Photo by Terri Webster Schrandt

Thoughts of #Peace

Photo by Terri Webster Schrandt
Image courtesy of Terri Webster Schrandt
Our thoughts and prayers are with
our sisters and brothers in London
The hatred evidenced by terrorist attacks around the world could easily be met with equal hatred, should we allow it. But how would that identify and inform us as a species? What would that do to the hearts and minds of individuals as well as society? What do we want to teach our children, and what kind of world do we want to leave them?
It is a challenge to keep our hearts open amid such unconscionable acts of violence. Yet it is our only hope of survival. Meeting these despicable acts with an equal amount of aggression could lead to our annihilation in this nuclear age. At the very least, it could alter our consciences and consciousness to a degree beyond repair. And that is as unacceptable as the terrorist act itself.
Fire cannot be fought with fire. We know this. Yet our species persists in its futile attempt to meet hatred with hatred, aggression with aggression, terror with terror. However, hope is skirting the horizon ~ fragile in its element but tenacious in its intent. Whether or not it will rise with tomorrow’s sun will be determined by our actions today.
I’m reminded of Dorothy Bryant’s book, The Kin of Ata Are Waiting for You. The village folk circle a woman being raped. They neither interfere nor intervene but simply stand in witness of this heinous act. The perpetrator not only cannot continue, but also comes face to face with his salacious fear. When he realizes he has been forgiven, his heart opens and he is transformed.

The Kin of Ata by Dorothy Bryant

Some might call this a miracle. Yet if we consider the collective unconscious, we might see this in a different light. Instead of intervention from an outside source ~ no matter how beneficent the being ~ we realize it is a manifestation of our unified thought. We are what we think, and energy follows in kind.
Although I was raised Roman Catholic, I follow an eclectic spiritual path. I hold the avatars and bodhisattvas in my heart, and one in particular now comes to mind: Jesus Christ. Regardless of whether history is to be believed, the story of Jesus’ passion sets an example that sorely needs to be remembered, if not emulated. “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
If we understand that all negative emotions and behavior originate from fear, we might be more inclined to err on the side of compassion. This does not negate the validity and necessity of raging with anger, for emotions are raw and must be given a voice, lest we implode. This does, however, caution us to act instead of react ~ act out of love instead of react out of fear.
Fear is a survival mechanism but, if unchecked, can easily run amok, as we have witnessed once again in today’s attack on the people of London. Where does violence end? Where does peace begin?
Flower by Terri Webster Schrandt
Image courtesy of Terri Webster Schrandt
Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me . . . ❤

110 thoughts on “Thoughts of #Peace”

  1. Tina, I think this is one of the best blog posts I’ve ever read, and in fact, I’m sure I will not ever read another as inspirational. You have said SO much and in so few words, considering the significance of what you’ve said and the “background” references. I am proud to share this to Facebook and hope that it garners many positive posts. And maybe it will even change a mind or move a heart or two.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Emily, I am so pleased ~ not for myself, but in hoping this post might reach others to whom it will give pause. I value your opinion highly and am encouraged by your thoughts. Thank you so much for your inspiring comment, my lovely friend ❤


  2. Hello my good friend The Wonderful Tina. I agree with much of what you say except the ‘Jesus’ quote “Forgive them father, they know not what they do”. It strikes me that’s giving an excuse after the action has been done. After 2000+ years since that was supposedly said, mankind should not need excuses anymore. We should be aiming so that tolerance, kindness and decency are the natural order.
    We should not be allowing leaders to speak on our behalf who say hateful things, nor should we allow them to ignore things that happen which are contrary to human decency, those things should be condemned by our leaders.
    The differences in our cultures should be celebrated not feared and we should be working to educate our children towards peace and towards the care of our planet.
    xxx Humongous Hugs xxx

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Forgiveness is vital to our survival, David. If we can’t forgive, our hearts remain closed. Forgiveness is not acceptance of cruelty, violence, hatred. Acceptance and rejection are mental processes. Forgiveness comes from the heart. I can forgive someone a heinous deed and simultaneously march in protest of that deed. Forgiveness is something I do for myself as much as for another. Forgiveness is not apathy or the offer of excuses; in its essence, it is letting go of fear. But to let go of fear, I first need to express it in order to see it. This is the human condition. I need to rant and rage against injustice and give my raw emotions a voice. Only then will I move out of reaction mode and become capable of taking positive action. Tolerance, kindness, and decency cannot be achieved without forgiveness ~ they are intricately and inexplicably bound to one another. Example: I forgive Donald Trump his ignorance and narcissism while I take action to have him impeached. This is a polarity we humans have difficulty understanding, yet it is the great lesson we have come here to learn. The Earth is a bipolar planet. And if we are to survive, we need to learn how to balance those energies within the construct of love and compassion. It’s not easy to forgive a terrorist, but what we are forgiving is the person rather than the action. And yet, that person must be held accountable. Forgiveness is not clemency. Forgiveness is letting go of fear and cleansing our hearts of the seeds of hatred. Hatred fuels terrorism and is conceived of fear. To aspire to a kinder and more tolerant natural order, we must let go of fear. And a first step toward letting go of fear is forgiveness. Hugs, dear friend David. Thank you for the opportunity to clarify ❤❤

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    2. I agree with you, David. However, our elected leaders do speak violence or at least “strength.” And our elected leaders of years past do not recognize the importance of teaching children social studies, where they would learn more about cultures and care of the planet, as a core subject. It is not easy to measure that kind of teaching. We are a society of measurements.

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  3. Thanks, Tina. Very inspiring words and something to think about. As a psychiatrist, I always thought the quote attributed to Einstein about insanity (doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result) has always rung true for me. Perhaps it’s time to try something completely different.

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  4. You’re welcome, Olga, and thank you. Einstein’s quote is also a favorite of mine. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying something different. Our current approach is only fueling the chaos ❤


  5. An inspiring post Tina and hopefully something we can all aspire to. If we are to overcome this surge of violence we are going to have to react in a different way than we have been doing. Revenge against those who have been manipulated into violence achieves nothing except instant gratification. There is a minority who cowardly stay in the shadows brain washing and promising eternal life to the vulnerable and disavowed. These are the people that need to be found and brought to justice. A life in isolation away from the subjects that feed their energy. In the meantime we have to stand with those of other faiths who do not condone nor incite these acts of violence in the name of their religion. Thank you for a great post. ♥♥

    Liked by 4 people

    1. You’re welcome, Sally, and thank you for such an insightful comment. I hope the more we talk about this, the more people will awaken to the knowledge that we are all one. What we do to one, we do to all, including ourselves ❤

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    1. Thank you for your kind words, Shey. I was in the foreground in many lifetimes but chose to stay behind the scenes in this one. Although, with a blog on the world wide web, it isn’t quite the background it used to be. Should this change for me, I’ll be nominating you and the Dudes for public office 🙂 ❤

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  6. Tina, first of all, glad you found an image from my stock. It goes well with the message. Secondly…your message! I have tears in my eyes reading your eloquent words with the miracle of forgiveness embedded. Regardless of our spiritual beliefs, forgiveness is critical to a fulfilled life, even though it may seem impossible to do so. If Jesus can forgive with his last breath while dying an agonizing death, imagine what ordinary folks can do thousands of miles away from the terror that fills our world. We are weak and do not see the whole picture of God’s plan for this world. So we trudge through our days asking to be forgiven, because we need to be. May Thoughts of peace abound.

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    1. Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Terri. I often think of the suffering endured by great world leaders (Gandhi, Jesus, Mandela) for the sake of humankind. I can’t imagine it was in vain. Some messages take decades to permeate the collective unconscious and tip the balance. We’re living in a time of great change, the likes of which has never been witnessed during our time on Earth. What we’re now experiencing is resistance to that change, change for the better. All we have to do is ride the waves, with love in our hearts ❤

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  7. Tina thank you for your wisdom, your heart, and your compassion in this wonderfully inspiring post in reaction to yet more horror in our world..
    It is not until these horrors come to our door that we understand these horrors have and are continuing all around the world and yet many never blink an eye..
    My thoughts are with all of those suffering, grieving and who are coming to terms with their loss.

    May we stand united in a circle of love.
    As we show those who deal in death, that LOVE is greater than any evil act. And that LOVE will conquer ALL..

    Love and Blessings Tina..
    as our hearts unite with London..

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  8. Reblogged this on Dreamwalker's Sanctuary and commented:
    Tina thank you for your wisdom, your heart, and your compassion in this wonderfully inspiring post in reaction to yet more horror in our world..
    It is not until these horrors come to our door that we understand these horrors have and are continuing all around the world and yet many never blink an eye..
    My thoughts are with all of those suffering, grieving and who are coming to terms with their loss.

    May we stand united in a circle of love.
    As we show those who deal in death, that LOVE is greater than any evil act. And that LOVE will conquer ALL, Bringing us all closer together
    Blessings Sue ❤
    Please leave your comments on Tina's Post..

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re welcome, Sue, and thank you for your compassionate comment and reblogging. Love truly is the answer and the only effective weapon we have against fear. You make a cogent point about not understanding the reality of terror until it knocks on our door. Given that these heinous acts are widely televised, perhaps global empathy will be evoked as people begin to realize we must stand united in love. Love and blessings, dear Sue ❤

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      1. Having just watched the One Love Manchester Concert live on TV here in the UK.. one can only say that LOVE is uniting many through the tears that have been shed..
        Which gives me hope that despite all we see in the world, Tragedy is uniting our world.. And bringing us closer together in harmony.. We are ONE! Loved your post and you are very welcome.. 💛

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          1. Yes, Tina and the more I think about how the world not through the media of technology are being brought together through grief.. I also see the potential of us joining together more readily in LOVE through our compassion. Which brings me HOPE for the world.. ❤

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  9. I agree with you Tina that we should not sink to the level of the terrorists who perpetrate such barbaric acts. We do, of course need to work together to create a humane world. However when one is dealing with Islamic State who hate not only the West but also the majority of Muslims (who are horrified by their actions in the name of a perverted interpretation of Islam), there is no alternative to the use of force. For example the shooting dead, by armed officers of the 3 terrorists on the evening of 3 June undoubtedly saved many more inocents from being maimed or slaughtered. Likewise the killing (by drones) of those known to be leaders in Islamic State can, I believe be justified. Islamic State are of the same stamp as the Nazis and must be defeated. Gay people, women and fellow Muslims have been terrorised by the group and turning the other cheek wont work. Best wishes, Kevin

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for your thought-provoking comment, Kevin. Forgiveness and love imply turning the other cheek in a figurative sense only. Love is the most powerful force we humans experience and can be evidenced in many different ways. Most (if not all) oppressive political regimes have been reactionary. Instead of ‘reacting to’ we need to ‘act for.’ Violent perpetrators must be held accountable and brought to justice. How we achieve that is critical and will determine whether or not we survive. One thing all of us can do toward that end is keep our hearts open to all and act from a place of love rather than fear. In so doing, the collective unconscious will tip toward peace and harmony, and the way will be made clear ❤

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  10. What a heart-wrenching plea to the misguided minds…Tina, I loved each word you have written. I often wonder who makes such monsters out of innocent souls that we are born with…nobody is born with hatred and barbaric thoughts; the seeds are sown by those who want to keep violence alive, who want to usurp power…the struggle has been going on for ages. Yet the only answer is love, peace and forgiveness…very hard to accept but there is no other way. Mahatma Gandhi said “an eye for an eye only ends up making the world blind.”
    Thank you dear friend for your wisdom and inspiration. Stay blessed!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re welcome, Balroop, and thank you for your supportive comment and reminding us of the wise words of Mahatma Gandhi. How fear got a foothold within our species is convoluted and, for the most part, remains a mystery. But one thing we have learned is that hatred begets hatred, fear begets fear, love begets love. The latter is the most powerful and will be our saving grace ❤

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  11. Tina, you are correct in your assessment and the proof is the fact that we still endure terror attacks sixteen years after 9/11. The US and NATO Allies declared war on terrorists in 2001 and we are no closer to putting an end to it. The violent response is totally understandable. We all feel the horror and anger and the desire for vengeance. We have spent sixteen years acting from those feelings and we’ve killed thousands of terrorists, yet the terrorism continues unabated. It isn’t working. It never will.

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    1. John, thank you so much for the historical perspective. Throughout history, we’ve seldom learned from our mistakes. We’re on the brink of massive change, and I take hope from the upsurge of awareness moving rapidly through our consciousness. Millions are coming to the same conclusion as you. It’s agonizing to witness blood being shed as we turn this corner in our evolution. But turn it we will. Of that, I have no doubt ❤


  12. Much needed calm…heartening post, Tina and very moving. It is so hard to comprehend what has been going on here recently…almost sad resignation. Not only is your post inspiring but also the many wonderful comments left here, I’ve read them all and taken strength from them too. ❤️

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    1. Thank you, Annika, for the personal face you’ve put on this, as well as for reading all the comments. They have also given me strength. Uniting in love, a new day will dawn ~ a day that brings peace and harmony to our world. Stay strong ❤

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  13. Amen Tina to every word you said. We cannot fight fire with fire is true and although a slower process, undivided and undeterred by evil we shall stand and the light will soon appear. ❤

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  14. The world needs to unite in a shared caring for each other. I find it so disturbing that so many lives are being lost in such a horrendous way. Love is the way forward, with compassion, tolerance and understanding taking the lead.

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  15. Thank you, Marje. We humans seem to learn best at tremendous loss to ourselves. I like your image of compassion, understanding, and tolerance taking the helm. This can only move us forward into a world motivated and cultivated by love ❤


  16. Just read this on another post, thought it appropriate for the moment: “When somebody provokes your anger, the only reason you get angry is because you’re holding on to how you think something is supposed to be. You’re denying how it is. Then you see it’s the expectations of your own mind that are creating your own hell. When you get frustrated because something isn’t the way you thought it would be, examine the way you thought, not just the thing that frustrates you. You’ll see that a lot of your emotional suffering is created by your models of how you think the universe should be and your inability to allow it to be as it is.” Ram Dass.

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    1. Nice to meet you, John. And thank you for sharing the wise words of Ram Dass. It’s interesting how we humans fear whatever is different ~ the unknown ~ not to mention change itself. Thank you also for the follow. I have reciprocated ❤


      1. So welcome. Your post is most deserving of a share ♥ I commented on a different post yesterday that love is a powerful force and I believe it. May it stand tall above fear xx

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  17. Wonderful words at a time when folks are looking for answers and wondering what to do – and what world leaders will do. You’re absolutely right: we have to respond with love. Fighting fire with fire only begets more fire.
    Your post planted a seed for a meditation I’d like to do on my own website…I’ll have to cultivate that little seed. 🙂
    And I love your words, “I was raised Catholic, but I follow an eclectic spiritual path.” <– Yes, that! So right there with you. Went from pretty devout Catholic in my younger years to pretty devout spiritual independent. 🙂
    Keep shining your light. Your words are beautiful and they are a ray of hope in a gathering menagerie of dark clouds.

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    1. Aaw, Cyndi, thank you for your kind words and lovely comment. I love your epithet “spiritual independent.” Will have to remember that 🙂 And will look forward to the meditation once it blossoms. Hugs, my friend ❤


  18. Hi Tina ❤

    This tragedy that happened in London and the ones that continue to happen are devastating. We are undergoing tremendous transformation as a species. We need to carry the torch of love. I too am eclectic. ❤ ❤

    You know I picked up that book after you mentioned it the first time. 🙂 I had already started reading the intro but with a very busy schedule in a full time graduate program, I found myself needing to prioritize. I also have another book by one of our lovely blogger friends to read that's in queue and even another one after that – in addition to all the ones that I want to read, that are in queue for my field. But, you know: a balanced plate. Lovely post! I wish I had more time to blog since writing posts is a very good thing for me as part of my balanced plate. I do love that we've recently met each other, and I look forward to our online relationship continuing – no doubt I'll need to keep ducking out of being online for periods of time; and I rarely get to all the posts I want to!

    ❤ Much Love and so happy to see your focusing on your book which I'd love to add to my reading list as well.
    Blessings xoxo Ka

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  19. So nice of you to drop by and comment, Ka. Not having enough hours in the day is a phenomenon that plagues so many of us! Most days, I’m merely keeping my head above water. Right now, I’m taking a short break while I watch AG Sessions testify before Congress. 😊

    I, too, love that we’ve met and look forward to our continued friendship. It’s so important that we find and unite with kindred spirits during this time of great change. It will take all of us to carry that torch of love and move human consciousness to a higher vibration. It’s no accident that we’ve met in this lifetime, as we have traveled together many times before.

    Blessings and much love to you, dear friend Ka ❤


    1. Aaw, Sue, how thoughtful of you. I’ve been on a break while I prepared my first novel for re-publication. The task is behind me now and I’m happily re-entering the blogging world, with a bang, I might add ~ my post, a guest post, and myriad reblogs, all for which I am very grateful. I’ll be resuming my blog visits and will see you on yours soon. Thank you, dear friend, for checking up on me. Hope all is well with you. Hugs and much love ❤❤

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      1. So pleased to hear all is well with you Tina, and yes alls well with me.. I am taking small breaks too.. And enjoying Summer and all of it’s gifts.. Sending love and no worries on catch ups, so long as you are well.. 🙂 And Happy to hear that the task of preparation is behind you now with your Novel.. Wonderful to hear.. xxx ❤ Take care and enjoy Summer and your weekend xx

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  20. I didn’t see your post Tina although I’m pretty certain I follow you (I’ll check) – so I’m sorry I’m late to the party. Your words ring so true … and your post is powerful and true. Fear – I agree re your words on this. Compassion is the only way, firstly to ourselves which facilitates opening opening our hearts and minds to others. Thank you Debby for sharing this …

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  21. Very thought-provoking post, Tina. Christ is the answer, in my belief system, but he did not provoke only peace and was violently killed by the leaders of the church. I don’t have answers to this problem, but it is a huge, worldwide problem.

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    1. Thank you, Marsha. What astounds me is the violence perpetrated in the name of religion. It’s merely a tool used to further the gains of the fearful. Something all of us can do is keep our hearts open and act from love instead of fear, and keep our thoughts focused on peace. Energy follows thought ❤


  22. Beautiful post, Tina. It’s heartbreaking to see fear running rampage over the world, and even more disturbing that it’s whipped up on purpose. I agree with your solution: commit outrageous acts of kindness and be fierce in our love. ❤

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  23. From your comment, Tina – and a synopisis of what I took from this wonderful post:
    “One thing all of us can do toward that end is keep our hearts open to all and act from a place of love rather than fear. In so doing, the collective unconscious will tip toward peace and harmony, and the way will be made clear”

    SO uplifting – and universally relevant.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
    ADD/EFD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
    “It takes a village to transform a world!”

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