Annette Rochelle Aben

#ShiningLight Annette Rochelle Aben

Annette Rochelle AbenAnnette Rochelle Aben is a shining light in the world. I’ve had the pleasure of several conversations with her, and the most striking thing I’ve learned is that she walks her talk. Her Angel Messages, Inspirations, and Attitude of Gratitude posts are spoken from her heart. She is the real deal. 

If you’re not familiar with Annette and her work, you will find her HERE and HERE. Listen to her Blog TalkRadio shows for an infusion of support and enthusiasm as The Magic Happens. 

This week on her blog, Annette posted two public messages: an apology to herself and a letter to her ex-husband. Both embody understanding, compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness. It is with a grateful heart that I share them with you now.

A Public Apology to Myself

A Public Apology to Myself

A Public Letter to My ExHusband

A Public Letter to My ExHusband

51 thoughts on “#ShiningLight Annette Rochelle Aben”

  1. Tina, I am crying so hard right now, that I have trouble seeing the keyboard. Reading your kind, supportive, encouraging words here touched the part of me that never believed that anyone would have something so nice to say about me. God Bless your friendship and love. ❤

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    1. Annette, my friend, I hope your essence has taken that disbelieving part of yourself in its arms and shown her the mirror that reflects your beauty. My love and friendship have always been yours and are unwavering. Feel a big hug, dear heart ❤

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      1. I’m a phone call away. Friends prop up their friends when needed. You’ve done that for me. Let your healing love for others turn inward today. You deserve it. ❤

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  2. Two important shares here from Annete, T. Indeed, forgiveness for self is something we’re all trying to learn, and forgiveness for those who’ve wronged us, again, needs time to pass before we can process, register and view clearly once out of the box. ❤ xo

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  3. Lovely tribute to a friend, Tina. Sounds like Annette has been through more than her fair share of hard times, and yet she is one of the most positive people I know! Wish I could be a bit more like her. 😊

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