Mountain Mahogany in Bloom~

Cindy Knoke has such an astute eye for the exquisite. Here, she shows us blooming mountain Mahogany that grows only in the Western US & Mexico. Visit her blog to see more stunning photographs taken during her travels…

Cindy Knoke

Mahogany blooming in the High Sierra,
with sailor seeds,

ready to fly to their new home.

Blooming in high altitude
they blanket hillsides
with seeds like summer snow~
Cheers to you from blooming Mahogany that grows only in the Western US & Mexico~

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5 thoughts on “Mountain Mahogany in Bloom~”

    1. The High Sierra are breathtaking, Deb. When hiking there once, I met a little chipmunk who helped herself to all the nuts out of my trail mix bag. She ran across the trail to where I was sitting, waited for me to invite her, and then stuffed her cheeks full of nuts and ran back across the trail and disappeared behind a tree. She repeated this 3 or 4 times until all the nuts were gone. She was adorable, and I’ll never forget her… xxx

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