Tag Archives: Community

A Message of Peace and Love

(Featured image courtesy of Lucie Stastkova)

Gag orders on gov’t agencies; walls being built between countries; bans on immigration to a country that is a melting pot . . .
My fellow Americans and all Citizens of the World: 
Lucie Stastkova
Image courtesy of Lucie Stastkova
Even though leaders in the Trump administration are behaving like children let loose in a candy store ~ now more than ever ~ it is important to keep positive thoughts, send out positive energy, take positive action, and simultaneously keep abreast of all that is occurring within the United States government and across the globe.

Collecting and sharing data is vital. Dwelling on the negative is self-defeating. Reacting with violence will sabotage any and all positive change.

Remember: The women’s marches took place in all 50 states and in 57 different countries. This was a first in the history of humankind. All marches were nonviolent. 

Everything unfolds in an orderly fashion. As above, so below.

The patriarchy is dying and rearing its head for one last stand.

United, we will get through this troubling time. This is the time that prophecies of most cultures and religions spoke of centuries ago. They speak of us moving into the Golden Age of Enlightenment. This is the time. We are in the storm before the calm.

It is imperative we recognize this and come from a place of love in our hearts instead of a place of fear. While keeping abreast of U.S. and world affairs, it is crucial that any and all action we take be positive and nonviolent.

Love is the only answer to the heightened treachery and tragedy we now experience, not only in the U.S., but also around the world. Only love will still the waters.

We have forgotten who we are ~ beings of light. It is now time to remember. In our purest sense, we are love. And only love will prevail.

 We must not lose sight of this.

 Love is the ONLY answer . . . 

Remembrance Day Tribute by D.G. Kaye

Remembrance Day in Canada, as well as Veterans Day in the U.S., are set aside to honor all those who fought for our freedom. In her inspiring post, D.G. Kaye reminds us that during this time of upheaval and uncertainty, it is in our best interest to remember that we can choose how we behave toward our sisters and brothers across the globe. Will we divide across fear-based lines of prejudice and hatred, or will we unite under love-inspired hoops of kindness and compassion?

remember-by-debby-giesAt a time when the world seems divided with so many fears of uncertainty, it’s a time to remind that we all still have a choice to unite, not only to make America great again, but help to make the world great again. Strength is in numbers, not held solely in the hands of an elected official. It’s the numbers that put these officials in power. The damage is done, as has been in all wars. It’s now up to all of us to work hard at being kind and compassionate to our fellow man.

Today I went out on my balcony for a breath of fresh air, and something which stares me blatantly in the face every time I do so, became so much more polarizing. An apartment in a building across from mine flies the Canadian flag proudly every day. I watched as it danced in the wind in all its glory and served as a reminder that no matter how much I’m unhappy about the state of our economics in my province, and particularly my city, that I am grateful for the many other things we have in this country.

poppy-by-debby-giesTomorrow is Remembrance Day, a day to reflect and remember all those Vets who fought for many of our countries for freedom. November 11th – the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month is when we take a pause for a single moment of silence to pay our respect and remembrance for those who fought and died in battle for us, to end hostility.

Despite the loss of life, the world didn’t seem to learn after that war, as the second World War emerged only two decades later. In the decades that followed, more wars around the world ensued and still, there’s a nagging question mark lurking in the minds of many, wondering if it’s only a matter of time until the third World War might . . .

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Nick Verron has traveled the emotional spectrum ~ from joy to despair ~ from walking through nature on his own to being confined to a wheelchair that restricts. He’d resigned himself to the latter until he recently experienced the Mountain Trike. Now all he needs to be independent once again in his travels is the money to buy one. Please help if you can… ❤

Working with Other Authors – Guest Post…

The Story Reading Ape’s guest today is Jemima Pett discussing the benefits of authors working together to promote their writing and books…

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

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My writing career really took off when I started working with other authors. It was a little thing that started it all. Sally Harris, author of the wonderful Diary of a Penguin-napper, suggested we got together to do a promotion of the first chapter of our books in a volume called Love Middle Grade Actually in February 2013. Through that I got talking, and made friends with, a dozen other authors. I’d not really done much blogging then, not like we do now, joining in challenges with other bloggers, doing blog hops and the like. And it takes a bit of nerve to approach someone you don’t know (and maybe think is so much better than you, and so much more knowledgeable).

The way we worked together on a project, being brought together by Sally, made me want to do it…

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Go fund me campaign, donate, single mom, Toronto housing, small business, D.G. Kaye


It’s very rare that I ever ask anything for myself. But today I had no choice but to set up a Go Fund Me Campaign for my sister who is in some great need of help.

My family and friends are doing all they can, but life is stressful for many of us to keep our own lives afloat sometimes, so I’ve decided to call for help from the kindness of strangers. Below you will find the post I created for the campaign. I know many of us have our own financial difficulties and it may not be feasible to donate, but I’m hoping readers could please at least share this post around your social media. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read.

Please Share! Go Fund Me. Below is a copy of the Campaign

This is a story about a remarkable Warrior Woman, my sister Marni. My sister has been a single mom for 23 years who has struggled and overcome all of her life. She raised 3 small kids on her own after years of battling the courts to no avail for child-support from the ‘deadbeat dad’ whom she evicted because of his drug addiction.

Marni lived on social assistance and what support she could gather to raise her kids until through some generous aid, she got a job running a packaging company assembly line for many years, doing the work of 3 men, lifting boxes, driving crane operated vehicles, working in cold, damp freezers for years, which inevitably led to her rheumatoid arthritis in her back and hands, and consequently led to Baastrup Disease. But she continued on anyway, until the company did what so many companies do in Canada now, downsize, fire and hire half the age for half the wage. Her services were no longer required.

Marni continued to find odd labor jobs to keep the roof over her head and feed her children, which are still living at home because of their own jobs that don’t pay enough for them to live on their own in the city of Toronto where housing and cost of living has gotten out of control.

My sister is a go-getter and has done any menial job in construction, plowing and shoveling snow, to things you couldn’t imagine to help ends meet. With her broken down van, on its last ounces of steam, and winter approaching, being the only driver in her family has added concern.

A good Samaritan in the family has loaned her some funds to start her own business of car detailing, but with a new business, even with great growth potential, the bills and debts are piling up trying to keep her house and hang on to her little business.

My sister would give the shirt off her own back to help anyone. I had to fight her pride just to let her allow me to run this campaign. She’s not one who would ever ask for anything. She’s also a huge animal lover and dog rescuer. Right now her Newfoundlander dog, Harley is very ill too. She can barely feed him, so she isn’t able to take him to the vet or pay for his medication.

Marni has exhausted all of her friends and family for donations, so I am stepping up here to ask if people could please find it in their hearts to please give her a chance to pay off some debts to keep her home, and  her business running afloat. This is her only chance of building a future for herself and her children.

This warrior woman, my sister, is a giver to everyone. So I am asking if you could please support Marni through these difficult times. Please help her help her family and get her feet on the ground. If we could all give something, she may even be able to buy a used van to enable her to continue being the captain of her family.

Thank you. Please share!

If you wish to donate, you can do so HERE 

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Co-Housing and Community – Guest Post…

Is co-housing a utopian dream? Felicity Sidnell explores this topic today in her guest post on The Story Reading Ape…

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog


In this age of immediate connections though the ubiquitous i-phone, Facebook and other media, many people still long for “real community”.

A documentary on the radio today investigated co-housing, an experiment in community living. There are hundreds of projects currently up and running in North America. The particular subject of this programme, was the Harbourside Co-housing for Seniors, in Sooke British Columbia. Denmark first developed this concept in the 1960’s, but now there are many projects of different longevities, and more currently in development, in Europe, the UK, New Zealand, USA and Canada, among others.

Are these the descendants of the nineteenth century Utopian dreams that so often ended in disaster if they got beyond the pages of a book? The founders and members of the co-housing movement are careful to address practicalities. So far they seem to be remarkably successful, proceeding through a long and careful preparation period which…

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