Jan Sikes, Author

Guest #Author #Jan Sikes

I’m delighted to feature Jan Sikes on my blog today. Jan is a dear friend and multi-award winning author of five books.

Jan Sikes

Find Jan’s books here and here.

With the publication of each book, Jan also releases a CD of original songs appropriate to the story’s time period, because “the stories revolve and evolve around a passion for music.”

Jan lost her husband, friend, and soulmate in 2009. Her novels are “true stories about the journey of two people moving through adversity in order to grow and learn to become better humans.”

Featured below are a back cover blurb and short synopsis of two of Jan’s books, along with my review of the first.

Home At Last


Back Cover Blurb

With empty pockets and a heart full of dreams Luke Stone leaves behind the nightmare of fifteen long years in Leavenworth prison, not giving it a backward glance.

Eyes firmly on the future, he boards a Greyhound bus bound for Texas…for freedom…for the one who holds his heart. The unjust conviction no longer matters and revenge haunts him no more. Darlina Flowers, the woman who takes his breath away, waits ahead and with her by his side, nothing can stop him.

He is headed HOME AT LAST.

Short Synopsis

When Luke Stone gains freedom from prison, he heads home to Texas, to family and to the woman he loves. Though his pockets are empty, his heart is full – full of hopes, dreams and plans. He knows it won’t be easy starting over with nothing, but he believes in the power of positive thinking and hard work.

Darlina Flowers has spent her entire adult life waiting to be Mrs. Luke Stone. She’s never been more ready than now to welcome Luke home, into her arms and into her bed.

Trying to carve out a new life for their little family proves to be a challenge. At times Darlina wonders if she’s strong enough to be the woman Luke needs.

Together, they face extreme hardships from poverty to a near fatal heart-attack. None of it is easy, but their love is mighty.

My review Jan Sikes CD

One of the elements that makes Jan Sikes’ novels compelling is that they’re autobiographical. I was so moved by her second book, The Convict and the Rose, that I knew the third book would prove equally poignant.

Luke Stone is finally released after spending 15 grueling years behind bars for something he didn’t do. Darlina Flowers meets him at the bus station, filled with anticipation and hope for the life together that was denied them when Luke was imprisoned. With little money and no home of their own, their deep and resolute love determines to imbue their lives — and the lives of Darlina’s 2 young daughters — with joy and meaning.

Austerity greets them head-on, but Luke and Darlina never fail to ride the waves with conviction. They remain focused on carving out a better future and seldom look back on past obstacles or tragedies. Damaged and awkward family relationships in need of renewal are handled with warmth, hope, determination, and a sprinkling of raw veracity. When problems threaten to sabotage their happiness or undermine their stability, their solid love for one another always helps them prevail. The adversity they’re forced to deal with would crush a less immutable nature. But Luke and Darlina’s firm resolve, tenacity, and enduring love see them through the hard times as well as embellish the joyful times.

This review might read like that of a fairy tale, but the characters depicted are real people, and this is their story. It’s both tragic and triumphant. It exhibits the depth the human spirit can reach in order to not only survive, but also thrive. It exemplifies the long-held truth that believing makes it so. Energy follows thought. And Luke and Darlina show us how to manifest our heart’s desire.

'Til Death Do Us Part


Back Cover Blurb

Over the course of Luke Stone’s life, he’s been everything from a simple farm boy to a singing star, from a convict to a family man.

Only one woman has managed to keep his out-of-kilter world on track. When Darlina Flowers danced her way into his heart so many years ago, he never dreamed she’d stick by him through the best and worst.

He should be satisfied. Yet, the lifelong dream he harbors deep in his heart – the dream of making music again – won’t let him rest. He grabs at one more chance to prove that he still has what it takes.

But, Luke’s body is failing him and he faces catastrophic changes that might end more than his re-born music career; they may end his life. He’s more determined than ever to provide for his family and share the music in his heart with them and the world in the days he has left.

In the dead of night when the world is silent and still, the forlorn hoot of an owl, his spirit animal, sends a warning up his spine too strong to ignore.

Will fate allow him to sing his last song?

Short SynopsisJan Sikes CD

Things for Luke and Darlina finally start to get a little easier. Luke is writing and performing music again and this time, Darlina is participating with him. He’s even going into the studio to record a new CD. And just when it looks like he will have a shot at another music career, he suffers a leg amputation and winds up in a wheel chair.

But, Luke doesn’t let anything keep him down. He and Darlina continue to find ways to make lemons out of lemonade. Together they are writing songs and pitching them everywhere they can. Luke opens a music store and begins to teach students to play guitar.

Luke is compelled to leave behind a legacy for Darlina and for his family. He won’t let anything stop him…until it does.


Join Luke and Darlina on an emotional and powerful tale of the life they build together and feel inspired at their determination to wring the most out of every minute they are given. Love is an elixir like none other and they find there is an endless supply in their hearts, even in death.

I hope you enjoyed learning more about Jan and her books. Please visit her sites, like and share. Thank you so much for stopping by  ❤ 
Jan’s Sites:  Website  Blog  Twitter  Facebook  Pinterest  Amazon  


24 thoughts on “Guest #Author #Jan Sikes”

        1. Aaw, you’re sweet to miss me, Terri. I haven’t been well these past 2 months, but I’m beginning to feel like myself again (knock on wood). Flareups are unpredictable. I can have several in a row and then go months without any. I’m hoping Spring will bring rejuvenation. Hugs 💜

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  1. Fantastic reviews and I look forward to reading Jan’s books. You know how I love memoirs, biographries and documentaries. I’ve been looking forward to reading Jan’s books since I was first introduced to Jan’s writing on Sally’s blog. You’re a wonderful PQ T! 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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