s blog…

The Negro Spiritual – A Historical Document – Guest Post…

Outstanding guest post by Yecheilyah Ysrayl on The Story Reading Ape’s blog explaining the power and significance of and the veiled messages within Negro Spirituals…

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

Blog Post 1

The so-called “slave songs” of the United States are best understood when they are considered as expressions of individual Negroes which can be dated and assigned to a geographical locale. They are, in brief, historical documents”. – Miles Mark Fisher, Negro Slave Songs in the United States

Go down Moses
Way down in Egypt’s land
Tell ole
To let my people go!”

During slavery in the United States, there were systematic efforts to strip the identity of the captive. When the so-called African was taken from the West coast of Africa, it was not a simple transition of country, to ship, to land, but he had to undergo an entire initiation process before stepping foot on the plantations of America. His name, being the most important, was taken from him, followed by his way of life which was stripped from him, and his history book taken from…

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7 Micro Windows into Krishna’s Counsel

mira prabhu

KRISHNA’S COUNSEL goes alive internationally today, September 3rd 2016!!! Here are the links, not just for this second novel in the Moksha Trilogy, but for the first, WHIP OF THE WILD GOD: A NOVEL OF TANTRA IN ANCIENT INDIA, which I recently took it into my head to burnish to a shimmering gold: 

Krishna’s Counsel on Amazon – getbook.at/KcOnAmzn
Krishna’s Counsel on all eBook stores – books2read.com/mpKC
Whip of the Wild God on Amazon – getbook.at/WwgOnAmzn
Whip of the Wild God on all eBook stores – books2read.com/mpWWG

These memes below were designed by my dear friend, Atul Mehta, using quotes I selected from Krishna’s Counsel. The strikingly beautiful cover is the work of Mishi Bellamy, artiste extraordinaire (see here).

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Life at peace.

Anushka muses about “Peace” ~ Perhaps heart and mind synchronize in serendipitous harmony …

Ann Oblivion Blog

Maybe someday, the wait will be ultimately over. The anticipations and the happenings will finally coincide. Sleepless nights will no longer exist. The mind and the heart will be intimately in peace with each other. No baiting, no battle. Mind agrees to what heart says and the heart feels what mind says. Maybe, that day onwards, our mind will start floating as freely as a corpse on the upper level of the water in a world full of anticipations and uncertainties. How beautiful the life would be that day when thoughts travelling light years distance in a split second will cause no restlessness to the heart.

Maybe on that day we will realise that finishing a chapter of life could be as exciting as beginning a new one. Every finishing chapter of life would open the scopes for the new one, without having to lose the connect with the past…

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