Sally Cronin

Smorgasbord Invitation – Most Viewed Author Interview – Tina Frisco with a book reading. | Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life

I was very surprised to learn that my interview was the most viewed on Sally Cronin‘s 2017 Author Book Reading and Interview series on her BLOG. I’m grateful to Sally for her abiding support of authors, and to all of you who read and commented on my interview. Thank you so much

Sally Cronin

I was thrilled to have so many of you over for the Sunday Interview series .. and this year it was the Author Book Reading and Interview.. My first guest was Tina Frisco and the post is still being…

Sally Cronin

Welcome to the series that is connected to Sally’s Cafe and Bookstore. After setting the cafe up last year I intend now to use as the focal point for all book promotions here on Smorgasbord. Once in the cafe, authors can be updated in the twice weekly posts with their new releases and also excellent reviews… but they can now also do a book reading and interview as they might do in a real bookstore.

I can think of no better author to kicke this new series off than Tina Frisco who is so supportive of all who follow her blog and on social media.  She is a friend, confidente and at times our conscience. Multi-talented with a deep understanding about all aspects of humanity, Tina is an example to us all of how we should treat people and animals.

This is intended to be an interactive interview with you the reader and it would be wonderful if you could therefore ask Tina your questions in the comments section. Tina will respond to those over the next couple of days.

Tina Frisco

First something about Tina Frisco

Tina Frisco is an author, singer-songwriter, RN, activist, and student of shamanism. Born in Pennsylvania USA, she attended nursing school in New York and lives in California. She began writing as a young child and received her first guitar at age 14, which launched her passion for music and songwriting. She has performed publicly in many different venues. Her publishing history includes book reviews; essays; articles in the field of medicine; her début novel, PLATEAU; her children’s book, GABBY AND THE QUADS; and her latest novel, VAMPYRIE. She enjoys writing, reading, music, dancing, arts and crafts, exploring nature, and frequently getting lost in working crossword puzzles.

Vampyrie: Origin of the Vampire

Welcome Tina and thank you so much for starting off this new series.

If one of your books was selected to be made into a film; who would you like to play your main character and why?

If my latest novel, Vampyrie, were made into a film, I’d want Julia Stiles to play Phoebe Delaney. She’s a strong dramatic as well as comedic actor, two qualities most evident in Phoebe.

Although Ms. Stiles is a bit older than Ms. Delaney, she has a youthful appearance. However, she’d have to be willing to dye her hair red and wear green contact lenses!

Changing the appearance of a novel’s protagonist in a script for the performing arts somehow invalidates the work for me. This was done when The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown was brought to the big screen, and I spent a good third of the film trying to reconcile the novel’s protagonist with the one before me in the theatre.

My second choice to play Phoebe Delaney would be Molly C. Quinn who played Alexis in the TV series, Castle.

Which four famous guests would you ask to a dinner party and why?

Tina Turner – American-born recording artist, dancer, actress, and author. Music and strong female energy are vital to the survival of humankind. Tina Turner is the epitome of a strong female and dynamic performing artist.

The Dalai Lama – Tibetan holy man and government leader. The world is in dire need of a formidable and compassionate spiritual presence exemplifying nonviolence and absolute awareness.

Woman Chief – warrior and chief of the Crow people. The energy of the Earth is female. As patriarchal dominance comes to an end, strong female guidance is the imperative for transitioning into the Golden Age of Enlightenment.

Oscar Wilde – Irish playwright, novelist, essayist, and poet known for his ostentatious dress, brilliant conversation, and biting wit. Humor is to thriving what breathing is to life.

These four would make for some lively dinner conversation, don’t you think?

If you were offered three wishes to change the world, what would they be?

Continue reading . . .

Source: Smorgasbord Invitation – Most Viewed Author Interview – Tina Frisco with a book reading. | Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life

33 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Invitation – Most Viewed Author Interview – Tina Frisco with a book reading. | Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life”

  1. Congratulations Tina.. and deserving too.. Sally supports so many, And I am thrilled you came out on top Tina.. Sending continued well wishes for 2018 in all of your writings skills..
    Love and Blessings my friend.. Sue xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats on this “viewage” and the awesomeness that you bring to all of us. I loved reading about which book you’d select to become a film, and the people you’d have over for dinner. That’s all so wonderful to read and give us all a glimpse into your beautiful heart. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well done, hopefully you will get your first choice to play Phoebe someday, that would be worth looking forward to.

    Best of luck with the book, I hope it does really well for you x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Excellent feature—- Congrats, dear Tina!. I have always admired Oscar Wilde, so I was delighted to see that you have chosen him to take you out for dinner…
    I hope you have a great 2018, sending love ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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