Tag Archives: Travel

Book promotion, Free book, Have Bags Will Travel, memoir, humor, D.G. Kaye

Author D.G. Kaye has put her book, Have Bags Will Travel, on promotion for FREE from November 28th through December 2nd! The winter holiday season is a time when so many travel, and this would be the perfect book to stash in one’s carry-on to read along the way …


Source: Book promotion, Free book, Have Bags Will Travel, memoir, humor, D.G. Kaye

In honor of the upcoming travel season, I’ve decided to put my book, Have Bags, Will Travel on promotion for FREE, starting today November 28th through December 2nd! The book will be available Free to all countries and I am putting up The Universal Link Herethat will take you directly to the Amazon book page of your country to download it.

If you haven’t read this little travel log and memoir of mine, please feel free to download your copy today. It seems that based on some of the reviews I’ve received on this book, people have been reading it on airplanes while traveling, so I thought it would be a good time to give some free copies away for the holiday season.

Have Bags, Will Travel D.G. Kaye

Get This Book FREE on Amazon November 28th through December 2nd. 


D.G. Kaye is back, and as she reflects on some of her more memorable vacations and travel snags, she finds herself constantly struggling to keep one step ahead of the ever-changing guidelines of the airlines–with her overweight luggage in tow. Her stories alert us to some of the pitfalls of being an obsessive shopper, especially when it comes time for D.G. to bring her treasures home, and remind us of the simpler days when traveling was a breeze.

In her quest to keep from tipping the scales, D.G. strives to devise new tricks to fit everything in her suitcases on each trip. Why is she consistently a target for Canada customs on her return journeys?

D.G.’s witty tales take us from airports, to travel escapades with best friends, to reflections on how time can change the places we hold dear in our hearts. Her memories will entertain and have you reminiscing about some of your own most treasured journeys–and perhaps make you contemplate revamping your packing strategies.

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Mountain Mahogany in Bloom~

Cindy Knoke has such an astute eye for the exquisite. Here, she shows us blooming mountain Mahogany that grows only in the Western US & Mexico. Visit her blog to see more stunning photographs taken during her travels…

Cindy Knoke

Mahogany blooming in the High Sierra,
with sailor seeds,

ready to fly to their new home.

Blooming in high altitude
they blanket hillsides
with seeds like summer snow~
Cheers to you from blooming Mahogany that grows only in the Western US & Mexico~

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