Bear Cub Piglet by Tofino Photography

“PIGLET” BEING PIGLET | Welcome to Tofino Photography

Meet Piglet! Wayne at Tofino Photography has captured the most adorable images of a bear cub he dubbed Piglet. We as yet don’t know the gender of this little sweetheart, but do we care? No! Cute is cute. Please visit Wayne’s site, like and share (links are below) 🙂







Piglet by Tofino Photography


Bear Cub Piglet and Mum Playtime by Tofino Photography

Piglet with Mum, Peggy

Piglet and Mum by Tofino Photography

Chester with Mum, Crystal

Bear Cub Chester & Mum Crystal by Tofino Photography

View originals Here,  Here, and Here

49 thoughts on ““PIGLET” BEING PIGLET | Welcome to Tofino Photography”

          1. And they can come visit my dudes.. Now the dudes had a run in with a bear before. It was on a set of Halloween posts. The funniest thing was they had a guest each day for a fortnight and they got obsessed re bears. Of course I assured them there were no bears. The punchline, the moment of pure hysterical, the last blog post which I had not opened till the last day, but I had had since the start, had this writer who had brought them a picture. Yep you guessed it. it was a bear. WELL.

            Liked by 2 people

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