What's in a Name Vols. 1 & 2 by Sally Cronin

#BookRelease: What’s in a Name? Vols. 1 and 2 by Sally Cronin ~ Print Version

I am pleased to join Sally Cronin in announcing the publication of the two-volume print version of her book, What’s in a Name. Those of you familiar with Sally know her as an avid supporter of her fellow bloggers, consistently promoting our artistic endeavors on her outstanding blog magazine, Smorgasbord Invitation. If you’re not familiar with Sally, do visit and follow her blog. As the title Smorgasbord implies, there’s something for everyone ~ health, food, books, music, humor, life in general. And now, over to Sally to tell you about her new book … 

Sally Cronin

What’s in a Name is a collection of short stories across two volumes, about the influence our given names can have on our lives. Those names may have previously belonged to the famous and brave, a loved family member, or picked out of a hat by our parents. But they all have one thing in common. They are with us from birth until the grave and they are how we are remembered by those we meet.

What's in a Name Vols. 1 & 2 by Sally Cronin

Buy the book HERE

Both these short story collections have been brought together in one print copy. Currently available only in the UK and Ireland. Both volumes are available separately in eBook version.

What’s in a Name Volume One

What's in a Name Vol. 1 by Sally Cronin

Buy the book here:  Amazon UK  Amazon US

There are names that have been passed down through thousands of years which have powerful and deep-rooted meaning to their bearers. Other names have been adopted from other languages, cultures and from the big screen. They all have one thing in common. They are with us from birth until the grave and they are how we are known to everyone that we meet.

There are classical names such as Adam, David and Sarah that will grace millions of babies in the future. There are also names that parents have invented or borrowed from places or events in their lives which may last just one lifetime or may become the classic names of tomorrow.  

What’s in a Name Volume Two

What's in a Name Vol. 2 by Sally Cronin

Buy the book here:  Amazon UK  Amazon US

Our legacy is not always about money or fame, but rather in the way that people remember our name after we have gone. In these sixteen short stories we discover the reasons why special men and women will stay in the hearts and minds of those who have met them. Romance, revenge and sacrifice all play their part in the lives of these characters.

Kenneth watches the love of his life dance on New Year’s Eve while Lily plants very special flowers every spring for her father. Martha helps out a work colleague as Norman steps back out into the world to make a difference. Owen brings light into a house and Patrick risks his life in the skies over Britain and holds back from telling a beautiful redhead that he loves her.

In one way or another all these characters will be remembered by those whose lives they have touched.

One of the reviews for Volume Two of What’s in a Name

One of my most FAVORITE reads of 2017 By Carmen Stefanescu on September 5, 2017

It is the first fiction book written by Sally Cronin that I’ve had the opportunity to read. I was drawn into What’s in a Name collection and went on reading until the last story was done. I would call most of them “tales with a twist.” I really did enjoy this book…you may need some tissue at times. You will love the unexpected and won’t think to put the book down. I found it hard to put down

The motives and emotions of the characters in all of the stories were well defined and expressed. I really liked the fact that each story came to a satisfying ending and the next story quickly engaged me with the new people and place. It’s undoubtedly one of my most FAVORITE reads of 2017, in my TOP 5. Sally Cronin creates stories that will keep you flipping pages and loving it!

I won’t tell you what they are about because being short stories I would reveal important details and I want other readers to live themselves the emotions I experienced. What I can tell you is that each story is as touching and compelling as the next one. The thread that links them all stories or characters is sacrifice and romance. Children, parents, lovers, life being lived.

These stories are for me like a fragrant flowers bouquet, each flower having its own special color and scent.

If you are short on time, What’s in a Name allows you to read something start to finish, which I love. Great for airplanes or a one hour mental break, beside being just great for personal “escape from the world.”

Also by Sally Cronin

Books by Sally Cronin

All books available at  Amazon US  and  Amazon UK
About Sally Cronin

I have been a storyteller most of my life (my mother called them fibs!). Poetry, song lyrics and short stories were left behind when work and life intruded, but that all changed in 1996. My first book Size Matters was a health and weight loss book based on my own experiences of losing 70kilo. I have written another ten books since then on health and also fiction including three collections of short stories. I am an indie author and proud to be one. My greatest pleasure comes from those readers who enjoy my take on health, characters and twisted endings… and of course come back for more.

Learn more about Sally:  Blog   Goodreads   Twitter  Facebook   Amazon US   Amazon UK 

58 thoughts on “#BookRelease: What’s in a Name? Vols. 1 and 2 by Sally Cronin ~ Print Version”

  1. Sally, congratulations on the release of the print version of these two volumes…I’ve always been fascinated how names seem to ‘match’ the person and how accurately it becomes them. This sounds like a wonderful anthology and I’m taken by the lovely review…compelling in itself. A book I want to read soon!

    Tina, Many thanks for sharing Sally’s news on your blog and wishing you both a very special Sunday! 😀❤️

    Liked by 3 people

  2. HI Tina, this is a great hello for Sally’s print version of the two volumes. I have a copy and must say the printer did a beautiful job. It really is one to treasure.

    Liked by 2 people

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