Tag Archives: Homeless

December 21st ~ National Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day

The Winter Holiday Season brings joy, peace, love, and laughter to many of us worldwide. Compassion for our fellow beings would urge us to share this good will with those less fortunate.
Image courtesy of Pixabay CCO
National Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day is observed annually on the first day of winter. In the northern hemisphere, this is on or around December 21st (June 21st in the southern hemisphere). Known as Winter Solstice or midwinter, it is an astronomical phenomenon marking the day with the shortest period of daylight and the longest night of the year.
Image courtesy of Pixabay CCO
Living on the streets is difficult enough in warm weather; but the harshness of winter claims many lives. If you would like to do something to help ease the suffering of our homeless sisters and brothers ~ or if you’d simply like to learn more ~ click on the links below. No manner of participation is too small, for kindness is not bound by the limitations of conscience.
National Day Calendar
Homeless Person’s Memorial Day
National Homeless.org 
HuffPost article 
invisible PEOPLE blog
invisible PEOPLE on Facebook
invisible PEOPLE on Twitter
Facebook event
Gallybloggers is a blog dedicated to the homeless and posts the writings of many living on the streets. I do hope you’ll visit, comment, and share. It is administered by Dewin Nefol, a compassionate and talented writer and artist.
Image courtesy of Pixabay CCO
We must also remember the nonhuman beings who share our Mother Earth. Learn how to help stray animals survive the winter. Hopefully, all will find loving homes ❤
Mother Nature Network
The Animal Rescue Site blog
Paws in Need
Humane Society
Alley Cat Allies
Thank you for stopping by.
May we all be warm, safe, and loved ❤

All images courtesy of Pixabay CCO


When will we humans understand that to turn a blind eye to those in need is to turn a blind eye to ourselves? When will we come to know ~ Know with a capital K ~ that we are all one?
Gallybloggers is an online forum for authors who are Homeless. Dewin Nefol, creator of the site, states: Those who write and submit to Gallybloggers do so wholeheartedly believing in what we do and in what we would like to achieve by giving voice and opportunity for expression to those who are walked-over by society and passed-by everyday on our streets and empty shop doorways.”
I’m reblogging this today in the hope that many of you will follow Gallybloggers, comment on their outstanding posts, and share their brilliant works


Unless we are enlightened beings, losing a loved one is devastating. My friends of 40+ years lost their younger sister a few days ago to necrotizing pneumonia. The onset was sudden and death came quickly. I am grieving.
I am also remembering those who daily face the danger of losing their lives in the blink of an eye, because they live on the streets. They are called The Homeless. They are the unseen. Judged and neglected, they have as much a right to life, prosperity, and happiness as those of us who meet our basic needs without giving a thought to those who scavenge for their daily bread. And they are brilliant.
On April 6th, my dear friend Sue Dreamwalker published a post about the GallyBloggers. who share thoughts and poems written by the homeless on the streets of the UK. Their excellent works are a testament to the fact that poverty and ignorance do not go hand in hand.
I hope you will visit their site and offer your support to these most deserving poets. I also hope this post will serve as a memorial to my friends’ departed sister ~ loved and cherished ~ who is not departed at all… 
Read Sue’s post HERE