Pegasus Rewritten by Aoibha Walsh

Danny Introduces a Friend…

Danny the Dog is a guest on The Story Reading Ape, introducing us to his new friend, Aoibha Walsh. She’s 11 years old and has published her first book, Pegasus Rewritten. To every one who reads and reviews Aoibha’a book, Danny is promising to enroll in the Danny the Dog Fan Club at no cost (regular value: 3 pounds of turkey slices). Seems Danny might have himself a new career 🙂

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

Good morning, everybody.

It is I, your favorite dog, Danny the Dog.

I thought I’d do something a little different this month and not complain about my human, Andrew.

He was very pleased to hear that news and even gave me an extra turkey slice this morning.

Right now he’s out celebrating his good fortune, which means I’ll have to bail him out of the drunk tank later this evening.

But enough about him.

Today, I want to talk about my new friend.

Her name is Aoibha Walsh. Aoibha is an Irish name and it’s pronounced Ava.

I’m told “BH” is pronounced like a “V” in Irish Gaelic.

Anyway, she is a pretty little Irish lass who is eleven years old.

She has a dog by the name of Bailey—here’s a picture of him.

I guess he’s okay if you like dogs.

Aoibha also has a cat and some kind…

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