Reblog: On Facing Death

Author and blogger Karen Ingalls featured my article On Facing Death last week, and I’d like to share this with you now. Karen has received several awards for her blog, as well as for her book, Outshine: An Ovarian Cancer Memoir.

Visit Karen’s blog HERE

Outshine by Karen Ingalls

Buy Karen’s books HERE

Many thanks to Karen for sharing my article. Please visit her blog, comment and share. Thank you for stopping by ❤️


My mother faced death many times and had three near-death experiences. She said, “There is nothing about death to fear.” In the last year I have had several friends and a family member pass away. It is always difficult for those of us left behind, but I am at peace knowing that they are free of pain.

In our society we tend to not talk about our own mortality, but it is a reality. I believe the more we have dialogue about our individual beliefs, questions, or fears the healthier we each will be living for whatever time we have on earth.  (Karen Ingalls)

Tina Frisco - author picture

It is my pleasure and privilege to welcome Tina Frisco, author, blogger, singer-songwriter, RN, activist, who daily deals with a chronic illness. Death is a difficult thing to face, but Tina puts a different face on it.

On Facing Death

Facing death is a life-changing experience and one that most of us fear. The first time I faced this monster, I paced and cried, ranted and cursed its arrogance. The second time, I tightened my mid-section and refused to acknowledge it; but I couldn’t sleep. The third time, I took in a deep breath, sat down, and closed my eyes. In a flash, I saw myriad lifetimes pass before me – incarnations I was fortunate to have lived.

What is it about physical death that throws so many of us into a tailspin of grief, anger, and denial? Is it not knowing whether life continues beyond the body? Is it not knowing what awaits us on the other side? Is it not wanting to leave the glorious sensations afforded us on the physical plane? Whether or not we believe in an afterlife, death is often viewed as The Grim Reaper.

Not believing in life after death implies that spirit – the dynamic force animating us – dies with the physical body. But that scenario begs the question: Where did spirit come from in the first place? It can’t be traced scientifically in the same way we trace a being from zygote to birth. So is spirit a mere product or side effect of brainwaves and a heartbeat? In contrast, believing in life after death is based solely on faith. Or is it?

Continue reading…

35 thoughts on “Reblog: On Facing Death”

  1. Tina, you can’t imagine (or probably you can) how comforting this article is. I want to see what you did–previous lives flashing before my eyes, knowing that a physical end has nothing to do with my essence. I do believe in life after death, have heard the arguments you mention, and am now off to read the rest of your post.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Tina, I think we in the West are some of the people least likely to ever discuss death, ones own or loved ones mortality. It is an oblique distant possibility … that hits with gut wrenching shock… I’m heading over to Read the rest of your post. Xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A beautiful post, Tina. I love the grace with which you address this topic that most people find so uncomfortable. I love the way you define soul and spirit and our corporeal classroom. We are all sojourners, and though I claim no insights into what happens next, I too believe there is nothing to fear. Thanks for the lovely thoughts. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love this! Congrats on getting featured by another author, too. Death is not a word we like to use in US (or Western) society. But it’s important to talk about it. Last November, I did 30 days of “death meditation” that helped me to improve my own perspective on it. In any case, it’s always wonderful to stop by and take in the incredible scenery (metaphorically and literally) when I’m here. Sending you hugs, love, and light on this Sunday. 🙂

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    1. Thank you, Cynthia. Thirty days of ‘death meditation’ is quite an accomplishment. Kudos to you for undertaking this challenge and seeing it through. Takes a strong will and determination to do so. Love and blessings to you, my friend ❤️


  5. Wow, Tina, that is a powerful blog post. I see what you mean about your question of where did the spirit come from to begin with as part of the argument for the existence of an afterlife. I like to think there is a place with God that we go to after our physical bodies take their final breath… And so the breath of spirit continues, I think… Thank you for such a beautiful post. Karen is an inspiring ovarian cancer advocate so it’s nice to see you there xo

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  6. Terrific post Tina and addresses so many of the fears that people have. I was holding the hand of both my parents when they died and there was a definite physical change in that moment, as if an essence had left along with their last breath. I have experienced being at the point of no return once and since then have not feared death, but like most, it is the ‘how’ of dying that is the main concern. Which is why I hope when my time comes I can choose to end my life with dignity. I did try to leave a comment on Karen’s post but unfortunately I could not get out of the road sign verification….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Sally. Watching the spirit leave the body is an ethereal experience that can instill hope for an afterlife. How fortunate that you were able to be with your parents when they left this world. Focus your intention to choose the elements of your death and dying, and you will make it so ❤️

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  7. Interesting post, Tina. There is definitely more for us to know that we can possibly learn in one lifetime. We know this one will end soon enough, we just don’t know when, where or how. May your journey be long and happy.

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  8. I can connect with your thoughts Tina…death does scare us the first time we encounter it. This monster left me shattered with unanswered questions when I was just 12, having snatched my dad suddenly, without a day’s warning. When it attacks in such a way, you lose all faith and so did I. Nothing mattered to me after her onslaught and I grew up to be fearless, challenging each belief and ever ready to face all challenges. Death tried to scare me later too, personally but now it couldn’t. I have learnt to accept it and would welcome it now with more dignity.

    I am not sure about life after death as I couldn’t be convinced by the beliefs and even if it is there, it is meaningless as we are not aware of our earlier life! 🙂 Thanks for a thoughtful post.

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    1. So sorry you had this frightening encounter at such an early age, Balroop. From what you say, it seems to have made you strong. I choose to believe in life eternal for the spirit, as I know of no other way to explain where spirit came from to animate the physical body in the first place. Thank you for your thoughtful comment, my friend ❤️

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