Loneliness – Guest Post…

In solitude, some experience loneliness ~ feeling that no one cares ~ while others experience it as merely being alone. Felicity Sidnell is a guest on The Story Reading Ape’s blog today and asks a compelling question: “Why is it then that we seem to have lost sight of the importance of independence and privacy and no longer regard solitude as something that nurtures self-reliance?” Food for thought…

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog


We fear loneliness, so we’re often frightened of being alone and place little value on solitude these days. Many people seem to feel singleness is a parlous state to be criticised or regretted, though so many people live alone these days. We live in a world that is becoming more and more intrusive and the intrusion more acceptable. The ease with which we can connect with family and friends tends to increase our dependency on others. Everywhere we look, people are hugging their phones to their ears or texting a message to someone, clinging to their instrument, as though it will allow them to actually touch the correspondent.

LonelyBut are we depriving our children of the opportunity to be independent and enjoy their own company? Previous generations of children were usually expected to play with the other children on the street or amuse themselves with their siblings or on their…

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10 thoughts on “Loneliness – Guest Post…”

  1. Such a great post with so much truth. There is indeed a vast difference between being lonely and being alone. We can be in a room full of people, yet still feel alone, yet be on our own in our own contentment without feeling lonely. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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