

Unless we are enlightened beings, losing a loved one is devastating. My friends of 40+ years lost their younger sister a few days ago to necrotizing pneumonia. The onset was sudden and death came quickly. I am grieving.
I am also remembering those who daily face the danger of losing their lives in the blink of an eye, because they live on the streets. They are called The Homeless. They are the unseen. Judged and neglected, they have as much a right to life, prosperity, and happiness as those of us who meet our basic needs without giving a thought to those who scavenge for their daily bread. And they are brilliant.
On April 6th, my dear friend Sue Dreamwalker published a post about the GallyBloggers. who share thoughts and poems written by the homeless on the streets of the UK. Their excellent works are a testament to the fact that poverty and ignorance do not go hand in hand.
I hope you will visit their site and offer your support to these most deserving poets. I also hope this post will serve as a memorial to my friends’ departed sister ~ loved and cherished ~ who is not departed at all… 
Read Sue’s post HERE

42 thoughts on “DARK RAVEN”

  1. Tina, I’m very sorry to hear about the loss of your friends’ sister. I know your belief system, and although the soul never truly dies, that does not lessen the grief we feel when a loved one no longer is on the same plane with us. Blessings to you all.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sorry to learn of your grief my friend.. Sending love and healing thoughts.. And I thank you for spreading light upon the plight of the homeless.. It is so very much appreciated..
    Love and Blessings..
    ❤ xxx ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Hey Tina,

    At a time when words sometimes fail to comfort grieving thoughts, you and your friends are very much in our prayers. Sadly death does make prisoners of those it leaves behind and no amount of time seems able to replaces the loss of a loved-one. We understand from our perspective how people are far more than just a physical presence in our lives: they have a permanent home in our heart and flow in our blood, and at times in certain lives they save us from dying and we do the same for them. We live, we love, we love to live and we live to love. And we hope your grief will heal quickly as you remember the love always shared and never forgotten or diminished by death itself. In life we exist as energy, in death we exist as energetic thought and feeling in the hearts and minds off those still loving us.

    We came to pass on our sincere thanks and grateful appreciation for your re-Blog of Scruffy’s poem and to express gratitude for the sincerity and kindness shown in the comment you made. We are grateful indeed to have you enjoy the poem, and the blog, and recognise that poverty and ignorance are not always symbiotic bed-fellows as we are led to believe…homelessness happens to individuals who have previously participated in more traditional lifestyles but who find themselves displaced and unable to accommodate the responsibility of family or home-living. Such individuals are often educated, with experience of life, but people who cannot participate within contemporary society anymore. Scruffy was employed many years ago although is memory is faded yet still retains great interest in the history of the land he gets to call home.

    Acknowledging your own Blog and its contents, together with your profile, leads us to conclude you are an erudite and learned lady with compassion and thoughtfulness. Your gesture here is demonstration of the depth of your measure, and we are grateful to be included on your wonderful site. Thank you.

    If ever wandering our way, we’d be pleased to share your company at Gallbloggers.

    We hope your week is unfurling successfully and following a path always leading you to further happiness. Enjoy your afternoon and evening. Take care Tina.

    Namaste 🙂

    DN and Raven’s 12

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    1. Thank you so much, Dewin. Your comforting words are a blessing, and I am very appreciative. Indeed, those we love and who have impacted our lives in a positive way flow in our blood, and we carry their energy with us through many lifetimes.

      You are most welcome, as I am honored to share the beautiful poetry of all of you at GallyBloggers. I hope more will visit and share your excellent blog. Thank you for telling us a little about Scruffy. It helps me feel closer to the man behind the poem, as does your lovely comment about me and my blog. I will certainly wander your way often and will be the better for it. Love, hugs, and blessings to all of you, whom I am proud to call my newfound friends ❤❤

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      1. Hey Tina,

        We are touched by your reply, thank you so much. Gallybloggers seems blessed to meet and befriend some truly wonderful people.

        Scruffy will rise like a phoenix on wings scripted with your words beaming a smile and enjoying his ‘celebratory’ status amongst Raven’s 12. 🙂 We love his flare and elusive ways, his generosity to his friends, and the strength of his character. He is cared for from a distance and knows a coffee awaits when next paths cross.

        We’ll be sure to leave the gate wide open to our green and flourishing field and keep a space reserved for friends. As we proposed to John Fioravanti at Words to Captivate: should you bring coffee or biscuits with you when you visit we’ll provide the complementary item and poetry. What more could we ask for than chance to share the delightful company of a new friend over a cuppa. It’s been the basis of many lasting friendships and wonderful discussions.

        With sincere thanks, Love, hugs and brightest blessings, Take good care new friend of Ravens.

        Namaste 🙂


        Liked by 1 person

        1. Aw Dewin, you are so sweet. I will delight in sharing coffee, biscuits, and conversation with Raven’s 12. It warms my heart to know that Scruffy will enjoy the celebrity we offer from our blogs. Raven’s 12 has won my heart ❤

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              1. Hey Tina,

                “Excellent!” came a voice from the feathered crowd.
                “Scelerisque buccellatum will do us proud.”
                “And may I say you have a wonderful way.”
                “A wonderful way of making our day.”
                “A celebration of Life.”
                “And Love.”
                “And chocolate.”
                “A catalyst to friendship.”
                “And sincerity.”

                Namaste 🙂

                DN and Raven’s 12

                Liked by 1 person

  4. Tina, once again, please accept my condolences for your loss, and your friend’s. You are so right, life can be snatched from us in an instant. I know this because I’ve experienced my own grief and loss more times that I’d like to count. Your words, although with sorrow, as always offer light and encouragement and it seems your gigantic heart will now have to hold a little bit heavier, but in time will tuck away this special person in memory for safekeeping. You are a beacon my friend. Sending you love and hugs. ❤ xoxo

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  5. Thank you so much for sharing Sue’s amazing site and this evocative poem. I’m so sorry for the loss you and your friends are dealing with. It is never easy and I hope you are finding comfort in each other’s care. ❤

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  6. So very sorry for your loss, Tina. The homeless who live in NorCal often move here for our “mild” winters from back east and midwest. When I worked for the City, we offered homeless warming shelters at two of our pool buildings. And the floods this winter really caused issue. My heart goes out to them, although many choose to be homeless, preferring to live off the grid. It’s the women and young kids I worry about!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Tina so sorry to hear of your loss and my condolences to you and your friend. What a fantastic poem. Shows that people living rough are not wastes of space or criminals but people trying to get by on very little or nothing at all. Would we be as strong if it were us?

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Oh Tina, I’m sad for the loss of your friend. Last week my dear friend lost her husband. She kept him alive through 30 years of kidney disease…
    This is a lovely post. Thanks for sharing Sue’s too. Clicking over to visit. Mega hugs.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Oh sweet Tina, sorry to hear of your loss.. This poem you share really is powerful.. I wish more people understood that homelessness can result from many circumstances and that many of us are only one step away.. Compassion is what I hope more people will have after reading the posts you mention here.. Sending love ❤

    Liked by 2 people

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