VAMPYRIE: Origin of the Vampire

My New #Novel Is Now Available on #Amazon

I am so pleased to announce that the Kindle version of my new novel, Vampyrie: Origin of the Vampire, is now available on Amazon. CreateSpace should have it out in paper shortly.

VAMPYRIE: Origin of the VampireI’m also very relieved! Talk about birthing a baby . . . I did most of the work myself, from formatting to cover text — not to mention writing the 388-page book.

Don’t let the title fool you. This is not your typical vampire book. I’m incapable of writing a book without a spiritual bent. Vampyrie also has a basis in science, specifically medicine.

I’ve always been intrigued by the myth of the vampire and often have wondered if the phenomenon actually could exist. My background in medicine led me to speculate about how this might have a basis in reality. If rooted in science, how might this myth come to life? The most likely answer would be as a physical disorder or disease.

One day during my morning walk, the word Valkyrie came to mind. Vampyrie: Origin of the VampireAs many of you know, a valkyrie is one of a host of female helping spirits of the god Odin in Norse mythology. Depicted as both loving and bloodthirsty, valkyries decide who lives and who dies in battle. They also assist Odin in transporting his favorites among the slain to Valhalla, the hall where he houses the dead whom he deems worthy of dwelling with him. In my novel, Valkyrie becomes Vampyrie and Valhalla becomes the Haven.

I do hope you’ll visit my Amazon page and peek inside. I have many people to thank for their interest and encouragement; you’ll find their names listed in the acknowledgements.
Tina FriscoI’ve also updated my author photo, which took quite a bit of doing, I might add. I never recognize myself in photographs. Who IS that person? I even startle myself at times when walking past a mirror, because I think a stranger is at my side. I’m told this is an attribute of Aries. We’ve incarnated into this sign in order to learn about “I.” People often think we come complete with the characteristics of the stars under which we’re born, when the reality is we’ve come into this earthwalk to learn those attributes.

Now it’s time to pop a cork, relax, and get to those 100+ emails that are still mounting up 🙂

Until the next time, my friends . . .  Namaste ❤ 


75 thoughts on “My New #Novel Is Now Available on #Amazon”

  1. I find the synopsis to be interesting. The thought of such phenomenons happening is very much mind-provoking. Once I start questioning it, I have to do research until an acceptable reason or theory is provided.

    I have purchased your novel and look to start reading it very soon. I’d also like to write a truthful review afterwards. If you’re interested in reading it, I suppose I can let you know when it’s posted.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for buying my book, Tizzy! It’s hot off the press, so to speak. I’d love to read your review, so please do let me know when you post it. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. Happy holidays to you and yours 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Tina, I love the concept. A speculation relating myth to actuality always grabs my attention. Plus, I often mix mythologies myself (with wild abandon!) so I’m also intrigued by what you’ve done there. In short, I can’t wait to read it! Good luck and mega hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment, dear Teagan. I feel your support, and it is most appreciated. “Wild abandon” is an attribute we share ~ so wonderful to have you along on the ride! Love and mega hugs, my friend 💖

      Liked by 1 person

        1. I did that today, Em. Was too tired to do much else after publishing late yesterday evening. Appreciate the reminder, though. I’m so glad my friends are on top of things, because I’m exhausted! ❤


  3. Congratulations, Tina!! I am thrilled that you have a new book and I know it is going to be a great read! Will you allow me to put up a guest post on my blog site to help spread the word? If so, send info to my email address. I’d be honored to host you!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Tess! Knowing you’re in this wonderful community of ours is a comfort and a blessing. I enjoy your posts and love your writing style. Here’s to many more years together, and many more fabulous adventures! Love and hugs, dear friend ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations my dear friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know your long journey for I was at your side for most of it (in our virtual lives, lol). The book sounds amazing, the cover is gorgeous, and your ranking is fabulous!!!!!!!!!! Well done T. Oh, and I loveeeeeeeeee the author pic!!!!!!! Time for you to celebrate. Oh and the ‘click inside’ is working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’re rockin’ now!!!!! Can’t wait to have you over next week and show off the book. Lol, hope there will be copies left! ❤ xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You crack me up, girlfriend! You hope there will be copies left … what a hoot! You’re the best cheerleader in the whole wide world. And yes, if you hadn’t been by my side, I’d be bald right about now! You’re so good at this promotion thing. And I’m so grateful to have you in my corner. It’s only round two, so keep your uniform crisp and your pompoms shaking. I’ll be even more rockin’ after your post next week! Love and hugs forever, sweet friend ❤ xoxo


      1. Tina, I really really really loved Vampyrie! Wonderful story, loved the spiritualism, the basis in medicine, the characters, all of whom were well developed. I enjoyed every minute spent reading this story! Oh, did I tell you I loved it?

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Reblogged this on Second Wind Leisure Perspectives and commented:
    My blogging friend Tina Frisco, just launched another book, Vampyrie, on Amazon! Now before you say, ” Not another vampire book,” like I almost did, take a moment to read the book’s description. Tina weaves in the Valkyries of Viking/Norse mythology to give us a new spin on the vampire legends.

    Tina is a faithful blogger who takes the time to read, review and re-blog posts. Thanks, Tina, I am looking forward to reading this new book!

    Liked by 1 person

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