A Thriving Thursdays Introduction – Guest Post…

Teagans Geneviene serves up a little humor and advice, along with engaging trailers to her books, as a guest on The Story Reading Ape. Hop over and enjoy this delightful post 🙂

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

Minion writing

I was delighted when our Ape in Chief invited me here to the tree-house to do a mini-series.  Those of you who know me, are used to seeing me write fiction for my blog, Teagan’s Books.  However, for these posts, I’m sharing my “office” side.  While it’s not part of my job at the moment, I’ve written a log of motivational messages.  I continued that via my LinkedIn blog where I do mini posts.

We’re inundated with  information. That can result in a lot of gigo… garbage in — garbage out.  Yet one person’s trash is another person’s treasure.  When I stumbled across this quote, I thought it was a little gem.  Let’s give it a try.

Make a list of things that make you happy.

Make a list of things you do every day.

Compare the lists.

Adjust accordingly.

Enough said.

Thank you, my dear Ape, for…

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