#Book #Review ~ #AnnetteRochelleAben

Annette Rochelle Aben

On September 25, 2017, Annette Rochelle Aben announced on her BLOG that she would like reviews of her books as a gift for her birthday, which is October 25th. She began a month-long PARTY and set up a delightful soup and beverage bar on October 11th. 

Annette is an inspiration for so many of us. To show my gratitude for her abiding love and friendship, I read and reviewed two of her books: Go You and Angel Messages: A Wing and a Prayer

Visit Annette’s Amazon Author Page by clicking on the image below. 

Annette Rochelle Aben's Books

Annette’s books affirm the positive and move us into feeling grateful for all we have been given in life. I am so pleased to share my reviews with you now. 

Happy Birthday, Annette! 

Angel Messages: A Wing and a Prayer
My 5-Star Review

You Are Not Alone

I have always believed in Angels and have read several books about them. What strikes me most about Annette Rochelle Aben’s book, Angel Messages: A Wing and a Prayer, is the open heart from which she writes.

Ms. Aben shares her personal experiences by sprinkling the Angel messages she has received, between passages of her own lovely poetry.

Two of my favorite messages are: 1. Be in love with the gift of your life. Your joy colors your world; 2. Choosing love will always bless you. The answers are in your heart. 

Ms. Aben states that Angels may materialize in the guise of ‘just plain folks.’ I think we all experience this yet often overlook, for example, the woman who gives us the extra change we need to make a purchase, or the man who extends a hand to help us onto the bus.

Whether you believe in Angels as heavenly beings, visitors from the cosmos, or just plain folks, this book will touch that place in you that searches for comfort, assurance, and a positive outlook on life.

Go You
My 5-Star Review

I Know I Can!

Although only fifty-three pages in length, Annette Rochelle Aben’s book, Go You, packs a mighty punch. Filled with positive affirmations, it offers the reader the potential to secure a favorable outcome from myriad life experiences.

Ms. Aben believes in the power of the positive and in paying it forward. She reinforces these beliefs by giving herself a pep talk every time she looks in the mirror. What a fabulous world we would live in if everyone practiced this!

The next time you catch a glimpse of yourself, look into your eyes and say: “You are special! You are appreciated! You are the better half of the whole! GO YOU!!” Or: “You are worth protecting! You are worth supporting! You are worth loving! GO YOU!!”

The author ends the book by asking: “Now, what would YOU like to say to yourself?” This question rests atop a lined page that is blank, prepared for us to affirm our positive thoughts and aspirations.

I smiled when I read the title of this book. By the time I finished reading it, I was ready to take on the world. You will be, too.

83 thoughts on “#Book #Review ~ #AnnetteRochelleAben”

  1. Tina. I am beyond words here. Thank you, for this post (which is such a gift) AND for the purchases of and reviews for my books. What an honor and one I do not take lightly. I know that you shall always feel the Angelic presences supporting you, supporting YOU! Go YOU! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  2. This is an A Plus for playing along! If you will allow me a bit of of tongue in cheek, Stop doing so good tugging at my wallet already! ( 😀 ). It just so happens I agree, in a simple gamble I too got a lil time that in an instant said I could -why hadn’t I before?? So if that ain’t a thanks a pile -happy birthday ARA? What is?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Fantastic and well deserved reviews for Annette’s books, Tina. I must have missed Annette’s birthday wish post, and ultimately, missed her birthday :(. But leave it to you to leave her a lovely gift. ❤ Happy belated birthday Annette!!! Hugs to both of you. ❤ xoxoxo

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    1. Aw, Deb. my birthday is Oct 25th. I started a month-long celebration on September 25th by offering a different .99 Kindle special each Weds. The final special will be on my birthday. So you haven’t missed the BIG DAY! (lol) and Yes, it was a beautiful, birthday gift from Miss. Tina, to purchase and REVIEW my books. I am thrilled. ❤

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh, sorry, I missed that part, but I felt bad I missed your birthday. And I wondered why FB didn’t give me a notification. So, LOL I just wrote Happy birthday on your FB page. Consider it a prelude to a Happy, Early start! ❤ And good for Tina, she's quicker than I am at reading your books! ❤

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        1. It’s ALL good! I have a friend (20 years a friend) who is convinced my birthday is April 25th. So she sends me a card on that day every year. I have tried telling her but to no avail. So I accept the birthday love 24/7. As for reading my books… I have a TBR pile that waves to me from the highest heights. #KindredsHere ❤

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