D.G. Kaye, Author

Follow your Passion, Inspirational Guest Post by Tina Frisco

I’m always thrilled when a fellow author asks me to be a guest on their blog. When Debby Gies, aka author D.G. Kaye, invited me to write a post for the holidays, I happily agreed. Debby released her newest memoir, Twenty Years: After “I Do,” in late November 2017. I have read a few of her superb books and look forward to reading her latest.
Debby is a friend, sister, and confidante. I want to thank her for featuring me on her blog, and I’d like to share my guest post with you now.
Thanks so much for stopping by

D.G. Kaye, Author

Today I’m delighted to have Tina Frisco share one of her inspirational posts with us. I think we can all feel that the world is in a tailspin, changing many aspects of life that we may have previously just taken in stride. But it’s a powerful change and Tina’s post is a good reminder to acknowledge, stand up and be counted and heard. Like Tina says:
“Now is the time to release old habits and beliefs, open our hearts and minds to infinite possibility, and accept the miraculous life awaiting our participation. It is time to follow our passion and create the world in which we want to live.”

Follow Your Passion

Lucie Stastkova
Image is courtesy of Lucie Stastkova

(For the purpose of this article, passion is defined as a fervid and compelling desire to create that which serves the common good.)

A new Mayan Long Count Calendar began on 22 December 2012. For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle, each being 144,000 days in length.

This new cycle ushered in The Golden Age of Enlightenment, an era of heightened energy awareness that commands our attention and demands our presence. It beckons us to open our hearts and see with our inner eyes. It stimulates us to create and share our light with the world. It insists we focus our intention on being and doing only that which serves the common good.

The effect of this new energy is evidenced in the global call for peace we now experience. The old patriarchal world order is dying; and as with any entity facing imminent death, it is rearing its head and digging in its heels for a last stand. We must not align ourselves with its push for continued existence, for it no longer serves. Its time has come to an end. We must align ourselves with the quickening vibration of Mother Earth. Now is the time to release old habits and beliefs, open our hearts and minds to infinite possibility, and accept the miraculous life awaiting our participation. It is time to follow our passion and create the world in which we want to live.

Upon opening our minds and hearts to this new energy, we are guided to identify that which no longer serves, give thanks for all it provided, and then send it on its way. We are moved to. . .

Continue reading . . . 

Source: Follow your Passion, Inspirational Guest Post by Tina Frisco

33 thoughts on “Follow your Passion, Inspirational Guest Post by Tina Frisco”

  1. Great post, Tina. I did read it over on Debby’s blog, but it’s worth reading again. I particularly like the thought of passion being a “desire to create that which serves the common good”. It is good to focus on the positive ahead; yes, acknowledge where we’ve come from, then let it go. Thank you for the reminder.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. We create every day. We can’t help but create. Getting out of bed in the morning is an act of creation. As is deciding what we are going to do that day. Deciding to have ice cream for dessert instead of cake is an act of creation. Moment to moment, we are creating the lives we are going to live on any particular day. Then to put icing on the cake, so to speak, we may write a book, compose a song, write a sonnet, or maybe blow up the world. Yes, even destroying the earth is an act of creation. When it’s gone, you’ve created a new universe — one minus the planet earth.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. You’re welcome, Tina. That’s what I do. I pontificate and share my knowledge with you lesser mortals. It’s a responsibility that I bear with a grimace. When one knows a much as I do, then it’s incumbent on one to educate the masses … or at least try to.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I read this post on Debbie’s site, but reading it again brings that rush of positive energy and inspiration right back. Beautiful, Tina. I loved what Andrew said about creating. That’s breaking it down to the simplest of actions. Love all of this! Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. That was a great guest post, Tina, and you reminded me with your Mayan calendar reference to get back to reading Plateau! I hope to have some down time while we are in Hawaii next week and hoping not to work on my new class too much (except on the plane flights). Hugs to you girlfriend!

    Liked by 1 person

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