BOOK REVIEW – Resolution: Huck Finn’s Greatest Adventure by Andrew Joyce

book-andrew-resolutionI am a big fan of Andrew Joyce’s work, and I’m here to tell you that he’s done it again! Like the author’s first two books – Redemption and Molly Lee – Resolution: Huck Finn’s Greatest Adventure is packed with excitement, humor, adversarial encounters, treacherous experiences, and yes, exhilarating adventure.

Set in the late eighteen hundreds against the backdrop of the Yukon Territory gold strike, Huck Finn asks Molly Lee to go with him to Alaska.

“I’m not quite sure what will be waiting for us when we get there, but that’s why I want to go; to experience new things, new sensations, in a new land. I want to go to where there isn’t another person for hundreds of miles.”

Little did Huck know that he would soon wish to see a human face – any human face, regardless of persuasion.

Huck and Molly leave Tom Sawyer and his lady friend, Mary, in Redemption and sail up the Pacific coast to Juneau. Wily Huck and beguiling Molly extract all the information they need from unsuspecting locals and set out for what they think might be a little gold panning along the way.

But like a collapsing house of cards, one misadventure leads to another and they find themselves dog-sledding across the Yukon tundra in order to reunite a young and newly three-legged miner with his very pregnant wife hundreds of miles away. Through blinding blizzards and seventy-below-freezing temperatures, they battle the elements and myriad antagonistic life forms – human and otherwise – to make good on their promise.

This book kept me on the edge of my seat. I have a brilliant imagination yet was challenged by anticipating what might come next. I read the 351-page book in one day; couldn’t put it down. And in my neck of the woods, Huck Finn, that’s the mark of an outstanding story.



Andrew lives on a boat with his pal Danny the Dog, who does his best to keep Andrew in line ~ that is, of course, unless turkey slices are on the menu 😊








Andrew’s links:  Website    Amazon    Twitter    Facebook    LinkedIn

24 thoughts on “BOOK REVIEW – Resolution: Huck Finn’s Greatest Adventure by Andrew Joyce”

  1. Andrew wanted me to thank you for the nice review. But I was coming over anyway to thank you for mentioning me. However, I think you could have put my picture at the top of the post. As you know, Andrew is superfluous to Yours Truly. I keep him around just for laughs and turkey slices.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Point taken, Danny. When The Danny the Dog Diaries is published, I promise to have your picture top, front, and center. But you better get a move on; there are no computers over The Rainbow Bridge 🙂


  2. Danny told me he left a comment here, but I don’t see it. Just like him to con me outta a turkey slice. Anyway, I asked him to thank you for the nice review. But I reckon I’ll have to do it myself. So . . . thank you, Tina.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks, Tina. A fantastic review. I’ve been intrigued by this series for a while but haven’t yet managed to read any of the books (love Huck and Tom so I should try harder). Now I want to read them even more. (And I’ve wanted to visit Alaska for quite a while too)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Same here, Olga. Alaska has intrigued me ever since the TV series Northern Exposure. You’ll love Andrew’s books — well-developed characters, humor, adventure, and a writing style that draws you in and holds your interest 🙂


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