Meet Guest Author Andrea Torrey Balsara…

Andrea Torrey Balsara is a mother, author, wife, beekeeper, and survivor. A guest on The Story Reading Ape, she speaks with candor about the scars left and challenges posed by childhood sexual abuse. Her willingness to bare her soul is to be commended, as her voice serves to validate and encourage the untold many who suffer in silence…

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

I feel like an imposter. Even after 47 years, the feeling that I have a secret to hide has never left.

At 5 I was targeted by a man posing as a good church member in my grandparent’s church and was molested. As anyone who’s gone through this knows, it doesn’t matter how many years pass, the hurt and self-blame is imprinted on your soul. When that happened, part of the internal clock inside me stopped at 5. As I grew, I experienced trauma for different reasons, at different ages, my internal clock stopping each time. I went through all of the teen angst you could dream up, complete with stammer, a blush that a beet would envy, and breaking out in a full-body sweat if anyone looked at me. I found my “safe place” where I hid, out in the open, on the stage. I was certain I would…

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18 thoughts on “Meet Guest Author Andrea Torrey Balsara…”

  1. Thanks for sharing, Tina. People often comment when they hear about the ill health both my sons have experienced, that I have had a hard time. When I read a story like this one, I thank God for my blessings. There is always someone with a more desperate story that puts your own into perspective. BTW, I love your morning glories – beautiful.

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    1. You’re welcome, Robbie, and thank you for sharing. Like you, whenever I’m having a rough time, I think of all for which I’m grateful. It’s amazing how quickly perspective can change for the better. So glad you enjoyed Lucie’s beautiful flowers ❤

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  2. A wonderful share T. Thanks for sharing Andrea’s story here. It’s sad to find that so many of us have been abused or neglected as children, the scars always remain no matter how far we come. Andrea’s story, although sad, is empowering because no matter what she carries, she’s acknowledged and gone forward and found happiness in her life. Amen to that! ❤

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    1. You’re welcome, Deb. As someone who has been through this nightmare of a wringer, you know firsthand the benefits of acknowledging and moving on. I admire both you and Andrea for publicly sharing your harrowing experiences, which could have devastated you for life had you not taken the reins. My shaman teacher calls it being in the jaguar seat. Instead of denying the presence of the jaguar, you take a rein in each hand and ride, making it’s power work for you. Hugs, my empowered friend ❤

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      1. Wow, thanks for sharing that empowering story from the shaman. Now I’m going to have to think of myself as a jaguar! We either ride the tide or get left behind T. I know so many who were left behind so I’m so grateful for how far I’ve brought myself. ❤ xoxo

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