Tell Me a Story Returns

Annette Rochelle Aben kindly invited me to be interviewed on her blog talk radio show, Tell Me a Story. Annette is such a delight to talk with. Her extensive experience in the media industry is obvious in the way she presents herself and puts her guests at ease. We talked about my books and music, and she invited me to share one of my songs. I’m posting the lyrics below, as I’ve found it frustrating when listening to a song I really enjoy but cannot understand the words being sung.
Thank you, Annette, for all the support you give to so many. Your Angel Messages and Attitude of Gratitude are but a few ways by which you share your bright light with the world. It was an honor to be on your show.  
Please visit Annette’s lovely blog and leave your comments there

 © 2001Tina Frisco

Weaver of light

Maybe it’s a matter of time, maybe it’s a matter of place
Matter it’s a matter of heart
For the ones left behind, insufficient of mind
Who are eased by your grace

Maybe it’s a matter of chance, maybe it’s a matter of plan
Maybe it’s a matter of love
For the ones who can’t speak, who sit silent and weep
And reach out for your hand

Rest your heart a while
Rest your heart a while
Dreamer and knight
Weaver of light
Cast your smile
And rest your heart a while

Maybe it’s a matter of will, maybe it’s a matter of yield
Maybe it’s a matter of hope
For the ones we intern, disremember and spurn
Who inspire your ideal

Maybe it’s a matter of worth, maybe it’s a matter of flair
Maybe it’s a matter of joy
Knowing all that you give, in the way that you live
Is a consummate prayer  

Maybe it’s a matter of pure, maybe it’s a matter of rare
Maybe it’s a matter of peace
To receive who we are, every virtue and scar
And acknowledge we dare

Rest your heart a while . . .

24 thoughts on “Tell Me a Story Returns”

  1. Tina… Wow.. what can I say… So so loved that interview on the Podcast.. Loved hearing your voice..
    And the advice you gave out… And you gave me great encouragement for my own late learning of guitar skills.. 🙂 I only had a guitar last year and it came via Spirit I am sure..
    And I am in the process of teaching myself.. Not very good . hands not working as I want them too LOL.. but Listening to your beautiful Weavers of Light song and hearing you play and sing.. Just Amazing.. I really enjoyed it Tina..

    I hope you are doing better these days too.. I am having a rest day today from the garden.. 🙂 and thought to catch up a little with friends..

    So pleased that I came by and listened to your interview in full over at Annette’s..
    Have a wonderful weekend..
    Much Love..
    Sue xxxx ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aaw, Sue, thank you for the lovely comment. I see you with your guitar in hand, singing softly and sending sweet melodies to the stars. It’s not how masterfully we play an instrument, but whether love fills our hearts when we sing. And I know your heart is always open. Sing and play for own delight, and it will be shared by others, for they will have no choice but to bask in the radiance of the joy you emanate. This is a fundamental principle of Mother Nature ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Loved, loved! I enjoyed listening with morning coffee! Loved the song Tina, you have the voice of a songbird. Shared all over and sharing again! I left comment at Annette’s that I was surprised the page where we listen had no comment section? 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, Deb, you are the quintessential cheerleader. We can always count on you for the uplifting “Yay!” and “Woohoo!” Thanks so much, sweet friend. The Magic Happens Radio Network just underwent renovation, so maybe that’s why there’s no comment section. But we’ve received such wonderful feedback on our blogs that Annette and I are pleased as punch 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You have been ‘duded.’ They well know you beat that Donovan singer of theirs ‘dudes’ down. You better watch they don’t have you standing there. Seriously, forget them, you were great, so natural and so nice and also when you sang, sincerely, beautifully you. It was lovely xxxx

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