Tina Frisco - Author

New #Reviews for My Books

Receiving reviews for our books is thrilling. As many of you know, writing a book is a labor of love that can be grueling. When someone takes the time not only to read our books, but also to review them, we see the value of our writing and reap its benefits.
Over the past few months, two of my books received 5-star reviews. I’d like to share them with you and spotlight the kind folks who wrote them.

Vampyrie: Origin of the Vampire

Vampyrie by Tina Frisco

A different kind of vampire story  5 Stars
By DGKaye on August 16, 2017

A brilliant theory that Frisco brings to this story – good vs. bad (rogue) vampires and a story that takes us through fast-paced action with the protagonist, the impetuous Phoebe who finds herself abducted by a vampire in the beginning of this curious tale.

Although the story revolves around the theme of vampires, the story is a twist on the vampire theory, bringing unpredictable action with the characters who find themselves entangled in this alternative world of secret vampires.

Throughout the story we’ll find ourselves wondering why Phoebe’s father kept their vampire history secret, and why did her mother mysteriously disappear out of her life when Phoebe was a young child. But the events that follow the story keep us engaged and waiting to find out about – The Origin of the Vampyrie and how all the characters involved came to be part of the Vampyrie circle. Through this journey Phoebe discovers who she really is as we watch her grow through the learning process.

This book is far from the average vampire story containing blood and gore, but a delight to read with Frisco’s quick witted writing and her uncanny knack to be able to insert love and compassion even in a story about vampire lore. A recommended read.

D.G. Kaye Writer

Debby Gies aka D.G. Kaye just released her latest memoir, Twenty Years: After “I Do.” I recently featured Debby’s book launch on my blog. You can read it HERE.

Twenty Years: After "I Do" by D.G. Kaye

Connect with Debby on her Website and social networks:
Website  Facebook   Twitter   Goodreads  LinkedIn  Google+   Pinterest   StumbleUpon   Instagram  About.Me 
Find Debby’s books on Amazon US and Amazon UK  

Plateau: Beyond the Trees
PLATEAU by Tina Frisco

Colleen Chesebro and Madelyn Griffith-Hayne wrote fabulous reviews for Plateau that I featured in October. You can read them HERE.
The most recent review for Plateau is by Diana Peach. Diana is an outstanding writer, and I’m so appreciative of this lovely holiday gift.
Illuminating Read  5 Stars

This is an unusual and gentle book geared toward readers looking for a story that illuminates ancient and universal wisdom about love, kindness, generosity, peace, courage, life, and death. The story follows W’Hyani, a young woman who resides with her tribe on a plateau beyond the trees, separated from modern society. The youth of the tribe learn from their elders, and their lessons are derived from life close to the Earth.

Each chapter starts with a reading from Lynn V. Andrews Power Deck, a 45-card deck offering affirmations and meditations geared toward reclaiming one’s personal power. The reading sets the tone as well as indicates the lesson the character learns in the chapter’s action. In this way, each chapter is a parable in addition to part of the larger story.

Frisco provides lovely detail into the characters themselves, as well as their way of life, the nature of their relationships, their challenges, and the tribe’s rituals. The content by nature is spiritual and uplifting without being heavy-handed or religious, and the lessons along the way feel completely natural in the context, while relatable to everyday modern life.

The story is told in an omniscient point of view, pacing is steady, and the characters are well-drawn. This isn’t a long book and can easily be read in one sitting, but I savored it over a week. Either way, an enjoyable journey.

D. Wallace Peach

Connect with Diana on her Website and social networks:  Website   Facebook   Twitter   Goodreads  LinkedIn   Google+
Find Diana’s books on Amazon US and Amazon UK  
Myths of the Mirror by D. Wallace Peach
I’m so grateful for these wonderful reviews.
Thank you for reading and sharing in my good news!
Namaste, my friends 

50 thoughts on “New #Reviews for My Books”

  1. Loved seeing Diana’s review of Plateau (with which I agree, of course), and Deb’s review makes me eager to read Vampyrie, which I just downloaded. Well deserved reflections on your wonderful writing and creative view of the world.

    I also want to thank you for linking to “Menage A Moi” (my humorous “About”) rather than my dry-as-dust informational home page – LOL. MUCH appreciated.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
    ADD/EFD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
    “It takes a village to transform a world!

    Liked by 2 people

          1. You’re welcome, Tina. I love your come-from as well as your writing. Your comments got spammed??? Oh nooooooooooo!

            Since I get so MUCH spam (well over a million to date, according to Akismet’s spam counter on my sidebar), I can rarely justify the 45 minutes or more it sometimes takes to dig through the trash to see if anybody needs unspamming — especially since I hardly EVER find more than one or two legit comments. PLUS, I now have to approve them ALL before they show up on the site to avoid having to delete all those spammers after the fact.

            Once I’ve caught up with comments languishing while I’ve been under the weather I’ll dig through the trash for a quick 15 minutes, but if I don’t find your comments and respond it may be because the spam trash that contained them may have already been dumped.

            I hope you can understand — I’d NEVER dump you on purpose, but I need to reserve *some* time to take care of my puppy (waiting patiently right NOW to go outside).

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Is your spam filter set to Strict, Madelyn? Before I tightened my spam filter, I used to get tons of spam. Now I get very little. In case you don’t know where this is located, go to Settings → Discussion → Akismet anti-spam strictness. I do understand about prioritizing how we spend our time, so no worries. I mentioned this only because I didn’t want you to think I wasn’t visiting/commenting ❤


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