Rose by Lucie Stastkova

Spotlight on #Blog Visions for 2017 ~ New Year’s Delight

Flower Garden by Lucie Stastkova
Image courtesy of Lucie Stastkova

I’ve thought for some time now that I’d like to have a theme for my blog. Many of the blogs I follow have themes I find most enjoyable. I’ve asked several of these folks to be my guest, tell us what they envision for their blog in 2017, and include their images and links.

I want to thank all of those who responded and wish them great success in the New Year. They are listed below in alphabetical order by first name. Please visit their sites, like and follow, and perhaps download a book or two. Enjoy! 


Allan HudsonAllan Hudson ~ South Branch Scribbler

2017 will see the South Branch Scribbler hosting a variety of authors with some artists, photographers, and musicians. I have a lineup of terrific folks for the first three months of the New Year and am adding more weekly. I will be trying some different things in regard to formatting as well as featuring selected authors for back-to-back posts and serials.Dark Side of Promise

I have started a new page called The Detective Jo Naylor serial, where I will adding chapters to an ongoing story I am writing.  My main goal is to showcase some of my writing occasionally, but my favorite posts are of other authors; I get to read a lot of great stories. I know the struggle all too well in trying to find a new audience. I receive tremendous pleasure from showcasing authors, hoping they might at least find one new reader. At present I’m getting over a 1000 page views per week from all over the world, and I’m Wall of Warvery excited. I extend to all of you an invitation, should you like to be a guest. Send me an email if interested:

This is the cover for my novel, Wall of War, to be published in Spring of 2017. Thank you, Tina.

Allan’s Links:   Blog    Amazon   Facebook  Twitter   Google+   

The Story Reading ApeChristopher Graham ~ The Story Reading Ape 

Many thanks to Tina for inviting me onto her blog to promote my blog.

As many of you know, I created my blog to be an Independent Author Promotions Platform and Resources Hub (Click and read HERE)

Since it started, the viewing stats have stunned me:

TSRA Views by Year
TSRA Views by Year
TSRA Views by Year
TSRA Views by Year

As you can see, 2016 saw a staggering (to me) number of blog visitors and followers, leading to viewing stats exceeding 500,000 over the year (as of 29th December).

Note: the number of direct WP followers = 4,000+, but because I use WP Publicize to upload also to Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn, the blog’s a total number of followers = 10,500+ (many of whom re-share the posts on their blogs and/or other media).

Sadly to date, only a few of the 500+ writers in my Authors Hall of Fame have made the effort to use this independent promotions platform beyond their Introductory Guest Author posts; so, because 2017 has the potential of even greater viewing stats, I encourage all writers who are in my Authors Hall of Fame, to reap the benefits of this level of potential promotional exposure. HOW?  CLICK and READ HERE  How do new writers get into the Authors Hall of Fame? CLICK and READ HERE

Chris’ Links:  Blog   Twitter   Google+   LinkedIn   YouTube   

Colleen ChesebroColleen Chesebro ~ Fairy Whisperer

I have two blogs. Fairy Whisperer is my main author blog. I like to share book reviews from the Indy authors I have read, my poetry, and interesting fairy nymph lore. On January 3, 2017, I will release my The Heart Stone Chroniclesdébut novel, The Heart Stone Chronicles: The Swamp Fairy. Book Two, The Meadow Fairy is well under way, with my intention to publish by Autumn 2017.

I also host a weekly challenge called Tanka Tuesday, a chance for poets to share their love of poetry in the form of a Tanka poem. Join me on my other blog, A Mindful Journey, where I am learning to be kind to myself through yoga and exercise, weight loss, spiritual awareness, and mindfulness.

Colleen’s Links:  Blog   Blog   Amazon   Twitter   Facebook   Google+   Instagram   

Danny the DogDanny ~ Danny the Dog

Hello all you neophytes out there. It is I, Danny the Dog, come to bring you into the New Year with a little class.

First, I must thank my hostess, Tina Frisco, for having the perspicacity to invite me here today. She’s one smart cookie! I mean, who else but the great Danny the Dog could lead you into a new world, a strange world, a world where up is down and down is up? A world known as 2017.

Tina told me that the rules—or the guidelines, if you will—for this post Danny the Dogwere to be what I, as a blogger, will be doing in the coming year. Well, that’s easy. I’m gonna do what I did last year. I’m gonna reblog everyone else’s hard work. Why should I kill myself writing new stuff and searching the internet to find appropriate pictures to go with my posts? You guys do a great job and I thank you for it. Tina also told me my piece was to be one paragraph. Sorry, Tina, but once I open my big yap, I find it hard to shut up.

P.S. I was informed that I could promote my services or beg for treats if I gave up a paragraph for the cause. So, if anyone has need of a good doggie, I’m available.

Danny’s Link:  Blog   Facebook    Andrew’s Links:   Website   Blog   Amazon    

D.G. Kaye AuthorDebby Gies ~ D.G. Kaye Writer

Thanks for inviting me over, Tina. I think it’s important to set goals for ourselves; and although some plans may change sporadically, our goals at least allow us to have some structure.

I’ll continue my Friday Authors with a New Book series, my Sunday Book Reviews, and my author guest posts; but they won’t be every week. My weekly posts will be restructured, because  I’ll be taking a break come February and part of March in order to relax and rejuvenate. 2016 took a lot of wind out of my sails trying to keep up with life, book writing, my husband’s illness, and other interferences. But I still plan on visiting Facebook to post updates, photos, and maybe a few short videos while on vacation, so my readers won’t think I’ve abandoned them.P.S. I Forgive You

In March I’m heading back to my beloved Arizona, and I’m sure I will post at least once weekly. In April I’ll resume scheduling authors with new books, as well as posting book reviews, ‘memoir bytes’ – snippets of life – and articles on tips and gadgets I find useful and interesting. I’ll be working more with video and hopefully doing some podcasting. I’m also aiming to complete my next book by summer 2017. Then Fall will bring re-writes, edits, and publishing. Before I know it, it will be Christmas again!

Debby’s Links:  Blog   Amazon   Twitter   Facebook   Google+   LinkedIn   Goodreads   Pinterest   Instagram   

Hugh W. RobertsHugh Roberts ~ Hugh’s Views & News

So, what do I envisage for my blog in 2017? I’m planning a brand new feature, which will be promoting bloggers over the entire year. I haven’t invited guests as I’ll be making the selections myself during the course of the year. I’m also bringing back ‘Hugh’s Weekly Photography Challenge.’ This proved to be very popular on my blog during 2016; only postponed because of the time I had to dedicate to getting my first book ready for publication. I am also planning lots more posts containing blogging tips. Again, these posts proved very popular during 2016, and I always enjoy sharing blogging tips and advice that work for me.Glimpses by Hugh Roberts

I’ll be participating in writing challenges, which will go on to create new Short Stories. I will also be participating in photography challenges to satisfy my growing interest in photography. Books will also feature on my blog, including my ‘Book Of The Month’ that showcases a book and its author. As a member of the Bloggers Bash committee, I’ll also be promoting the Bloggers Bash to be held in London on June 10th, 2017. I’m sure lots of ‘off the cuff’ posts will also appear as and when events unfold or when something happens that prompts me to immediately write about it. Humour? Yes, there will also be plenty of laughs, as well as the occasional look at posts that dwell inside the archives of Hugh’s Views And News.

Hugh”s Links:  Blog   Amazon   Twitter   Google+   LinkedIn   Goodreads   Pinterest   Instagram   

Janice WaldJanice Wald ~ Mostly Blogging

Tina asked what I envision for my blog in 2017. I have several goals. 

1. I recently published
an eBook. I hope to continue my monetization efforts. Building a Successful Blog
2. I would like to try to increase my Pinterest traffic. I have already
started making changes to my graphics and hope to reap the rewards in 2017.
3. I plan on using a virtual assistant more often since I am getting busier. 

4. I have heard bloggers consider my site a resource, which gives me great joy. I would like to see Mostly Blogging become an even greater resource for bloggers, and I plan on implementing that goal.

Janice’s Links:  Blog   Amazon   Twitter   Facebook   Google+   LnkedIn   Pinterest   Stumbleupon   

Judith BarrowJudith Barrow ~ Judith Barrow

In 2017 I’m looking forward to interviewing other authors who write in the same genre as me: family sagas. It’s something I’ve been meaning to do for a while, but with my publishers releasing the prequel to my trilogy in August, it seems an apt time to buckle down and concentrate on that. Around July, I’ll be starting my usual interviews with authors who will be attending the annual book fair that I organise alongside my friend and fellow author, Thorne Moore. It’s a lot of work but great fun and will take place on the 23rd September. This year we’ve changed to a bigger venue so will be hosting around forty authors at the Narberth Book Fair.Living in the Shadows

I tutor creative writing, and every now and then, I post something one of my students has written. I’m hoping to do more of that next year; there’s plenty of great material comes from my classes. In between I want to add more blogs about our holiday apartment. I’ve written a few accounts of the visitors we’ve had over the years, mostly humorous, and they have been well-received. Reading back on this, it does all seem slightly ambitious. But as long as I can manage on four hours sleep each night, who knows; I might succeed in doing it all.

Judith’s Links:   Blog   Amazon   Twitter   Facebook   Google+   LinkedIn   Goodreads   Pinterest   

Mira PrabhuMira Prabhu ~ Metaphysical & Mundane Musings Of A Maverick Female Scribe Krishna's Counsel

Well, the description of my blog is “the metaphysical and mundane meanderings of a female maverick writer,” and that’s what the blog will continue to express – both mystical and mundane aspects that appeal to me or that excite my need for self-expression. I write spiritual novels and my passion is for eastern mysticism; but I also enjoy many ordinary aspects of life, and my blog reveals all these facets of my personality.

Mira’s Links:   Blog   Amazon   Twitter   Facebook   Google+   LinkedIn   

Sally CroninSally Cronin ~ Smorgasbord Invitation 

There will be a few changes to my blog in 2017. I will build on my author promotion platform, center it around Sally’s Café and Bookstore, and simplify promotions to only two. The first will be for the 120 authors in the Café who release a new book or enjoy a great review. They will be assured a place to announce and showcase. The second will be for authors who are not yet in the Café and are new to the blog. They will be included in the seasonal reading post and their books will then be posted to the Café. I will continue Café updates and seasonal reading posts throughout each week.

New collaborators will be introduced. Author Paul Andruss will provide an article on a variety of subjects Tales from the Gardenevery fourth Thursday. William Price King will continue to provide jazz and classical music in a weekly post.

I will continue with the Sunday Interview, my own health posts, humour, and videos. I will change to a bloggers review three times a week instead of many reblogs each day. And I will continue writing The R’s of Life on the blog, which has just four chapters to go. That will be followed by another short story collection and three other books for release over the year. The one thing that is very important to me is that Smorgasbord retains its variety… the spice of life.

Sally’s Links:   Blog   Amazon   Twitter   Facebook   Google+   LinkedIn   Goodreads   Moyhill Pub   

Sherri MatthewsSherri Matthews ~ A View From My Summerhouse

Thank you so much Tina for featuring a few words about my blogging/writing plans on your wonderful site! I had to think hard about this, as in almost 4 years of blogging, my plans have gone rather pear-shaped more than once. I never schedule a post, because life with an Aspie brings different, daily challenges and I need to be flexible. (I have posted a few articles about Asperger’s Syndrome).

I used to post three times a week, but my blogging suffered in 2016Slices of Life while I worked on those dreaded revisions of my memoir (Stranger in a White Dress), the first draft of which I began 3 years ago. When my lovely mum suffered a stroke in March (she is recovering, thank God), and my darling dad died in July, blogging came to a standstill. Since I returned in October, I post when I can, about every 2 to 3 weeks, until I get back on my blogging feet.  But I am still chasing the dream: God willin’ and the creek don’t rise, my goal is to hit my revisions hard in the New Year, keeping hope alive that 2017 is the year I publish at last. Whether blogging about my life as a Brit living in California, my English garden, my alcoholic dad and our crazy adventures, history and travel articles, photo challenges, 99 word flash fiction, and featuring Guest Bloggers, I aim to keep the dust from settling on the Summerhouse and the writing flowing, rain or shine.  At least, that’s the plan.

Sherri’s Links:  Blog   Amazon   Twitter   Facebook   Google+   LinkedIn   

Teagan Riordain GenevieneTeagan Ríordáin Geneviene ~ Teagan’s Books

 Hi, Tina.  When you asked me what I saw for my blog in 2017, my inner TV screen went black.  I still don’t know what I intend for Teagan’s Books.  When I started my blog at the end of 2012, I did a few posts.  By 2013, I wanted a theme — something more than just talking about my début novel (Atonement Tennessee) each week. That’s how the first of my serials began — The Three Things Serial Story, a Little 1920s Story.                                                                                  

The narrator of this novella is Pip, a young flapper with a gift forThree Things Serial Story getting in the middle of adventure. The Three Things Serial was followed by two more serials with Pip as protagonist. However, those also became culinary mysteries.  My intention is to put them into book format as well, and release at least one during the first quarter of 2017.

So, while I can’t see what I plan to do at my blog in the new year, I am planning things for my books.  As always, I hope the drain that comes with my “real job” and earning a living will finally subside and allow me to finish one of my many novels in progress, including Atonement in Bloom. 

Teagan’s Links:  Blog   Amazon   Twitter   Facebook   Google+   LinkedIn   YouTube   

Tess Karlinski Teresa (Tess) Karlinski ~ How the Cookie Crumbles

Every New Year is an opportunity for a fresh start. I don’t like resolutions because I suck at them. When asked what I envision for my blog for 2017, I paused. Hmm. Envision? My imagination is ocean-wide but I plan to keep this short. My modus operandi has always been by the seat of my pants and JIT (just-in-time). This year I’ll buckle down—get serious—I must.

My immediate plans are to:Palpable Imaginings

  • Continue re-posts of the best highlights of my China adventure.
  • Share new travel adventure posts coming late May. Yay.
  • Rejoin weekly Blogbattlers.
  • Initiate Newsletter sign-up with a free giveaway. Yes, moi. Blush.
  • Publish 26-story collection (imminent).
  • Prepare cover reveal.
  • My blogging schedule will take a hit as I concentrate on getting this book moving.

An aside: My story, The Woodshed, was published December 21st in Short Fiction Break along with almost 400 others. Read this amazing and outstanding collection.

Tess’ Links:  Blog   Twitter   Google+   LinkedIn   

Terri Webster SchrandtTerri Webster Schrandt ~ Second Wind Leisure Perspectives

I am so happy to be included on Tina’s blog today to share my blog plans for 2017! My blog has evolved slightly in the 2.5 years I’ve been seriously blogging.  Although my niche is writing about leisure and lifestyle, I also share blogging tips and enjoy photography challenges, all while educating readers about leisure, “one blog post at a time.”

I rebranded my blog in 2016 and also delved into the world of self-publishing, gathering various subjects together for potential eBooks.Better Blogging with Photography In July, I launched my first eBook, Better Blogging with Photography, a
compilation of posts and information on how bloggers can utilize their own images to maximize their blog/website. I am also working on my next eBook tentatively titled, How Midlife Women Reclaim Their Leisure Time, for publication next Fall.

I will continue to share exciting photos, follow and read other bloggers who have self-published books, and actively review and share their work. I started a new link-up called Seasonal Sensations that is themed to the season-du-jour. Winter Wonders is still taking your links! I hope you find new inspiration for your own blog as the New Year begins!

Terri’s Links:  Blog   Amazon   Twitter   Facebook   Google+   LinkedIn   

Zoe the Fabulous FelineZoe the Fabulous Feline ~ The Life and Times of Zoe the Fabulous Feline

Greetings! Tina has graciously invited me here today to talk about myself and my blogging plans for 2017. My name is Zoe, and I am a cat author. Just to be clear, I am not a human who writes about cats. I am a cat who writes about humans, or, more precisely, my adventures around them. On occasion, I reblog interesting articles and posts I have found along the way. So, my plan for the coming year is to continue this activity, but I also aim to help my human, whose name is Emily, expand her editing services business.

She’s inclined to look for errors in just about every piece of printedEmily Gmitter material that crosses her path. And she finds them! She does this without even realizing she’s doing it. In fact, she drives me a bit crazy with her love of words because she is always finding something to edit, somewhere, somehow. She has edited three different Amazon best-sellers, one of which has been awarded a couple of prestigious accolades—Book of the Year and Best Historical Fiction of 2016. So, if you find yourself in need of an editor for your work, check out Emily’s website. By the way, I hear her rates are very reasonable. I’m not exactly sure what that means, but I think it’s good.

Thank you, Miss Tina, for your kind invitation!

Zoe’s Links:  Website   Facebook                                                                                Emily’s Links:  Website   Facebook


I hope you’ve enjoyed reading the 2017 blog visions these fabulous folks have contributed. Again, please visit their sites, like and follow, and perhaps download a book or two. I wish each of you a peaceful and prosperous New Year. And as my friend, Tess, reminded me: It’s coming soon on a calendar near you.  😊

Until the next time, my friends . . .  Namaste ❤ 


Countess Lucie StastkovaThank you to Lucie Stastkova for the use of her images. Please visit and like her Facebook pages:

 LuSt 4 ART   Countess Lucie – Exclusive HAT Design

Website   YouTube

111 thoughts on “Spotlight on #Blog Visions for 2017 ~ New Year’s Delight”

  1. Reblogged this on mira prabhu and commented:
    Do you enjoy checking out interesting blogs and the bloggers who are behind them? Check out Tina Frisco’s great new post and FOLLOW these blogs if you find yourself intrigued by what inspired them…great job, Tina, thanks!!!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. First, I hope that you are feeling better. If not, take a slug of rum and go to bed. Secondly, only two pictures of me? Really? If I remember correctly, I sent you my entire portfolio. It contained hundreds of pictures of me—if not thousands. Maybe you were distracted because of your illness. If so, then I forgive you. But next year, let’s try for a minimum of 10 to 20 pictures of moi.
    Thank you, and Happy New Year,
    Danny the Dog, Esq.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I think we’ll have to do a separate post, Danny, in order to showcase more of your portfolio. One of your adventure stories would be an excellent way of doing this. Think it over and get back to me. And be sure Andrew doles out plenty of New Year treats tonight 🙂


  3. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    The wonderfully generous Tina Frisco has dedicated a post to other bloggers as her New Year Gift to us all.. She has featured fourteen bloggers and their aims for 2017.. I am delighted to be amongst such terrific company and if you are not currently following the other thirteen in the post… you might add to your New Year’s resolutions…

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Thank you so much Tina for including me in this impressive collection of fellow bloggers. You’re the best Tina, a wonderful friend to have in the cyber world and I appreciate all your efforts in sharing and helping others. Hope you’re feeling better soon and I wish you the Happiest of New years.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Dear Tina, heartfelt thanks​ for including me with this huge cast of blogging luminaries. I hope you are feeling better. I know too well (from my 1920s party) how much energy it takes to create a post involving so many people. Wishing you all the best in 2017. Happy New Year my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. What a fabulous post T. A great idea to share some of the blogger’s in our community with their insights and plans for the new year. Also thrilled you invited me to participate in this wonderful post! Of course I’m sharing everywhere and reblogging, as it’s important to share around so many of these talented bloggers and writers for new readers to get to know.
    Happy New Year my dear friend. May this year bring you beauty, serenity, good health and prosperity, and more of everything you dream for. Big hugs, love Deb xoxo ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad you’re pleased, Deb. It was a pleasure to showcase so many outstanding bloggers for 2017. I knew you would top the list for sharing ~ it speaks to your big heart. Thank you for the New Year blessing. Wishing for you all the beautiful things you wish for me … and more. Love and hugs, sweet friend ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ah…..I’m organically driven too, but I think my spirit is a bit more lazy than those that drive you two and all the others as well. I need something to shake her up….maybe Danny the Dog???

        All joking aside now, Tina, thanks for reaching out to me and giving me the opportunity to be among some of the best bloggers around. I am more than humbled. Namaste, my feline-in-spirit friend! (I’m not exactly sure what “namaste” means….but it sure sounds loving and peaceful.)

        Liked by 1 person

        1. So looking forward to Vampyrie. Actually, I may have to put down “Stranger In A Strange Land” for a bit and get onto your book, Tina. I loved W’Hyani, I mean, what’s not to love anyway?! And Tina, great idea re a sequel to Plateau. I thought you left the ending in exactly the right position for such a thing!

          Liked by 2 people

  7. Hi Tina,
    Thank you so much for including me. It’s great to be in the company of these well-respected bloggers and authors.
    I enjoyed reading the post. I follow many of the people you featured, so it’s interesting seeing what they have in store for their other readers and me in the coming year.
    Thanks again. Off to share!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. This is a great post, Tina. I’m going to mark it in my blogging journal so I can refer back to it. I can see that this was quite a project. Lots of people appreciate it, including me! 🙂 Have a great New Year, Tina 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. The big projects are the best! 🙂 You make the best friends that way, too! 🙂 I’m going to have to do a post like that soon. Yours is top notch. I retweeted it. I would like to press it on one of my book review days next month, with your permission. I do a little intro about you in the beginning, linking to your blog, of course. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  9. First of all, I hope you’re feeling better. Wish you a healthy, happy and properous New Year 2017. ❤
    I am honored you've included me in this amazing group of deep thinkers and bloggers. Thank you for the invitation to participate and for the opportunity to stretch myself. I'm like you and several others here in that I don't plan ahead–I should try it more often.
    This is a fantastic idea, Tina. Am not familiar with a few of the above bloggers and am glad for the introduction. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. This is a terrific post Tina! What an entry into the New Year!! Thank you for all the links and the introductions…I only know a few of these wonderful authors. Looking forward to connecting with them. Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Tina.. What a wonderful collection of Beautiful Souls who have contributed here my friend.. Lots of faces I already know but lots of new ones to explore.. Thank you..
    Have a Fantastic New Year.. Love and Blessings
    Sue xxx

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Thank you so much for including me in this lovely post, Tina. So kind of you to have asked us what writing plans we have for 2017 and to also feature our books. This is such a great example of how being part of the blogging community works and how by visiting and commenting on other blogs can reap benefits. A lovely start to the New Year.
    Wishing you good health and lots of writing success for 2017.
    My best wishes,

    Liked by 2 people

  13. I already follow you (and a number of the bloggers you so generously featured) – but for some reason everybody isn’t showing up in my Reader (and I need those reminders to visit). I jumped over from Debbie’s reblog (the beautiful DGKay), or I might never have seen this great post.

    I’m leaving the tab open so that, as time permits, I can visit the other blogs I’ve missed to say hi and see what they’re up to.

    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMore dot com)
    – ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder –
    “It takes a village to educate a world!”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re not alone with this problem, Madelyn. Several blogs that I follow don’t appear in my reader at times, and at other times they do. Apparently WP has been making program changes that have unleashed gremlins into their software. Let’s hope they get a handle on this soon…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah – right about the time I win the lottery and take my around-the-world cruise. 🙂 I’m old enough to remember when software updates were beta tested BEFORE they were unleashed. ::sigh::

        A fellow blogger opined that WordPress is abandoning the writers to concentrate on the twit-wit platform – “optimizing” for cell phones (as if they could ever really outpace the twitter head-start, *especially* when those of us who helped them build their user base eventually jump ship).

        I see SO many complaints online that mirror my own frustrations for a while now, surely some bright entrepreneur is coding like a mad thing to offer a decent alternative — like WordPress USED to be.

        Meanwhile, we do what we can to work AROUND a platform that seems to be abandoning or corrupting the features that enticed here to begin with.

        The suggestion I’ve read that makes the most sense is to hire a team to design a WordPress ap for cellphone usage and set their current worker-bees to fixing the platform glitches HERE for those of us who use computers or tablets — but I doubt that the WordPress folks are even aware of the idea – since they don’t seem to read anything from their users. (Some days I wonder if they read AT ALL!)

        Thanks for understanding – and for giving me the space to grump.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Great recap of WP user complaints, Madelyn. I think WP is banking on users not leaving because we don’t want to abandon followers, nor do we want to start all over again. It’s distasteful and unpleasant feeling caught by the short hairs. Wish we could organize a way to jump ship en masse …

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Not a bad idea!

            Pinterest recently got hit with a day’s boycott protesting their recent “improvements.” I don’t know how successful it was, but I signed out in protest myself (it was not enough to refrain from visiting, apparently, you had to actually sign OUT to register as a missing blip on their radar).

            I also added a new Board at the top of my “domain” to repin all the STOP THIS memes, since it’s practically impossible to reach them any other way and they really are trashing what used to be a nice platform that generated a bit of blog traffic. Haven’t been back on Pinterest turf since, actually – but did have to sign in to pin a few graphics from the blogs of some of my followers.

            I guess our only option is to vote with our feet. Sad, sad, SAD! (What are they teaching in B-school anymore?)

            Liked by 1 person

              1. I certainly hope so. It would be wonderful marketing for them if they read and RESPOND occasionally – even if all they say is, “We’re aware & working on it” – or, “as soon as we fix [this other thing] we’ll focus & fix [whatever].”

                When I was in college I waited tables. I learned that people could handle a great deal of waiting, etc. as long as I periodically acknowledged their situation and that it was frustrating for them, even tho’ I was clearly swamped and could do little to change much personally. (Quick on the draw with the coffee pot made a pretty big difference too, for those people who were seated at a table and waiting for service otherwise – lol 🙂 )

                The BEST restaurant managers made sure that *somebody* was making the rounds whenever things got backed up – and their restaurants remained full (and tips remained good so they retained the best wait staff, who remained pleasant though swamped!).

                I guess nobody on the WordPress team ever had to wait tables. 🙂

                On a more positive note – your addiction post was AMAZING!

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Thank you for reading my addiction post, Madelyn. It was written from personal experience, as you may have gathered. I also waited tables, and the points you make are spot on. Acknowledgment and empathy go a long way in fostering happiness and loyalty…

                  Liked by 1 person

  14. I hope Allan Hudson sees this, or someone will pass it on so he can check out what’s going on. I have tried THREE times now to leave a comment on his ABOUT page, unsuccessfully — got an error message twice, and his Captcha dumped me off the site once. ::sigh::

    Fascinating About – and I’d love to spend time reading his Detective Jo serialization, but I can’t afford the time to try and fail at commenting, sadly.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve sent a message to Allan regarding this, Madelyn. So sorry you ran into such difficulty. Like you, I don’t have the time to be dealing with website glitches. I sure hope it’s an easy fix.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Hi Madelyn. Sorry about the glitch on my site. I always love to receive and read comments. I haven’t heard about any problem before but I will take a peek and see if something needs fixing.. Thanks for trying. And thank you for visiting.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. After the first dump I saved it in Notepad, so here ’tis:

        Fascinating About page – my first visit as a result of a reblog that led me to Tina Frisco’s post about what various bloggers would be up to in 2017. I’m planning to pay a visit to ALL of you I don’t already follow via – and you were the first up. I hope this “takes” – since my last try did not.

        I’m especially looking forward to reading your Detective Jo series. I had a ball with that format on PorterGirl’s blog and met a lot of interesting bloggers as a result.

        Happy New Year!
        (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMore dot com)
        – ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder –
        “It takes a village to transform a world!”

        Liked by 2 people

  15. A beautiful post dear Tina, thank you so much for featuring my blog among so many wonderful and talented bloggers, most I know and follow, but those I don’t I will definitely be visiting. I am truly honoured. I’ll be sharing your post as soon as I can get myself into gear. I hope 2017 is starting off well for you my friend, and that the days ahead bring you everything you hope for, with much love from me 🙂 ❤ xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

  16. There’s a lot of talent and gifted writers here, Tina. I know a few of them, especially my fellow blogger friend, Sherri Matthews, from “A View From My Summerhouse”. A nice tribute and support for them. Thank You!

    Liked by 1 person

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