Guest author Sally Cronin, book promotion, writing, blogging, author services, D.G. Kaye

D.G. Kaye interviews Sally Cronin on her series, Guest Author Friday – Who Has a New Book? Sally is well-known in our author blogging community and much loved for her generosity, diversity, and open heart. Like Sally, Debby Gies, aka D.G. Kaye, is a prolific author and generous soul who is always ready to lend a hand. Sally discusses her book-in-progress, The R’s of Life, and how writing it on her blog is benefiting her writing process. Hop over to Debby’s blog and learn more about Sally, her new book, and how she manages a busy life ❤ 

guest-post-header-by-debby-giesI’m thrilled to be featuring today’s guest, Sally Cronin here on my blog! Many of you in the blogosphere may know Sally, and for the many more of you who don’t, you’re in for a treat!


About Sally:

After working in a number of industries for over 25 years, I decided that I wanted to pursue a completely different career, one that I had always been fascinated with. I began studying Nutrition and the human body twenty years ago and I opened my first diet advisory centre in Ireland in 1998.

Over the last 18 years I have practiced in Ireland and the UK as well as written columns, articles and radio programmes on health and nutrition. I published my first book with a Canadian self-publisher in the late 90s and since then have republished that book and released eight others as part of our own self-publishing company. Apart from health I also enjoy writing fiction in the form of novels and short stories.

Sally is not only a talented and diverse writer of several books, but she’s one of the most generous bloggers around who offers several author promotion series on her blogs for authors to promote their books on her blog. I am honored to have been one of those author’s who she has promoted several times, and blessed to have her friendship. And in today’s interview, we will be learning a little more about Sally, and about her interesting decision she made to write her latest book, The R’s of Life, on her blog.


“Thank you for inviting me over today Debby …”

It’s my pleasure to have you over Sal, and now let’s get into the goods! 

Sally, please tell us a little about how and why you came up with the idea to write The R’s of Life?

I was actually browsing an online thesaurus looking for some alternatives to describe respect.  While I was in the R section I noticed that a great many words applied to life’s experiences and I jotted down a few. Just for the fun of it I then expanded the list and found around 35 possible chapter headings.  I had no intention of writing another book but I became intrigued about where it might lead me.

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31 thoughts on “Guest author Sally Cronin, book promotion, writing, blogging, author services, D.G. Kaye”

  1. I have also benefitted from Sally’s generosity. It was a wonderful surprise for me yesterday and it happened to be the first email I opened. I am humbled by her kindness. I visit Sally’s blog almost on a daily basis and have always enjoyed my visits. To have someone promote your work just because is beautifully overwhelming. It takes a special person to do that and Sally is one of them. :o)

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Has anyone told you lately Tina, that you rock! Cuz I am telling you now girlfriend! Thank you for being such a supportive friend and sharer of all things. So blessed to have our intimate circle! ❤ ❤

        Liked by 2 people

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