Natalie Ducey

A WRITER’S STORY – Natalie Ducey

When we weather the storms of life and continue on, undaunted and bearing our wounds like armor, we become wounded warriors, ready and able to cast our light into the world as a beacon of hope. 
Natalie Ducey is one such warrior. She acknowledged her fears and met the challenges life tossed at her feet, with grace and firm resolve. She is one of myriad unsung heroes in the world, as her story will enlighten and give hope to so many.

The Heart's Journey Home by Natalie Ducey

Purchase her book here. Please visit her site and share in her accomplishments. #Recommended 

Writing is my passion and my saving grace, as I discovered in 2014. ♥

In January 2014, at the age of 39, I embraced the stillness and, without judgement or fear, listened to my soul. I really listened.

The truth is…I was tired. The sheer weight of the compilation of my heart’s journey was about to break me. The vast remnants of loss, sorrow, and regret suddenly chose to show their presence after I thought I had nestled them away in a place where they could no longer touch me. I felt everything with such acuity, it was as if I stepped back in time. My mind knew I couldn’t dwell there, but my heart seemed eager to stay. So…I began to write. It was my saving grace; as the words flowed so did my healing.

I tell you this because maybe you can relate. I believe we are connected by similar and relatable experiences. We all love/loved deeply and most likely have been on both sides of goodbye. We know the exquisite and profound beauty of love. We know the immobilizing force of grief and the anguish between letting go and holding on. We know the acute distinction between second chances and new beginnings. These trials could easily dishearten us, but instead we choose to be more loving, compassionate, and kind. Isn’t that incredible?

We all have moments in our lives that unequivocally leave a divisive mark; life is now conveyed in terms of before and after. Many of us have more than one of these divisive marks. I know I do.

On August 30, 1992, I sustained a spinal cord injury as the result of a car accident returning home after a fun weekend away with friends. I was 18 years old and just four days shy of starting University. Life changed in an instant.

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28 thoughts on “A WRITER’S STORY – Natalie Ducey”

    1. You’re welcome, John. I hope Natalie gets a lot of exposure. Thank you so much for reblogging. And btw, no need for apologies. We all arrive at each others’ blogs at the right moment 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 2 people

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