A Tanka Picture Book by Annette Rochelle Aben

Tanka from the Bottom of my Heart

Annette Rochelle Aben‘s newest release, A Tanka Picture Book, has just hit the Amazon shelves! This little book is a treasure trove of inspiration that I had the honor of reading before publication.

Read my 5-star review HERE

It gives me great pleasure to share Annette’s post announcing the release of her new book ❤

Well, I have been wanting to do this for quite sometime and FINALLY I have accomplished something very special.  Announcing the release of my latest book!


A Tanka Picture Book by Annette Rochelle Aben

Life is alive with poetry; all the sights, sounds and smells. Blend it all together in your mind and you will begin to sing songs in your heart. You deserve a reason to smile, to feel good while pondering the magic of your world. You are closer than you think.

Open, A Tanka Picture Book! Consider the story each picture shares through its visual. Enjoy how each is enhanced with a tanka poem. Engage your senses while on a journey of passionate creativity. To feel the excitement found in even the simplest of sights is why A Tanka Picture Book was created.

Tanka is a form of traditional Japanese lyric poetry that uses 31 syllables . . .

Continue Reading . . . 

Source: Tanka from the Bottom of my Heart | Annette Rochelle Aben

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