Author Sally Cronin

#Author Interview: SallyCronin

Sally CroninSally Cronin is a prolific author and blogger, a nutritional therapist, an ardent supporter of indie authors, and has worked on radio and Internet television as producer and presenter. She is originally from England but has lived and worked all over the World. Her books can be purchased through Amazon US, Amazon UK, and Moyhill Publishing. I’m thrilled to feature her as my guest today, as we celebrate the launch of her new book.


Books by Sally CroninBuy Sally’s books HERE and HERE

Welcome, Sally!
Thank you so much, Tina, for this lovely invitation to join you today. I am only sorry it is not in person, but perhaps that might happen this year.
I’m hoping we’ll meet up at the Bloggers Bash, Sally. Keeping my fingers crossed. In the meantime . . .  


Tell us a little about yourself.  I am a 64-year-old explorer. I What's n a Name? by Sally Croninhave done the tough bits on the knees climbing mountains in reality and have climbed a few metaphorical ones too. Great life, wonderful people and a sense that there is always something more to come. Adore reading and writing and cannot imagine doing anything else. I have been married to David for 37 years. He is my partner in life and in my work. He makes me laugh, likes the same movies that I do, loves books and keeps me grounded. Can’t ask for more than that.

What is the title and genre of your latest book? Who published it? We have just published What’s in a Name, which is the first volume of 20 short stories that feature men and women in alphabetical order. One for Anne and one for Alexander. The first volume goes up to the letter J and includes tales of loss, murder, revenge, romance, rebirth and a couple of ghosts. Something for everyone I hope. I am self-published under our own label, Moyhill Publishing.

Tales from the GardenYou have written in several different genres. What motivates you to write?  I believe that I have always been a good communicator. My mother tells me I was talking out of turn at a very early age! Most of my jobs relied on good communication, both oral and written, especially when managing large teams. I was writing songs and poems from the age of ten or eleven, which coincided with my thirst for reading; not just fiction but also non-fiction books, particularly about animals and adventure. That balance of the two crept into my writing and motivates me to share subjects of interest to me, as well as ones that are a product of my imagination.

How do you write – outline or free flow?  Both I would think. For my novels, I would outline the chapters and what I am planning to cover in each of them, and then flesh out the characters and the major events and locations etc. For my short stories, I tend to write them in my head first; and when I have them more or less complete, I sit down and put them on paper. I may make a change as it flows, but invariably it stays true to the image in my head.

How do you schedule your time between writing and keeping yourTurning Back the Clock physical life together?  Both David and I are what some might call workaholics. When we went freelance 15 years ago, we had to put the hours in across our various projects to make ends meet. Neither of us has ever been a 9-to-5 person. But lines have to be drawn to avoid being in a stressed environment. I have worked out strategies that work for me with regard to combining an active online routine and my own projects. But we take healthy breaks during the day for exercise and meals, and if something slips by . . . Well, it is not life threatening.

What fostered your love of animals?  Growing up, we either had a cat or a dog. I have been on the receiving end of their unconditional love since then. This includes my own dogs and cats who have shared my home in the last forty years. I have had three Rough Collies – Sasha, Sabre and Sam – and several feral cats who have adopted me. Once you have experienced that kind of unconditional devotion, it becomes impossible not to love and respect all animal life.

Just an Odd Job GirlWhat inspires you most in life?  You made me think quite a bit about this, Tina.

I am not really motivated by money as long as the bills are paid and there is some left over to buy books, movies, the odd trip out for a meal; oh, and a little retail therapy from time to time.

I think what inspires me most are the people around me who smile at my writing or are moved by it. The feedback I receive online and in person motivates me to do more and to do it better.

Have you ever had a paranormal experience?  I have had several strange encounters. When I was a young manager of a steak house, I used to do a stock take late Sunday nights to reconcile meals sold and remaining stock. I would go through the bars and kitchen and basement storage and then to an attic room to do the figures. I would be sitting there for about ten minutes when the hair on the back of my neck would stand on end and I would feel that someone was looking at me intensely. I found out from one of our oldest regulars that the first owner of this big Victorian house had starved Size Mattershis wife to death in the attic. There have been a couple of other incidents; stories for another time.

Aside from your lovely eclectic blog, what are your plans for 2017?
I am planning on doing more reading and have freed up time at the weekend to do so. It is my first love, even before writing. And last year, with our move and work on the house, everything took a back seat. I also want to get another four books finished that are sitting in my files glaring at me; two nonfiction and two fiction. I think that will keep me out of mischief for the time being. Well, perhaps not!

Thank you so much, Tina, for allowing me to share the things I love doing with you and your readers. I value your incredible friendship beyond measure.  
You’re most welcome, Sally. It’s been a pleasure having you as my guest. We’ve learned a little more about you, which always delights fellow authors, as we tend to have an insatiable curiosity about the face behind the name on the books we love to read. I treasure your friendship and am blessed to have you in my life.  

Connect with Sally:  Blog   Facebook   Twitter   LinkedIn   Amazon US   Amazon UK   Moyhill Publishing

I hope you enjoyed learning more about Sally, her writing process, and her books. Please visit her sites, like and share.
Thank you so much for stopping by  


106 thoughts on “#Author Interview: SallyCronin”

  1. Reblogged this on mira prabhu and commented:
    Sally Cronin speaks to Tina Frisco – both are deep and wonderful women who blog and write and support other indie authors generously and intelligently…read on for more. : “Sally Cronin is a prolific author and blogger, a nutritional therapist, and has worked on radio and Internet television as producer and presenter. She is originally from England but has lived and worked all over the World. Her books can be purchased through Amazon US, Amazon UK, and Moyhill Publishing. I’m thrilled to feature her as my guest today, as we celebrate the launch of her new book.” Congratulations Sally!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Reblogged with the following message, Tina: Sally Cronin speaks to Tina Frisco – both are deep and wonderful women who blog and write and support other indie authors generously and intelligently…read on for more. : “Sally Cronin is a prolific author and blogger, a nutritional therapist, and has worked on radio and Internet television as producer and presenter. She is originally from England but has lived and worked all over the World. Her books can be purchased through Amazon US, Amazon UK, and Moyhill Publishing. I’m thrilled to feature her as my guest today, as we celebrate the launch of her new book.” Congratulations Sally!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. What a lovely interview ladies. I really don’t know how Sally finds the time to do everything she does. She is such a support to us all and is a wonderful author as well!
    That supernatural story gave me the shivers too!!! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  4. It is nice to hear from Sally, benevolence personified…who is always talking about others’ work. Thank you Tina for this wonderful post and letting us know more about her. What delights me is that she is inspired by people around her…no wonder she is always spreading positive vibes amongst us! 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  5. This is a great – between each line the friendship and regard you have for each other shines through. It is not so much an interview as listening in on to two old friends chattering at the next table in a cafe. Both guilty and delicious. You know you shouldn’t but you just can’t stop! And really why the heck should you! Thoroughly enjoyed every word of it. A lovely and enlightening conversation. Thanks

    Liked by 3 people

  6. A lovely interview by two lovely ladies! It is always so fascinating to read what lies beneath the creativity of an author and to read about their own backstories! Well-done, my friend! And I really hope you can all meet at the BB! (I’ll just stow away in your bag, LOL!)

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Wonderful interview Tina, so good to get to know a little more about you Sally! I was particularly spooked by your ‘visitation’ in the attic! You are braver than me, I would have run a mile! I still don’t know how you do it though…I am glad to know you take time to do your favourite things too, as well as working so hard! Thanks so much Tina for shining your limelight on Sally… love & hugs to you both 🙂 ❤ :

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Thank goodness this interview was reblogged by more than a few – nudging me to *finally* get over to read it. It is inspirational to see the generous support of the writing community – a model for the world.

    Although I follow both of you, I am always curious about the people behind the blogs, so anything I learn is always eagerly read (eventually ::grin::). The two of you did a wonderful job. Thank you – and congrats, Sally, on the new book.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
    ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
    “It takes a village to transform a world!”

    Liked by 1 person

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