Sally Cronin

Smorgasbord Posts from Your Archives – When I Am Not Enough…by Tina Frisco

SALLY CRONIN consistently offers free promotional opportunities on her blog. I recently contributed four articles to her series, Posts from Your Archives.  If you would like to join in, Sally gives directions at the end of each post.
Sharing thoughts and feelings with so many lovely bloggers was a  wonderful experience. Today I’m sharing the fourth and final article I contributed. Find the first three here: 
Problem, Lesson or Opportunity?
Rejection: The Ultimate Teacher
What Is Success?
I’m grateful to Sally for her abiding generosity and for inviting me to participate ❤
*************  Sally Cronin

Welcome to the series where you can share four of your links from your archives here on my blog to a new audience. Perhaps posts that you wrote at the beginning of your blogging experience that deserve another showcase. If you have book promotion posts then please contact me separately for other options. Details of how to get in touch with me at the end of the post.

In the last in Tina Frisco’s series of four posts, she takes us through the process of how we can be our own worst enemies when it comes to putting ourselves down. We all know how negative words can be harmful when used to communicate with others but when we turn them inwards we can do long-term damage to our own belief in who we are.

When I Am Not Enough…by Tina Frisco

Image courtesy of Lucie Stastkova

Throughout our lives, we hear ourselves say:  ‘I’m not that good!’  ‘I’ll never make it.’  ‘I wish I could write that well.’  ‘If only I had said. . .’

Words are powerful. Energy follows thought. The words we speak to ourselves drive our subconscious minds. Diminishing thoughts tell the subconscious we are not enough.

The subconscious mind is self-serving. Its mission is to fulfill our every desire, and it sets in motion the means by which to do so. It takes our words at face value and strives to manifest what they represent. It assumes that what we think and say is what we hope and dream.

How often have we heard ourselves utter, ‘Did I say that’? Unless we are channeling spirit, the mouth speaks what the subconscious mind thinks. If thought rests in the conscious mind, we are aware of it and can choose whether or not to give it a voice. If thought rests in the subconscious mind, we might find ourselves surprised by our own words.

Negative off-hand remarks might seem benign, but they are potent energy viruses that infect the subconscious mind through repetition; repetition which, over time, becomes emphatic. The virulence of this self-denial is potentiated by the subterranean stream of thought that mirrors the spoken word and continues feeding the subconscious. The subconscious then compels us to speak what it believes to be our truth.

This might seem like a vicious cycle that can’t be broken; yet anything is possible, because nothing is set in stone. Even dense matter can be converted to energy.

The way out is the way in.

If we wish to realize our full potential, we need to become witness to ourselves. We must remain alert to and aware of all we manifest in word and deed. And we must do this without judgment.

Labels proclaim. Proclamation reinforces. Reinforcement cements. Cement imprisons.

Your mind is a powerful thing. When you filter it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change. –Buddha

Image courtesy of Lucie Stastkova

In order to build who we wish to be, we first need to become the unbiased observer and witness all we say and do. Notice the patterns. Write them down. Pay attention to the frequency in time and space, i.e., how often we repeat and how much mind space we give these cemented beliefs. This process enlightens us to the being we think we are. It moves the subconscious into the realm of the conscious. Once we become aware of our self-talk, we can make change for the better.

Continue reading … 

Source: Smorgasbord Posts from Your Archives – When I Am Not Enough…by Tina Frisco | Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life

35 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Posts from Your Archives – When I Am Not Enough…by Tina Frisco”

  1. I very much agree with this, Tina. It is very difficult sometimes to take that next step due to those negative feelings. But if we want to succeed, we must. Take a deep breath, take one step, and then another. Keep going until you achieve your goals, that’s how it’s always been done.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Positive self talk and our perceptions of ourselves are so critical to happiness! Too often we let others or our own negative perceptions rob us of our joy. This is just not acceptable. Glad to read this post, Miss Tina through Sally’s gracious sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely post, Tina. It’s amazing how often the solution to what feels wrong on the outside is found inside. I left a message on Sally’s site too, so won’t repeat myself. I do love getting to read all these posts from the archives. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I agree with every word you say Tina…positive thoughts are powerful enough to boost our confidence, reenergise us into action and keep toxic people away. Gentle self-talk can deal with negativity but we do need reminders to face every challenge. All four articles that you have shared show how many gems are hidden in your archives. 🙂 Keep inspiring dear friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Dear Tina, a delight to read in full over at Sally’s and I will leave here what I left there my friend . Much love to you and have a beautiful peaceful Week
    ~~~ ❤
    This is such a wise post and beautifully written Tina, And thank you for sharing it Sally..

    Tina you are so right, so often we end up self-sabotaging ourselves as we talk ourselves out of things, using our doubt of self to dominate our inner chatter..
    So many times I can relate to having those inner conversations..
    Learning to alter our mindset and our perspectives is an ongoing process I so agree, It does indeed take great practice and patience as we learn to focus our intent.. And learn that what we focus upon is what we are creating..
    So being mindful of our thoughts is the first step for often what we wish for is what we may end up getting. And that too goes for the intention we focus upon for the things we don't want to show up also.. If our thoughts are more focused upon those they are manifested with our intent..

    It is not an instant fix.. It has taken me years to shed my inbuilt layers of programmes I have carried with me, I am sure through life times..

    But when we come to this magnificent perception, and truly do begin to love ourselves, then a whole new world of BEing comes into our reality..

    Many thanks Tina.. Always a pleasure to read your heartfelt truth my friend.. And It is so good to also feel confirmation of the path I too am on right now

    Love and Blessings
    Sue ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you so much for visiting both sites, dear Sue. And thank you again for sharing a piece of your journey. I, too, will repeat the comment I left on Sally’s blog, for the benefit of our readers. Love and blessings to you, sweet friend ❤❤❤

    We often get discouraged when seeing ourselves backslide, forgetting that one step back allows us to see how far we have come. As you say, learning to love ourselves opens the door to a new and magnificent perception. It also brings like-minded people into our lives ~ people like you, dear Sue ~ who validate our paths and support us with warmth and love ❤


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