Tina Frisco - Author

New #Reviews for My Books

It’s always a joy to receive positive reviews for our work. When they arrive during the Holiday Season, it feels as if they come gift-wrapped. I featured recent reviews of my books a few weeks ago, and would like to share the new ones by Gwen PlanoJacqui Murray, and Janice Spina. Do visit their blogs and spread a little holiday cheer 🙂 

Plateau: Beyond the Trees 

PLATEAU by Tina FriscoBuy HERE 
A book for readers on a quest   5 Stars 
by Gwendolyn Plano on December 16, 2017 
Author Tina Frisco shares wisdom through a fictional account involving a tribe that resides on a plateau. The chapters begin with a reflection, which perfectly guides the reader through the chapter. The messages throughout are loving, instructive, and freeing. The big issues of life are addressed in story fashion, and though very spiritual, the content is not confined by religious demarcations. This is a book that is meant to reach anyone on a quest, anyone interested in why we are here in this life now.
Gwendolyn M. PlanoGwen Plano:  Blog   Amazon US   Amazon UK


Gabby and the Quads  

Gabby and the Quads by Tina FriswcoBuy HERE
A Lovely Story about Love and Acceptance!
by Jjspina on December 14, 2017   5 Stars
This is a lovely story about a little girl, Gabby, and how she accepts her new baby brothers and sister (quads) with love and care. She never felt neglected and unloved because of the exceptional parents she has who introduced the new bundles of joy in a way that made Gabby an important part of the family.
They gave Gabby the opportunity to help care for her siblings and be the Binky Boss when it came to replacing the binkies in each baby’s mouth when they were lost. She learned how to feed them a bottle and snuggled up to them.
It’s a wonderful way for children who are the only child to learn how to accept a new sibling. The author tells the story in a loving and sensitive way making children feel comfortable when a new sibling is expected into the family.
The illustrations are well done showing just how talented this illustrator is. They match each page perfectly depicting this beautiful family in a realistic way.
Janice SpinaJanice Spina:  Blog   Amazon US   Amazon UK  
There really must be a sequel to this book!   5 Stars 
by Jacqui Murray VINE VOICE on December 18, 2017 
Tina Frisco’s Gabby and the Quads (2014) is delightful. Through an artful mix of pictures and words, we meet young Gabby, soon-to-be big sister to four brand new babies. We experience her pre-Quad life as she plays with her dog, enjoys her hobbies, and lives the life as an only child who is the center of her parent’s universe. As we travel with Gabby, Frisco wisely (and lightly) touches on important topics for a child like riding a bike with a helmet and swimming safely. She also poses questions like Can you snap your fingers? This made the story interactive and a way for parent and child to bond or a teacher to reach out to her class when one of her students is about to get four siblings overnight. I can only imagine a roomful of children finger-snapping as the teacher watches!
Highly recommended for both prospective parents of quads and any parents as a way to address a young child’s concerns about new siblings in the house. 
Jacqui MurrayJacqui Murray:  Blog   Amazon US   Amazon UK   


Thank you for stopping by and sharing in my good news!
May your Holidays be bright and your New Year, blessed ❤  

39 thoughts on “New #Reviews for My Books”

  1. I am so happy to see such wonderful reviews for your books Tina. I’ve read them all and can easily understand how anyone who reads any one of them would love them. So well deserved! ❤ xx

    Liked by 3 people

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