An Important Message for all Danny The Dog Fans.

It is with a heavy heart that I share this post. Our favorite canine and beloved friend of the blogosphere, Danny the Dog, crossed the rainbow bridge last Tuesday. Our thoughts and prayers are with his human, Andrew. If Danny were here, I think he might say that he himself needs no prayers ~ just a few more turkey slices 🙂 Journey well, sweet Danny. You will be sorely missed ❤

My heart is with you, Andrew. Danny reached so many hearts, because you gave him a voice with which to reach them ❤

Thank you to Chris Graham for breaking the news of Danny’s passing ❤

The Rainbow Bridge

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

In case you were wondering why Danny The Dog wasn’t making his usual visit to respond to all your comments under his post yesterday, I regret to tell you that it was his last posting.

Danny died last Tuesday (18th July 2017)

His human, Andrew Joyce sent me the following eulogy:

My name is Andrew.

Until recently, I had the distinct honor of cohabitating with a true wit and an all-around good guy, Danny the Dog.

But now that the summer’s gone and all the flowers are dying—when all the sunshine was in shadow—he had to leave me. Oh, Danny Boy, I love you so. Sleep in peace until I come to you.

Now that I’ve plagiarized the song Danny Boy, I’ll have a go at Shakespeare.

Friends, bloggers, lovers of Danny, lend me your ears.
I come to praise Danny, not to bury him.
The bad stuff dogs do…

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23 thoughts on “An Important Message for all Danny The Dog Fans.”

  1. I have gotten behind and read Danny’s last turkey post just yesterday.I am so sorry to hear of his passing. I hope Andrew knows that Danny has made so many of us smile with his post’s, and, my sympathy goes out to Andrew. Danny will be sorely missed by many. RIP Danny. xo

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